About 10 million Lego bricks will be used in construction in the international fair Meo Fan Event 2016 at Campo Pequeno in Lisbon, from Saturday.
“We have the largest Titanic world made of Lego, with 220 thousand pieces, weighing 250 kg, made in England according to the original real projects, “said Paulo Alcobia Neves.
the Portuguese footballers Cristiano Ronaldo and Eusébio will also make part of the event, with replicas in Lego players life-size, designed by the Dutch Alex de Jong, in which are used around 200 thousand pieces.
“the statues, with about 1.80 meters tall, are made exclusively with Lego pieces that are on the market, no special parts or cut, and have to be adapted to the forms purporting to represent “he said.
the official also said the invitation to grandchildren Eusebius, who “will be responsible for putting the last pieces on the statue” the player.
This year, Meo Fan Event will work not only with fans of Lego, but also with the brand Mega Bloks, is expected to use about 10 million pieces in total constructions carried out.
However, it is not only buildings that will make this event, and this year visitors can expect news in area of video games and also with a space entirely dedicated to Barbie, with an exhibition of these dolls dressed with inspiration in Portuguese themes, namely the facts used by Sweet in the Eurovision Song Contest and the costumes of the Fair of Golegã.
Paulo Alcobia Neves also highlighted the Princess room for a day in which “girls can be maquilhadas can wear dresses Barbie and can be photographed in different scenarios.”
With activities are intended not only to children, the Commissioner underlines that often “the children have already seen what they had to do and the parents still want to stay a little longer,” he
Another new in this edition is a partnership made with the Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon to raise funds for the integration of the picture ‘the Adoration of the Magi’, Domingos Sequeira, in the collection of this space.
” Anyone who wants to help can buy two pieces of Lego for 50 cents and place them on a panel that will play a frame section 20 thousand pieces, value which is then donated to the initiative, “he said.
editing this year lasts until the day May 1
Digital Diary with Lusa
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