Tuesday, December 2, 2014

“The development of artificial intelligence can mean the end of … – TeK.sapo

“The developing full of artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race.” The warning is given by the theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking during a BBC interview on the evolution of AI systems, such as communication tool that the scientist currently uses.

The new system was developed by Intel in partnership with members of Swiftkey, one of the most recognized intelligently written applications. Stephen Hawking believes that currently there are basic artificial intelligence mechanisms, but these can quickly make up a real threat to humans.

“It would evolve on its own against [artificial intelligence] and redesign to an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by a slow biological evolution, could not compete and would be supplanted, “detailed the theoretical.

“fears” raised by Stephen Hawking arrive shortly after another prominent figure, Elon Musk, entrepreneur in the area of ​​new technologies also have shown great concern about artificial intelligence.

The BBC also heard an expert in robotics, the founder of Cleverbot, who tried to put some reason this scaremongering. “We can not really know what will happen if a machine supplant our intelligence, so we do not know if we will be infinitely helped by it, ignored by her and part of placed, or whether we will conceivably destroyed by it,” analyzed Rollo Carpenter.

Now Stephen Hawking considers that there are other areas in addition to the AI, which requires attention and dedication, one of the Internet.

“More needs to be done by Internet companies to combat threats, but the harder it is to do this without sacrificing the freedom and privacy,” analyzed the theoretical physicist.

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