Friday, July 5, 2013

Invasion of green algae painted the Yellow Sea in China - Pú

Most algae invasion ever recorded in China covered with a green mantle the Yellow Sea, which bathes the city of Qingdao, Shandong province. The phenomenon is not new, but this year reached dimensions never seen.

According to British newspaper The Guardian , which cites the Chinese news agency Xinhua, the authorities were obliged to use bulldozers to remove more than 7300 tons of seaweed from the beaches.

algae species Enteromorpha prolifera , are not toxic to people or animals. However, can alter the ecosystem in which they operate by blocking

the entry of sunlight on water and absorbing its oxygen, which ultimately suffocate marine organisms.

phenomenon has occurred annually for the past six summers in that city. This year, the algae are extended for nearly 28 000 kilometers, twice more than in 2008. That year, Qingdao hosted the sailing competitions entered in the Beijing Olympics, which were at risk precisely because of the huge amount of algae in the Yellow Sea.

expert contacted by The Guardian admits that this invasion is due to pollution. “The explosive proliferation of algae usually occur after massive discharges of phosphates and nitrates in the water. May be agriculture, untreated sewage or any kind of industry that is discharging waste into the water, “said Brenda Parker, a researcher at the University of Cambridge.

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