Facebook has sought to improve the Messenger, and to make it a platform open to all and where it will be possible to do much more than communicate.
The secret talks was something that many were asking for this platform and is finally available to all.
it is Not new that the Messenger gives for some time to its users the possibility of having secret talks. This was a feature that came in and that gradually was being released. Because this process has finished, and now everyone can have this type of conversations with your contacts.
Not being something known and used, it is time to explain how they can have access to this feature that encrypts the messages, and prevents any one can read them, even the Facebook.
How to activate the secret chat conversations Messenger on Android
On Android if they want to have a secret conversation with one of your contacts, you only need to inside the chat window to load in the i that is in the type the upper right and then choose the option Secret Conversation. A warning is shown, explaining to the user that these conversations can only be read on that device.
immediately the new window, secret conversation is open and the user and his contact can start chatting.
How to activate the secret chat conversations Messenger on iOS
In iOS how to activate the secret talks is similar. Upload in the name of the contact, at the top of
Also shown here is the alert to explain the way of functioning of the conversations secret and how it can be used.
In the new window can begin the chat, with the assurance that only in this devices and only the party can read the messages, since these are encrypted between the source and the recipient of the message.
in mind, before you begin to use the secret talks, that these can only be used for personal conversations and not to groups, that do not support gifs or videos, and only the pictures and stickers, and that is always that the want to use need to enable, not being ready to use.
The decision not to put active conversations secret from the beginning can be a way of Facebook to defend some of the problems that you have had in the past and which were based on the impossibility of getting access to the conversations.
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