Tuesday, July 16, 2013

NASA discovers new moon Neptune - TVI24

Scientists have discovered a new moon orbiting Neptune. The small moon, which is about 105 thousand kilometers of the planet, is the fourteenth known moon orbiting it.

The moon is the smallest ever seen around Neptune. The planet, which is what is further from the sun, was photographed by Hubble between 2004 and 2009.

The moon was
discovered from the analysis of a light that appeared in more than 150 photographs.

Mark Showalter of the SETI Institute in California, has discovered a new moon on the first day of July to study the arcs around Neptune.

“The moons orbit and bows very quickly , so we had to find a way to follow the movement in order to examine specific details of the system, “said Showalter quoted by ‘Sky News’.

It is believed that the moon a full turn to the planet every 23 hours.

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