Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Apple and Amazon. Microsoft allies in the legal battle against the … – iOnline

The legal battle began when Microsoft refused to give the US government information about its users allegedly stored in a database in Ireland. This dispute also already underway for several months. Microsoft will have even lost twice in court against the US government.

The challenge earned the Redmond company the support of other names in the industry including Apple and Amazon, as well as 20 other companies that support the technology giant’s position.

At issue is the gray area in which the provision of data to the US government still remains – an area that is not yet properly regulated, or rather, the current legislation does not take into account the protection the private information of users of these companies. What, in view of Brad Smith, Microsoft’s general counsel, cause distrust the company’s clients.

What also motivated this defense seems to have been the fact that these demands were related to data stored abroad – and that the US law requiring companies if there is a search warrant, available such data, a Microsoft legal action allowed counteract this request. Which means that the

warrant has not been issued.

“Everyone wants to have their rights protected under the law of their country,” said Smith. “Try to tell an American that their rights will no longer be protected by the Constitution, but that will be safeguarded by the Irish, Chinese or Brazilian law.”

The purpose of this challenge is to motivate the US government to listen to technology companies and to negotiate with them measures that serve all stakeholders, in particular the data providers.



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