A team of astronomers has captured the first image of a snow line in space in a nascent solar system. The s was made possible with the help of the observatory de Atacama, Chile, opened in March last, which observes the universe in waves and milimtricas submilimtricas with unprecedented detail.
According to an article published in the journal “Science Express,” a “snow line” in space could play a key role in formaoe
astronomers, these snow lines in space play a key role in the formation of planets, because the frozen moisture which helps p grains to clump together.
Thanks to the new instruments of the observatory Atacama, the astronomers obtained images of a snow line of carbon monoxide star turn “TW Hydrae”, still young and distant about 175 million s light years from Earth.
At the moment, the snow lines were detected only by their spectral signals. Had never been photographed directly, so that it was impossible to determine their extensive localizaoe.
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