Friday, March 18, 2016

BMW switches focus to technology use – Administrators

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presented model in BMW’s centennial celebration event

the BMW announced that it will focus on electric cars and autonomous direction and development of software and technology services as part of a new strategy of the centuries-old carmaker.


The emergence of rivals that include urban transport company Uber and Google, which developed its own car that needs no driver, made the BMW rethink its traditional strategy of selling large luxury vehicles.


“We are leading the BMW for a new era,” he said Chief Executive Officer Harald Krueger told reporters during an interview on the annual results of the brand.


“To achieve this we need to invest in innovative technologies, extensive connectivity and zero emission mobility. All of this will need to be industrialized in a sustainable manner, what is another big challenge,” he added.


The BMW Group aims to achieve a profit margin before tax of 10 percent between 2017 and 2020 and will invest in digital connectivity, autonomous cars and business development including motorcycles and financial services.


The BMW said it will devote to the development of businesses including digital maps of high resolution, sensor technology, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.


The company will also encourage services that include charging stations for electric vehicles and software to help drivers find parking spaces.

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