Friday, December 19, 2014

Now you can explore distant cities only with a smartphone and a … – Daily News – Lisbon

Google Cardboard is, as the name implies, a card box which fits a smartphone . With it, you can enter a world of virtual reality for which more and more applications are developed. Now, the Google Street View joins the list, allowing users of Cardboard see the world without leaving the room.

The device, which costs 13 euros or can even be done at home, is a cardboard box which abuts the eye and other virtual reality devices, and was considered by some as the low-cost alternative Google the Oculus Rift. Works with any smartphone that fits in Cardboard.

 You can explore distant cities only with a smartphone and a cardboard box

       Photography © Google

To explore cities and

other locations that are available in Street View, simply snap smartphone on Cardboard, open the Google Maps mobile application, and then choose the “Look Around “as the very Google explains in a brief statement on Tuesday.

There are already other virtual reality applications that fit the Google Cardboard, as is the application of case Paul McCartney , which allows the user to experiment, to 360 degrees, as would pass a song in a Paul McCartney concert sitting right next to the piano.


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