Saturday, December 27, 2014

Grândola chamber will sterilize stray cats Trojan – publico





Grândola House will move in early 2015 with a sterilization program for stray cats, the Troia peninsula, to keep the number of animals controlled and reduce pest fleas in the summer, said on Friday the municipal veterinarian.


                         The population of cats “feral” in that area of ​​Grândola municipality, in the district of Setúbal, is not quantified. However, said the agency Lusa the municipal veterinarian, Pedro Sobral, responsible for the planned intervention, the situation “is not problematic.”

The city intends to use the sterilization program , do the “reproductive control” of animals and this is the “perfect time to do the surgery,” due to the reduction of air temperature, said the vet. Pedro Sobral stressed that cats represent not a “danger”, but there are advantages to this intervention, such as reducing pest fleas and ticks in the summer.

The initiative involves the capture of cats using traps – consisting of boxes with food inside and close to the animal inside – and a surgical intervention in the collected animals, which are then released to the area where they were. The municipal veterinarian did not indicate a date for the completion of the program, but said that may be held “four or five sterilizations per week.”

The program will take place in conjunction with a group of citizens interested in the situation of the animals, whose initiative led to the intervention of the local authority, said Pedro Sobral. For José Hidalgo, one of the elements of this

group, “the only way” to control the cat population is through a capture program, sterilization and return, that “all parties” to cooperate. So “regrets” that the Troia Resort, tourist resort installed in Troy, demonstrate “indifference” about the situation.

José Fidalgo and the woman moving up a few years ago, “all weekends, “ New to Troy Pine, about 100 kms each way, to feed the cats. This is an “obligation of every citizen”, they say. Together with others, have promoted sterilization “of more than a dozen cats” and provided treatment to sick animals.

According to José Fidalgo, “have always been cats in Troy” and there was a time where the population was “completely uncontrolled.” However, the action of volunteers and mortality of a large number of animals, due to various fcatores led to decreased colony.

In the Trojan resort area should be present according to the estimation of volunteers feeding between 30 and 40 animals. José Fidalgo says, being fed, the animals “not upset anyone” and remain “further away” the tourist resort. For this reason “expects” that those responsible Trojan Resort “reconsider” and “join” the program.

Contacted by Lusa, the director general of Troy Resort, John Wood, called the colony of cats as “a public health issue that concerns” the company. “We are following closely [the issue] because of its effects on Troy in quality of life, whether for its visitors, both for its residents,” he said, congratulating the Municipality of Sines “by the measures envisaged”. John Wood also considered “extremely important” the contribution of the group of citizens dealing with animals.



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