Thursday, August 8, 2013

NASA publishes images of "planet color pink '- Digital Journal

NASA publishes images of “planet color pink»

08/08/2013 12:04:37

Washington – The North American Space Agency (NASA) published this Wednesday, August 7, pictures of the new planet discovered through infrared data from the Subaru telescope located in Hawaii.

The exoplanet (which is outside of our solar system), called ‘GJ 504B “and also known as” Planet Color Pink “(pictured), was detected at 57 light years of our system around the star ‘GJ 504′, similar to the Sun

Despite its size comparable to Jupiter and four times its mass, the “GJ 504B ‘is lower mass identified exoplanet directly orbiting a star like the Sun

Image credits:

(c) NNP Portuguese News Network

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