Friday, December 19, 2014

FBI confirms hackers connection Sony to North Korea – publico







The US President, Barack Obama, confirmed on Friday that North Korea was responsible for the computer attack on Sony Pictures and even said that the studio made “a mistake” to suspend The Interview , the satire in the center of the threats of hackers . And he promised: “We will respond proportionately and in a place and at a time we choose.”


At a press conference that began with a swing of the President about the year 2014 to the US in various quarters, the diplomatic to domestic issues, and continued on the new US relations with Cuba, the first question Obama was about to attack hacking Sony Pictures – an unprecedented act against a company in the US and that led to the cancellation of the film whose premiere was scheduled for the Christmas Day in the USA (and to 29 January in Portugal). The attack revealed contents of tens of thousands of emails, freed strategic business information, films and scripts for the Internet as well as personal data of thousands of employees – all with the aim of preventing The Interview , an assassination attempt on the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was released.

And Obama was adamant to answer a question about whether the studio’s decision to withdraw the film was correct: “Sony is a company, suffered significant damage,” said the President US American, who expressed solidarity with the studio. “[But] yeah, I think they made a mistake.” “I wish you had spoken to me first. Have them would told not to enter a pattern in which are intimidated [an attack of this type]. “

” We can not have a society in which a dictator somewhere begins to impose censorship here in the US. Because if someone is able to intimidate people to prevent the release of a satirical film, imagine what they will do when a documentary they do not like, or reports that do not like, “said Barack Obama in the White House. Even alluded to the additional risk of this type of cyberterrorism lead to “self-censorship [by producers and distributors] because they do not want to offend the sensibilities of someone whose frank sensitivity and probably needs to be offended.”


later, a North Korean diplomat denied Reuters the involvement of the country in the attack, after, the 6th, the National Defense Commission North Korea have also denied responsibility for the cyber attacks, which still classified as a “righteous act”. The Interview was described by the North Korean regime, in a letter to UN Secretary-General in June, as “undisguised terrorism sponsorship, as well as an act of war.”

The head of the US State stressed: “We can not begin to change our patterns of behavior.” And cast: “North Korea has perpetrated this attack, which says something interesting about Korea North. “And recalled that at its origin is” a satirical movie with … Seth Rogen and James Franco. “” The notion that it was a threat to them gives us an idea of ​​what kind of regime we are talking about. Caused a lot of damage and we will respond. Respond proportionally in a place and at a time we choose. “

Obama warned of a reality in which the world is digitally connected and that such attacks can affect private and the public sector, describing the current situation” type the Wild West. “” And part of the problem is that we have weak states that can launch such attacks [also involved with agents not associated with countries], said the President.

FBI confirms North Korean authoring
On the afternoon of Friday, the FBI disclosed its findings of research that developed from day 1 – the attack began on 24 November and identified the North Korean Government as the author of the attack. “The technical analysis to malware [ software malicious] used in this attack revealed links to other malware the FBI know have been previously developed by North Korean agents “, it was said. The FBI said IP addresses still, tools and structural information associated to other previously identified attacks with Pyongyang.

Sorting the attack as “intimidation” aimed at “suppressing the right of American citizens to express themselves “and that caused damage to a company on American soil, the federal investigation agency says it will continue to work n one of the largest cyber attacks in business history motivated by a film about two reporters that the CIA hired to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. This Friday, government sources quoted by Reuters mention possible links China to this attack, but Obama denied the existence of evidence to that effect.




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