Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This is Google Goggles Anti-Glass -

Japanese researchers invented glasses with LED lights and reflective material for compounds that will make life difficult for the devices that attempt to recognize the face of the user, such as Google Glass.

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Part of the range of users concerned about being photographed anonymously by a user of the Google Glass? So this Japanese invention may be of interest to you: a pair of glasses with 11 infrared LED lights placed so as not to allow a digital camera identifies the face of a user of this device.

These lights. invisible to human eyes but not for most digital cameras , prevent a device like the Google Glass can identify human faces obscuring some areas of the face.

These glasses were invented by Isao Echizen, associate professor at the National Institute of Informatics in Japan, and Seiichi Gohshi, University Kogakuin.

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