Friday, December 19, 2014

Instagram has removed millions of fake profiles – Tech & Net


One of the constant battles of social networks is to deal with false profiles created often to make spam or to increase number of celebrity followers or marks, which causes a great inflation in the costs they are charging for carry advertising on their profiles.

This week the Instagram team held a “cleansing” total users they considered false or spam in an action that has been called Instagram Rapture. In short, many millions of users were eventually eliminated causing major disruptions in the amount of followers that several celebrities and famous brands had “raised” to date.

Almost ironic way, the account that ended up losing more followers was the main account of Instagram. More than 29% of his followers disappeared with this campaign which was carried out between Wednesday and Thursday, with the equivalent of 18.9 million users.

As mentioned many celebrities also saw their number of followers dramatically reduced. For example, the singer Justin Bieber lost 3.5 million followers (15%) and Kim Kardashian lost 1.3 million followers (5.5%)

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Currently, the major problem with this type of profile is not simply to show which brand or celebrity who has more followers and thus define its position in terms of popularity but large amounts of money that can be made through advertising campaigns. There is a large online black market for almost all social networks where they are sold thousands / millions of followers and for example in the case of Instagram, there April sites to sell 1 million followers by “only” $ 3.700.

“We are in complete agreement that is an uncomfortable event for users. But our main objective is to ensure that all the people that are following are really true. “Said Gabe Madway, representative of Instagram.

Madway also said that the vast majority of accounts that have now been eliminated already have been disabled for a long time and would have only now been deleted from the database of the social network.


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