Monday, December 22, 2014

Fuel consumption rises 0.7% – Morning Post

 Photo CMTV

fuel sales rose 0.7% in the first eleven months of this year

22/12/2014 12:13

Fuel consumption rises 0.7%

According to TNGC, diesel fuel exceeded 5.1 million tons until the month of November.

 By Lusa

The diesel consumption increased by 1.3% through November compared to the same period previous year and is responsible for fuel sales upward trend over 2014, 0.7% in the first eleven months of this year.

According to the National Fuel Market Authority (TNGC) , diesel consumption exceeded 5.1 million tonnes by November, which represented an increase of 1.3% over the same period of 2013, the consumption of gasoline fell 3.3% and the diesel fell 2.3%.

The consumption of gasoline keeps the downward trend, with a reduction of 2.1% until November, to about 982 000 tonnes, according to the organization led by Paul Carmona.

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