Monday, April 25, 2016

CERN releases 300 terabytes of LHC data to free download – Digital Look

The CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) released to the public interested in the ability to download and analyze the data generated by the LHC, the largest particle collider in the world. The data is available to be downloaded for free

There’s only one problem:. Data totaling 300 terabytes of information. We recommend strongly that you do not download the files in a cellular connection. In fact, with all the talk about fixed Internet limit, the idea of ​​downloading all this seems to joke.

Yes, it’s a huge amount of information relating to half of the experiments conducted in 2011 by the CMS detector ., including information from 250 trillion particle collisions

the CERN released the data in two different formats: the “set of primary data” is crude, used by the researchers of the organization; already the second, a “set of data derived” is aimed at a wider audience.

According to the agency, the second set needs less computing resources to be analyzed, and can readily be studied by students universities or high school. The agency also released the CernVM, a software based on your data modeling tool, which is also free to download.

More than just demonstrate transparency, the release of data like these also seeks cooperation of scientists which are not directly linked to the project. In 2014, the agency conducted a similar action, releasing 17 TB of information that allowed the world scholars analyze aspects that CERN researchers have not had time to observe, offering a scientific benefit to all.

via The Verge


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