When the FBI claimed to have achieved hack the iPhone and Apple put researchers on the warpath, the agency did not say how he got it done, and nor those who helped them. Now, a report in the Washington Post says he got the answer.
According to the newspaper, professional hackers found a flaw previously unknown in iOS that would bypass the security system without the iPhone information was deleted. The FBI then would have paid a standard amount for the service and managed to penetrate the device.
There are basically three categories of hackers on the market, “white hats,” contacting companies so discover vulnerabilities, “black hats” that use these vulnerabilities to illegal activities, and the “gray hats”, which are in the middle.
Although not use the flaws as “black hats”, these people keep their findings for occasions like the fight between Apple and FBI to be able to profit from the sale of secrets to government agencies.
the flaw found they had limited potential for use, since it only works on iPhones 5c that run iOS 9. the FBI now has the legal right to decide whether it is worthwhile to inform Apple about the problem for the company to the correct
. Source: Digital Look
Raw originally posted on the site olhardigital.uol.com.br
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