Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Obama wants humans on Mars from 2030 – euronews

to Make the colonization of the Red Planet a reality from 2030: this is the goal declared by the american president, who said on Tuesday that the government will collaborate with private companies for the purpose.

Barack Obama stated that "the next chapter in the history of the United States in Space" should be "to send humans to Mars in the 2030s-and bring them safe and sound to Earth, with ambition, with the ultimate, one day, stay there for a

long period of time."

The White House stated that six companies, including Boeing and Lockheed Martin, have been chosen to build the prototypes of the modules of the housing to the outer space.

the primary Goal of the new era of space conquest, the Red Planet will reach, on day 19, the module of the mission "ExoMars 2016", a collaboration Russian-european.


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