Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Social Security published list of workers placed in … – Economic



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Africa Race 2015 (1ªE): Bored Tire penalizes Elisabete Jacinto – Multisport

Elisabete Jacinto - Africa Eco Race 2015 - Stage 1 The OLEOBAN® training reached, due to this situation, the sixth position of the truck category and the 12th place of the joint classification auto / truck, having spent 1h51m56s to meet the special of 117 km that called Nador to Errachidia.

The selective section, consisting of rough gravel tracks and much, proved to be very difficult for the Portuguese trio.

This first stage was difficult. Although not long, the route was full of stone and navigation had to be done very carefully and attentively. There are many pitfalls along the way and any devolution could jeopardize all our performance. The hole we had in the early stage made us lose about 10 minutes and ended up being overtaken by some

trucks, including KAMAZ who left behind us , “said Elisabete Jacinto.

After all, we realize that we are still at the beginning and a lot can happen. Our expectations remain high and we will work hard to achieve another podium in this race “added the driver.

Tomorrow is fulfilled the second stage of the Africa Eco Race 2015 which will take place between Errachidia and Tangounite. This region of Morocco is known for being very traditional in terms of their cultural customs and is common to find women dressed in black and with a covered face.

The selective sector will have 377 kilometers and will consist of a large variety of terrain, one of the highlights of the day crossing the Oued Draa.


The New Year’s nightmare Queen Letizia: ex-husband threat … – Observer

Discreet. This is how one can describe the writer and literature professor who was once, the first husband of the Queen of Spain. The relationship between the two lasted about a decade, but the marriage did not survive one year and three months of a life in common. Despite being the holder of a story that still arouses the curiosity of third parties, Alonso Guerrero always chose to be outside the media circuit and keep the romance with Letizia details for you. So far. It tells the Vanitatis Spanish that silence may be about to be broken given a possible book by Guerrero

Coinciding with the launch of the new literary work of Guerrero -. “Un día sin comienzo” – the purpose of the terrorist attacks that the March 11, 2004 shook the neighboring country, the ex-husband of Queen gave an interview to digital portal Asturias24 in which states that its relationship with the monarch now already be “reflected” on paper. More did not say and the matter was put on hold. If the claimed design followed forward, Alonso join cousin went to his ex-wife, David Rocasolano, author of “Adiós, Princess.”

Although Guerrero have a small participation in the Spanish press , the same can not be said of the foreign. Was protagonist of the Portuguese magazine Flash on two separate occasions in November 2012 and last May, when the kings of Spain completed ten years of marriage. On both occasions the writer was quoted talking about the subject: “I do not want to talk about it. It is a chapter of

my life that I’m over “

At the same magazine reported some of the proposals that came to receive in time:. From 500,000 euros for a wedding photography to 40 thousand euros for an image where appear next to Letizia, and a higher amount to 200 thousand euros for the transfer of audiovisual content on the marriage ceremony. Letizia Ortiz and Alonso Guerrero married to October 8, 1998 in Almendralejo, in Extremadura, in a civil ceremony officiated by Manuel Jesús Morán.

The El Mundo was in May of this year, high praise to the teacher literature and the current husband of the queen. “If there is a virtue that the Crown [Spanish] should especially appreciate the [then] Princess of Asturias is your common sense when choosing a mate. Discretion and loyalty (…) that the two most important men in her life have kept the image of Doña Letizia over the years is invaluable. “


New housing for disabled credit scheme is coming – News Minute to

The new housing for people with disabilities credit scheme comes into force on January 1, Thursday, today reminded the Bank of Portugal (BoP) in a statement published on its website.

You can access the new regime “natural persons over 18 years and a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% and wishing to hire a loan to permanent housing”, says the central bank .

can also access this credit scheme individuals who have acquired a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% at a later stage than taking out a loan to permanent housing.

The law establishes an autonomous system for the granting of mortgage loans to people with disabilities and provides for a subsidized interest rate, provided that the conditions of access to the scheme.

One of the conditions refers to the borrowed amount not in 2015 exceed 190 000 euro, and this amount is updated annually according to the consumer price index.

The maximum loan term in turn, can not exceed 50 years and the amount “may not exceed 90% of the appraised value of housing by the credit institution, or the cost of regular maintenance works, extraordinary or rehabilitation.”

The loan, also focuses on

the bop, “can not be intended for the purchase of property rising property or the person down” and “no household member can have another loan in subsidized credit scheme”.

The loans covered by this credit scheme benefit from a subsidy on the interest rate equal to the difference between the reference rate set by Ordinance No 502/2003 of 26 June (TRCB), and 65 % of the European Central Bank reference rate (ECB).

“If the contracted interest rate is lower than the TRCB, the bonus is calculated taking into account the difference between the contracted interest rate and 65% the ECB reference rate “, stresses the entity led by Carlos Costa.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elisabete Jacinto unlucky in the start of the Africa Eco Race – Record

Elisabete Jacinto, with a hole just to the kilometer 30, had a bad start in the rally all terrain Africa Eco Race, ranking in 12th place in the first stage, between Nador and Errachidia, Morocco.

The Portuguese driver, driving a MAN truck, is in 12th place overall, sixth in trucks, the 14:41 minutes of the leadership of Toyota Jacques Loomans, the fastest in the special of 117 kilometers .

The two bikers ” Portuguese in evidence are even further behind: Pedro Ribeiro (Yamaha) is in 24th, 1: 16:49 hours the first, and Sergio Castro (KTM) in 25, 1: 17:55.

First is the Norwegian Pal Anders Ullevalseter, with a KTM. Friday, the second stage connects to Errachidia Tagounite, already with 377 kilometers of special.

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Government gives adjustment period before plastic bags … – iOnline

The reform of green taxation provided that as of January 1 plastic bags started to be paid in supermarkets and other retail outlets. However, the government decided to postpone the implementation of the measure, thus making room for adjustment of customers and employees.

In practice each bag will now cost 10 cents, eight cents plus VAT of 23%. In the first phase will be disposed plastic bags purchased without fee, and then go to buy bags already through rate. According to the Minister of the Environment in Live Money statements, traders will have 44 days to transport the bags purchased at no charge, for after that date may shift to buy their suppliers bags already rate, that is also charged to their customers .

Have the carbon tax,

which is also part of the reform, had no time to tolerance. Thus, from January the fuel will be more expensive, with a projected increase of 1.5 cents per liter of gasoline.


Samsung announces new Galaxy Note LTE 4-A with Snapdragon 810 – Tech & Net


Only four months after the launch of the original Galaxy Note 4 Samsung recently announced a new enhanced version of its ” phablet “top of the range.

The new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 LTE-A is offering users the possibility to enjoy the connection LTE Advanced category 6 that achieves speeds up 300Mbps. This new technology can reach speeds through the combination of three frequency band into one.

This new Note 4 LTE-A is also prepared for future technological developments and to prevent it from becoming redundant in the near future, is also prepared to support LTE-A links of Grade 9, which allow speeds of up to 450Mbps


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But the improvements in this new edition of the Note 4 do not stop here, was also introduced a new Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 810 that will surely offer better performance than the previous Snapdragon 805.

The bad news comes when talking about his possible availability, because so far no LTE-A smartphone from Samsung has been marketed outside the Korean and so would not be surprising that the same happened to market Note the 4 LTE-A.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Buy online appliances has new rules – Journal SUN

Online stores are now required, from Thursday to present energy label with information on electricity consumption in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and televisions.

Consumers are already energy labels on equipment for sale and to rent in physical stores, but an EU directive comes extend this rule to the online stores in 2015, informed the Quercus.

The equipment is considered efficient when perform the same task with less energy consumption and the aim of this initiative is to reduce the electricity consumption in households and at the same time, reduce the bill to pay.

In the first phase, from 01 January, fall within the new models of washing machines and dishwashers, refrigeration appliances, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, televisions, lamps, lighting fixtures and air conditioners.

“Online sales have each more expression in the household market and therefore to the Quercus is very important this new requirement, which goes by the energy label also display the sites “that market these products, told Lusa Ana Rita Antunes agency, the Energy Group and . Climate Change of the environmental association

The Quercus technique explained:. “not enough to say what is the energy class, the display of the full label is also mandatory”

From April 2015, this obligation is extended to the ovens and hoods, and from September, water heaters and hot water tanks, and the space heaters.

The label shall be filed with the

price of the product and is recommended to be made available via a link, from an image of an arrow corresponding color to the energy efficiency class of the product as the record product, which must be “clearly visible and legible dimensions.”

In monitoring the application of the rules on energy behavior of the devices within the European project “Market Watch”, Quercus held consultations 10 online stores, mostly owned by large retail chains and found that only 3% of the products for sale meet the energy labeling requirements, although in 83% of the information to be made available were present.

The expectation of Quercus is that “with these new requirements, increased awareness of retailers to comply with the rules and that consumers have to choose all the necessary information to buy efficiency classes of products higher energy. “

Currently, among the appliances on the market, the best in terms of energy performance is A +++.

Lusa / SOL


Sheep will bring Wi-Fi to rural areas of the UK –


This idea is a researcher at the University of Lancaster and aims to bring the Wi-Fi network in rural areas of England.

Gordon Blair, university professor, aims to revolutionize the way people receive the Wi-Fi network at home, so you want to make the sheep Wi-Fi spread of instruments in rural areas of the UK.


project consists of necklaces implants with Wi-Fi sensors in the neck of the sheep, this sensors similar to those that already exist to monitor the animals, but that will have hotspots that will enable people living in areas where there is no internet coverage access to new technologies.

So far, the project already has a grant of 220,000 euros by the country’s Council of Engineering and Physics.


New housing for disabled Credit scheme comes into force … – publico





The Bank of Portugal (BoP) published on Monday in his sit, the new rules of subsidized home loans for people with disabilities, adopted in August, and entering into force on 1 January.


                         Law No. 64/2014, of 26 August, creates an autonomous system for the granting of mortgage loans to people with disabilities and provides for a subsidized interest rate, provided that the conditions of access are fulfilled.

“The new law does not establish the obligation of credit institutions to grant this type of credit, but provides the customer’s right to convert their loan to the new regime where the acquisition of the degree of disability less than 60% is after the conclusion of the mortgage loan contract, “the bop information, which is also available on the Bank Customer Website.

The transfer of a general scheme for credit loans to disabled can be made by customer request and where that satisfies all the conditions laid down in the law.

At disabled military continue to apply the conditions set for the workers of credit institutions , foreseen in the regime of Decree-Law No. 230/80 of 16 July. Can access this credit scheme individuals over 18 years and a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% and wishing to hire a loan to permanent housing.

can also access this regime credit individuals who have acquired a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% at a later stage than taking out a loan to permanent housing.

The scheme covers loans for acquisition, expansion, construction and carrying out conservation work or

permanent residence of improvement (including the acquisition of garage or parking place in collective garage);

They also include the purchase of land and construction of property for owner-occupied housing permanent (including building garage) and conducting regular maintenance work, extraordinary or rehabilitation in common parts of buildings intended for compliance with technical standards, required by law, to improve the accessibility of residential buildings, by owners of units, setting up their permanent residence, and whose responsibility is the co-owners.

Access to the new regime is still dependent on the fulfillment of various requirements, such as the loan amount can not, in 2015 exceed 190,000 euros (this value is updated annually according to the consumer price index);

The maximum loan term can not exceed 50 years and the loan amount not may exceed 90% of the appraised value of housing by the credit institution, or the cost of regular maintenance works, extraordinary or rehabilitation. Among other limitations is the sale of the property is not possible for a minimum period of five years.

One of the novelties of the new regime is the hiring of the borrower for life insurance no longer be legally binding.

The loans covered by the new law benefit from a subsidy on the interest rate equal to the difference between the reference rate defined by Ordinance No. 502/2003 of 26 June (TRCB) and 65% of the rate European Central Bank’s (ECB). If the contracted interest rate is lower than the TRCB, the bonus is calculated taking into account the difference between the contracted interest rate and 65% of the ECB reference rate.



Buy online appliances has new rules – Journal SUN

Online stores are now required, from Thursday to present energy label with information on electricity consumption in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and televisions.

Consumers are already energy labels on equipment for sale and to rent in physical stores, but an EU directive comes extend this rule to the online stores in 2015, informed the Quercus.

The equipment is considered efficient when perform the same task with less energy consumption and the aim of this initiative is to reduce the electricity consumption in households and at the same time, reduce the bill to pay.

In the first phase, from 01 January, fall within the new models of washing machines and dishwashers, refrigeration appliances, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, televisions, lamps, lighting fixtures and air conditioners.

“Online sales have each more expression in the household market and therefore to the Quercus is very important this new requirement, which goes by the energy label also display the sites “that market these products, told Lusa Ana Rita Antunes agency, the Energy Group and . Climate Change of the environmental association

The Quercus technique explained:. “not enough to say what is the energy class, the display of the full label is also mandatory”

From April 2015, this obligation is extended to the ovens and hoods, and from September, water heaters and hot water tanks, and the space heaters.

The label shall be filed with the

price of the product and is recommended to be made available via a link, from an image of an arrow corresponding color to the energy efficiency class of the product as the record product, which must be “clearly visible and legible dimensions.”

In monitoring the application of the rules on energy behavior of the devices within the European project “Market Watch”, Quercus held consultations 10 online stores, mostly owned by large retail chains and found that only 3% of the products for sale meet the energy labeling requirements, although in 83% of the information to be made available were present.

The expectation of Quercus is that “with these new requirements, increased awareness of retailers to comply with the rules and that consumers have to choose all the necessary information to buy efficiency classes of products higher energy. “

Currently, among the appliances on the market, the best in terms of energy performance is A +++.

Lusa / SOL


DolceGabbana. After all fashion is not only for new – iOnline

The Dolce & amp brand; Gabbana chose, again, senior models to be protagonists of the new Spring Summer collection 2015.

“The laughter of a woman of any age is synonymous with pure beauty “, highlights the luxury Italian brand in the legend of one of the images.

Dolce & amp; Gabbana wanted to break traditions and bet on senior models, rather than young and slim models. The brand believes that after all fashion can also be created and designed for those older. This is the basic philosophy of the campaign.

The protagonists this time are three elderly. Do not convey the sensuality that a young model could pass but still are the stars of the collection next year.

The models were dressed in Spanish-inspired, with clutches adorned the neck and flowered

crowns on their heads. The smile is a visible mark on all images.

The stars were photographed by Domenico Dolce and photos already run the world and are prominent international newspapers. The images of this campaign are now also on social networks.


Surface Pro 4 will come in two sizes and with lower price – MediaJuss

Microsoft prepares new version of the hybrid tablet to get ahead of the launch of the iPad Pro.

Microsoft is already preparing the next generation of its hybrid tablet, the Surface Pro 4.

According to rumors circulating on the Internet, the Redmond company will invest a model with two screen sizes and a lower price than at present.

It is unclear what the specifications are but it is almost certain that one of them will have a screen with 12 inches both of which come equipped with Windows operating system 10.

The intention is to anticipate the launch of the new iPad Pro from Apple that will also arrive in 2015 and that, on

current information, will bring that screen size.

Microsoft has had an aggressive marketing policy by publishing videos that shows the advantages of the Surface Pro 3 compared to the MacBook Air, including the fact that hybrid and can connect a keyboard and transforming it into a laptop computer.

Let’s wait for the beginning of the year to find out more news from the brand new tablet led by Satya Nadella.

Via Techienews


Lizard Squad now turns to the Tor – News Minute to

The group allegedly attacked the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live on the 25th, will now turn their attention to the anonymity allowed by the Tor service, says Gizmodo.

The group of hackers who took responsibility for disturbances experienced on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network on Christmas Day says he has a new target, Tor, a service that facilitates online anonymity.

Through Tor Relays, who uses this service has more guarantees that they will not be able to follow your online track. According to the Gizmodo site, referring to the Twitter page of the group of hackers, “only hackers, criminals and pedophiles use Tor”, have told the members of the Lizard Squad

For this reason -.

And despite the paradox is to see hackers who use the anonymity to criticize and attack a tool that facilitates this same anonymity – the Lizard Squad is trying to compromise the anonymity of Tor users



Skype for Android has serious bug that allows peer conversations – News Minute to

According to a report of TechTudo site, Skype application for android devices may have a security flaw that allows third spy on conversations that holds.


An editor Reddit forum this week exposed a flaw in Skype application. According to this user, the app will have a bug that allows access to the microphone and camera in any android device.

According to the TechTudo

site, failure now identified might even be exploited by a user with basic computer skills without the need extensive training to circumvent the security of Skype.

However, Microsoft has already contacted the ‘whistleblower’ and assured that will shortly present an update to fix this problem.


The Interview: a failed comedy that at least at risk – publico






If all had gone in conformity, The Interview would have premiered in the US on Christmas Day, would come to Portugal in late January with the title An Interview Crazy .


                          The mere fact that The Interview use as “villain” Kim Jong-un, the totalitarian leader of North Korea, already came to pay him more attention than usual. But nothing would predict that The Interview was erected the primary reason of an embarrassing pirateamento information systems from Sony Pictures, a diplomatic incident with the real North Korea and terrorist threats to American movie theaters (resulting in a “liberation” online already released the film worldwide). And precisely because it has become the “fulcrum” of a question of freedom of expression, it is impossible for The Interview will ever be able to be at the level of expectations.

At a time when the American comedy through to many observers (and especially those who still yearn for the impossible return of the era of gender gold) a small “desert” creative, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, Canadian double sponsored by Judd Apatow, have systematically tried to force their limits. His previous film, This is the end! has even become an example of what can be a comedy while in and out of contemporary pop-cultural codes, reinventing them while deconstructs.

The Interview follows this same

logic: Talking to play very serious things, giving a television presenter of trash TV (James Franco) the chance to interview the most dangerous dictator in the world. The Interview satirizes, above all, a society where Media and the very concept of journalism are constantly being manipulated. And do get your sincere message and idealistic something that we need to be aware of what happens around us through a series of basic and brejeiras jokes about sex, drugs and pop music.

So far so well, but The Interview has much less grace than the things that Rogen and Goldberg did before (with his script for Superbaldas to the head). Reasonably in point as satire of modern pop culture (Katy Perry and his Firework as “Esperanto” universal emotional), with some inspired moments as spy comedy (remember the old Get Smart Mel Brooks), The Interview sinks without ifs or buts when it wants to be serious.

And, worse, it crosses the line of bad taste when he plays with violence: it seems that Rogen and Goldberg want to emulate the Tarantino Inglourious Basterds or Django Freed in your sanguinolentamente fireworks end, but fail completely wild ironic tone. Like their heroes find themselves put in a plot that transcends also Rogen and Goldberg were left entangled in something that goes beyond that ends up playing against your movie.

It is worth quoting the Chaplin did with Hitler in the Great Dictator , there is no comparison. The Interview is a failed comedy, even more interesting than most of the current production plan. And has the merit of being a breath of fresh air in a Hollywood resigned conformism that survives the account franchises sterile. But this same merit makes it also moving target – to beat or to protect




Sunday, December 28, 2014

GNR Braga arrested 18 people and seized 2.6 kilograms of hashish … – publico





The GNR Braga held on Saturday 26 searches of premises in the districts of Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca, which led to the arrest of 18 people and the seizure of 2.6 kg of drug-nine weapons.


                          According to a statement from the GNR, the Territorial Command Braga GNR carried out the transaction between 5 am and 15:45, as part of “an investigation of narcotics trafficking offenses, receiving stolen goods and

possession of weapons prohibited. “

were arrested 18 people, including two women from 17 to 46 years, and were learned 1.6 kg of hashish (8000 individual doses) and one kilogram of marijuana.

The GNR Braga still seized six pistols, a revolver, two shotguns, about 2000 euros, pyrotechnics, counterfeit clothing, four plasmas, two motorcycles, several mobile phones, laptops and tablets and several chain saws, drills, grinders, welders and compressors.

According to the GNR, “most of the seized items resulted from several thefts in households in the areas of Braga, Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca. “



GNR Braga arrested 18 people and seized 2.6 kilograms of … – Porto Canal

Lisbon, December 27 (AP) – Braga GNR today held 26 house searches in the districts of Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca, which led to the arrest of 18 people and the seizure of 2.6 kilograms of drug-nine weapons.

According to a statement from the GNR, the Territorial Command Braga GNR performed the operation between 05:00 and 15:45, as part of “an investigation to crimes drug trafficking, recetação of stolen goods and possession of prohibited weapons. ”

were arrested 18 people, including two women from 17 to 46 years, and it was learned 1.6 kg of hashish (8,000 individual doses) and one kilogram of marijuana.

The GNR Braga still seized six pistols, a revolver, two shotguns, about 2,000 euros, pyrotechnics, counterfeit clothing, four plasmas, two motorcycles, various mobile phones, handheld computers and tablets and

several chain saws, drills, grinders, welders , compressors.

According to the GNR, “most of the seized items resulted from several thefts in households in the areas of Braga, Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca.”


Lusa / End


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Devices with USB 3.1 will arrive in the first half 2015 – MediaJuss

We will have faster data transfers with 10 Gbps, double the current USB 3.0.

Compatible devices with USB 3.1 will arrive in the first half of 2015.

Brands such as Microsoft, Intel and Apple have already given the go-ahead and that their computers or components come already with the port to enable faster data transfers with 10 Gbps, double the current USB 3.0.

Another novelty is that USB 3.1 will become compatible devices to work with

screens with resolutions up to 1080 pixels, including 4K.

One of the advantages to be expected is the introduction of reversible connector Type-C that does not require entering the cable only in a way, as is currently the case.

Via DigiTimes


GNR holds 18 people – The Ball

The Braga GNR arrested 18 people, including two women from 17 to 46 years, under 26 house searches carried out in the districts of Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca.

In addition, the military seized 1.6 kilograms of hashish, a pound of marijuana, six pistols, a revolver, two shotguns, two thousand euros, pyrotechnics, counterfeit clothing, four plasmas, two motorcycles, several phones , laptops and tablets and several chain saws, drills, grinders, welders, compressors.

According to the statement of the GNR, the Territorial Command Braga GNR performed the operation between 5 and 15:45 hours, “an investigation on drug trafficking crimes, recetação of stolen goods

and possession of weapons prohibited ‘.

“Most of the seized items resulted from several thefts in households in the areas of Braga, Braga, Vila Verde, Braga and Ponte da Barca,” the statement said.


Kodak will launch smartphones and tablets – Digital Journal

The devices will be manufactured in partnership with the British group Bullitt and no information on their specifications. In a statement, Kodak said only that the devices are intended for those who want a top notch experience but are not familiar with complicated devices.

The company said that the equipment will come with applications for image capture and management and sharing files. And that the devices will have a remote management software to allow friends and family to provide user support at a distance, if necessary




Grândola chamber will sterilize stray cats Trojan – publico





Grândola House will move in early 2015 with a sterilization program for stray cats, the Troia peninsula, to keep the number of animals controlled and reduce pest fleas in the summer, said on Friday the municipal veterinarian.


                         The population of cats “feral” in that area of ​​Grândola municipality, in the district of Setúbal, is not quantified. However, said the agency Lusa the municipal veterinarian, Pedro Sobral, responsible for the planned intervention, the situation “is not problematic.”

The city intends to use the sterilization program , do the “reproductive control” of animals and this is the “perfect time to do the surgery,” due to the reduction of air temperature, said the vet. Pedro Sobral stressed that cats represent not a “danger”, but there are advantages to this intervention, such as reducing pest fleas and ticks in the summer.

The initiative involves the capture of cats using traps – consisting of boxes with food inside and close to the animal inside – and a surgical intervention in the collected animals, which are then released to the area where they were. The municipal veterinarian did not indicate a date for the completion of the program, but said that may be held “four or five sterilizations per week.”

The program will take place in conjunction with a group of citizens interested in the situation of the animals, whose initiative led to the intervention of the local authority, said Pedro Sobral. For José Hidalgo, one of the elements of this

group, “the only way” to control the cat population is through a capture program, sterilization and return, that “all parties” to cooperate. So “regrets” that the Troia Resort, tourist resort installed in Troy, demonstrate “indifference” about the situation.

José Fidalgo and the woman moving up a few years ago, “all weekends, “ New to Troy Pine, about 100 kms each way, to feed the cats. This is an “obligation of every citizen”, they say. Together with others, have promoted sterilization “of more than a dozen cats” and provided treatment to sick animals.

According to José Fidalgo, “have always been cats in Troy” and there was a time where the population was “completely uncontrolled.” However, the action of volunteers and mortality of a large number of animals, due to various fcatores led to decreased colony.

In the Trojan resort area should be present according to the estimation of volunteers feeding between 30 and 40 animals. José Fidalgo says, being fed, the animals “not upset anyone” and remain “further away” the tourist resort. For this reason “expects” that those responsible Trojan Resort “reconsider” and “join” the program.

Contacted by Lusa, the director general of Troy Resort, John Wood, called the colony of cats as “a public health issue that concerns” the company. “We are following closely [the issue] because of its effects on Troy in quality of life, whether for its visitors, both for its residents,” he said, congratulating the Municipality of Sines “by the measures envisaged”. John Wood also considered “extremely important” the contribution of the group of citizens dealing with animals.

