Monday, October 3, 2016

Program Windows Insider is 2 years with millions of testers – Follow

it Was 2 years ago with the presentation of Windows 10, Microsoft announced a new program with the objective of receiving feedback in advance, on the part of the users of the various builds before the release to the general public.

The program is present in 204 countries and has millions of testers that allow, you to Microsoft, the release of new builds more quickly than ever before.


When the program was launched in 2014 Microsoft is expected to raise between 250 thousand to 400 thousand testers, a number that, in March of the following year, had already been largely exceeded, with 2 million registered users, and that has continued to grow steadily, and a year after its launch, would be 7 million.

After many years developing an operating system in a closed manner, giving users their products only when they are finished, the Microsoft, then Windows 10, started to collect information and opinions from all those who wanted to evaluate the products, thereby achieving solutions more adapted and more adjusted to the public.

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With the Windows Program Insider, Microsoft has been able to collect, over these 2 years, the information required from the users to evolve and improve the Windows 10 and put in it all the elements which will meet your needs. This has been also a way for testers to report, in advance, issues the usage of this operating system.

As a way of celebrating these 2 years of existence, Microsoft has released a video where he shows that any person, in any part of the world, you can be an "Insider".

The speed with which the feedback signals are conducted is, without doubt, the great advantage of this program, allowing Microsoft to application changes in a way is much faster. Before the program Windows Insider, the changes that would take around 30 to 60 days, today they are made in 2 or 3 days.

the Program Windows Insider


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