Thursday, July 25, 2013

Efacec "launched" into space - Business Journal - Portugal

Efacec has technology built in SATA © lite Alphasat that à © Releases § ado, French Guiana, this Thursday, July 25, at the end of the day.

Efacec is present in Alphasat, the communications satellite that will be this Thursday, July 25, launched in space. The project involved a value of three million euros.

According to the company explains what is installed by Efacec in Alphasat are CTTB and MFS. The first is designed to test electronic components. To that includes a core with a letter of supply, processing a letter, a letter of power distribution and three letters of experiences.

MFS is an electronic device that allows you to detect the impact of protons, electrons, alpha particles and other ions, recognize them and

measure their energy creating histograms, explains Efacec.

The launch is expected to happen in a window between 20h53 (Lisbon time) and 22h11. The Alphasat will be launched from French Guiana. ESA (European Space Agency) Alphasat describes as “the largest and most sophisticated satellite telecommunications European.”

Alphasat was built by Astrium (EADS) in partnership with the European Space Agency and the British Inmarsat. The launch can be followed on the Internet here.

According to a communication from Efacec, this is not the first entry of the company into orbit. In February 2008, the International Space Station received EuTemp, who worked on VACULO for 18 months and has returned to earth.

Portuguese company is still developing the radiation monitor for BepiBolombo mission, which plans to launch in 2016 a space probe that will orbit the planet Mercury.

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