cramped conditions over ten years since the last entry of Star Fox on a domestic platform from Nintendo. In 2005 Nintendo released Star Fox: Assault, then produced by Namco (whose collaboration was accentuated between the two producers through the development of F-Zero AX (arcade) and GX – beautiful GameCube version) in Star Fox following: Adventures ( 2003 Rare), this a game something different from the more traditional presentation of the series, to provide an action component in the third person.
The origin of space fox goes back to the SNES (Star Fox, 1993), when Miyamoto drew for the first time the space adventures of Fox McCloud and eternal Arwing, in what was one of the first games produced by Nintendo with three-dimensional effects on a console 16 bit. Despite the raw and primitive aspect of 3D, Miyamoto designed the coordinates of the future, the validity of which was highlighted in the next generation consoles, and particularly in this series, with the development of Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars, 1997), a game that does not only definitely shaped the backbone as served as a beacon for all the productions that followed, guiding even Star Fox Zero.
Delegating many of its productions to third studios for the production of Star Fox Zero Nintendo reserved a tremendous feats studio: Platinum games, a name that almost needs no introduction at the expense of the fame he gained in their full style games, adrenaline and action in a way “old school” as many fans appreciate. In fact, Nintendo is one of the publishers who have more stake in this talented and bright studio to rescue the limb (hand Sega) Bayonetta 2 but also to guarantee work and unique as The Wonderful 101.
Return to Corneria
When was announced a partnership with Platinum, perspectivou is the best. After a prolonged absence of space combat on the big TV, it appeared that under the supervision of Miyamoto and in the hands of reputable Platinum Games, we would finally know a game capable of reconciling a fantastic action component with the style and fun that Japanese studio manufactures like few others. However and after a first contact last E3, the degree of expectation fell steeply but not significantly, by virtue of a command system rather complex, not always easy to assimilate and graphics, short of the best we’ve seen in a Wii U.
with a delay through the middle and an increase in production to reverse the less pleasant previous impressions, the version now comes in has to be better, fluid and globally is a very fun experience, with the spark Platinum but as regards the command is not yet sufficiently comfortable and solid, as it should be any video game. One thing are the specific contexts and actions, in this case the maneuvers of the ship and shooting in the traditional sense, is another form of acceded to these commands. Taking the option of a dual gameplay between screen GamePad and TV screen in most of the lit clashes, we are faced with the system itself and subject ourselves very quickly to their weaknesses, boosting errors that would otherwise be avoidable. Bayonetta 2 may be a demanding game, endowed with complex attack combinations, but the actions entry system is widely accessible. In Star Fox Zero the option given to the Gamepad is sure to bolder and more in tune with your deepest concept, only it never leaves us comfortable and never felt perfect mastery of the Arwing this its dual (and unprecedented) mechanics.
“Star Fox drinking the formula of” shooters “” old school “”
It is true that the mission is not the easiest. Star Fox drinking the formula of “shooters” “old school” (both 2D and 3D): we always have to target the enemies lit fighting ships. However, the Star Fox gameplay has always excelled by the diversity of contexts that is not only fighting in space but also by land and by different machines. Now all this, the various transformations of the Arwing, adapted to the dual command system, which practically influences the whole adventure. Although you can turn off the gamepad from the motion system and opt for a more traditional control system via the analog, we are before an alternative that also never shown the best and most effective.
If They followed the analysis up to this point, will probably be less optimistic about the game. With deep shame I felt also fade very fun quickly that usually extract of Platinum Games when, after a long time in space, I felt that the difficulties of maneuvering the Arwing were not momentary. With training and practice, we improved our performance, but there is always that rock, that discomfort as a faint disappointment that oppresses us. Not being a game overflowing, still do not think the worst, far from it. Platinum spark has not disappeared and will not miss intense fighting, grand explosions, chases and great pageantry situations like we have never seen in Star Fox, while having that feeling of familiarity and closeness that the series in the broadcasts, especially if they played the previous titles and the 3DS version remastered the classic N64.
The Star Fox Zero narrative is new, which puts the game in a standalone segment compared to other titles. Starting by alluding to the father of Fox McCloud (James), and its wing comrades Peppy and Pigma, missing in action on a mission to the planet Venom, it is for the child to save once again the Lylat system. A plot involving reunions and accounts between characters of different generations settings, companionship, friendship, bravery and fighting spirit by comrades are contained in an adventure that extends beyond ten hours, meeting the multiple missions that will take place in system Lylat.
“we are not facing a sophisticated narrative or particularly stimulating, but entertains and fulfills the purpose expected to meet again the flight of Fox McCloud “
we are not facing a sophisticated narrative or particularly stimulating, but entertains and fulfills the purpose expected to meet again the flight of Fox McCloud, composed of Falco, Peppy (wingman of James McCloud and the veteran of the group but also the most experienced) and Slippy. These watch Fox and assist it in critical moments. The gameplay is typically Star Fox. As a “shmup”, followed by linear paths when we control the Arwing in its traditional form, shooting down enemies in our direction with an eye ago, drawing on the maneuvers like turns, accelerations, braking and the unforgettable “barrel roll”, as a spin to avoid enemy shots. Typical gameplay Star Fox which incidentally remains in large areas where we have more freedom of action and flight plan, carrying out different strategies to bring down the more agile enemies and targets located at specific points.
Old wing buddy.
the big news, as we said back and exposed on the main difficulty of the game, is the dual command system. Through the left analog stick control the Arwing, on TV, in pursuit of perspective, while the GamePad screen we have the first-person perspective of the cockpit, ideal for successfully target enemies through a targeting system a little more precise and subject to control by movements. The problem results from the vulnerability to which we subject ourselves at the expense of this triangulation. It is true that we can drive the ship from the inside perspective, using the left analog stick, but in this case we are left without the comprehensive view that is we are much more exposed to enemy attacks and is not complicated just lose a power portion of the ship at the expense of this difficulty (although we can recover it partially by obtaining the rings).
If we stick only to the outer prospect have less chance of making successful shots on enemies, unless you’re close enough, can the right analog stick to help, though with less precision. We can always press the ZL to focus on an enemy, taking it as it an eye, but until we get it together and stay in prime position to attack, we have to maneuver for a while and accurately. In more linear and automatic situations, with some training and persistence even managed to take advantage of this innovative system, finding some encouragement, but most of the time, precisely in chaotic situations of great persecution and constant gunfire, quickly in emaranhamos and we feel lost , resigned and with a sense of vulnerability. As if that were not enough, to lose a life we return to the beginning of the stage, which in most levels equivalent to very significant setbacks.
The passage through the golden rings and silver gives a “boost” and energy recovery through maneuvers achieved with skill, some effort (and good luck). When the time of scarce missions and bosses get harder, the management of these mechanics is much more tested and discomfort becomes more remarkable. Which incidentally is maintained in the various transformations of the Arwing. Being very different missions as well as the settings, you can turn the Arwing a walker, a robotic bipedal creature, able to fly for short periods of time while it has a privileged land domain. Underground and surface sections becomes crucial.
“You can turn the Arwing a walker, a robotic bipedal creature, able to fly for short periods of time while holding a domain privileged land “
However, the discomfort from the Arwing command system remains in these different vehicles, since it takes the perspective of the” cockpit “also in Gyrowing and Landmaster. That’s a kind of drone with high levels of precision, slower than the Arwing, less battleship and typical for stealthy environments and infiltration, since we can bring down a small robot and with it enable touch panels and even attaching large boxes or pumps to transport as a helicopter carrying a portion of water for firefighting. Already Landmaster is a tank all terrain, suitable for further processing in a Gravmaster a flying machine but with limited duration.
It’s the “boss fights” that many of these devices and their transformations acquire greater applicability. In linear areas use is regular but at certain moments of the game will have to extract the potential of these devices, with speed, agility and precision, which is not always possible. A “boss fight” purely Platinum took some time to discuss with me the system to be able to take down the boss. It was not particularly difficult but demanding command system left me often vulnerable and trapped in a point he knew that would not happen if it were at the expense of the movements of the gamepad and perspective through the cockpit (lost once or twice at the expense of it) . Of course you can turn off the option by movements command and control aircraft and sights only on the TV. But this also does not seem the ideal alternative and promoting more guarantees of success.
The cooperative play option allows two people to interact together in the same unit. A player controls the Arwing through Gamepro, while the other accesses the Gamepad and uses the inner perspective to shoot down enemies. A form of gambling sharing that does not hide the need for a very coordinated approach to reach fruition.
the voices of the characters are audible through the gamepad speaker.
Among areas returning as Corneria (easily identified early on), and new sections, the fight against Andross army is filled with huge explosive moments and great action purely Platinum. It is not always a game with breathtaking graphics, incidentally gives the feeling of a certain fitness in this regard to ensure a good visual cadence, even after major explosions and before the proximity of a ship in disintegration occurs a noticeable drop in visual animation. There are also more interesting locations than others, with great magnitude scenarios where we can destroy many things, predating good “boss fights” as opposed to other more linear clashes. A game so swinging and not always co tucked the sixth gear. Caveat for special battles with the Arwing, always fast, an arcade style, and with a great sense of “dogfight”.
A close look at the Platinum Games Productions shows us that the producer tends to value more substance than form. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is not a particularly beautiful game from a graphic point of view, but brought a frantic, action-packed gameplay “old school”, as does Transformers Devastation, without stand visually took the formula of “beat em up classic’s and would not let her out of a Bayonetta, which is perhaps the most amazing example of the studio in the combination that operates between art and graphic production with perfect gameplay. Star Fox Zero integrates the first line of the games here refer. it is a beautiful title. before reveals highlight the gameplay and juice of experience, only it is not for the best reasons. Unfortunately, the attraction for dual mechanics of the devices command falls short of the expected comfort. Rarely feel that the system is organized to be comfortable and that is the greatest gap of the game, never feeling the ship’s command is secure (often becomes an obstacle), while the degree of difficulty should come from the actions of opponents. However, do not think that this is a bad game not worth picking up. With some ingenuity and habit are good moments of action, with the spark that Platinum usually gives us.
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