Thursday, December 18, 2014

And the scientific breakthrough of the year was … – TVI24

- A series of articles about how dinosaurs evolved to become birds.

– An investigation showed that the blood of a young mouse can rejuvenate the muscles and brain older mice, which led to clinical trials in humans with Alzheimer’s disease.

– robot teams that collaborate to get a job without the supervision of humans.

– The development led by IBM computer chips that mimic the architecture of a human brain.

– New forms of growth of cells that resemble beta cells which produce insulin in the pancreas, which can be a new route for the study of diabetes.

– The discovery that Indonesian cave paintings, which were thought to be 10,000 years, after all have between 35,000 and 40,000 years.

– Advances in handling the memories of mice using optogenetics, or light beams.

– Cheap

Satellites with sides ten centimeters, called CubeSats, we were greeted by his foray into “real science.”

– The engineering bacteria E. synthetic glue with two additional nucleotides X – and Y – in addition to normal G, T, C and A which comprise the building blocks of DNA.


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