Thursday, July 18, 2013

PSP seizes 12 tons of copper stolen in mega-operation in ... - Sol

PSP seized 12 tons of copper stolen from the premises of EDP and EN, having already arrested 18 men during a megaoperao that still takes place in the north of the country .

Special investigation team of the Crime of Theft of Precious Materials in the Division of Criminal investigation (DIC) PSP Port est, in coordination with the DIAP port, to develop a large-scale operation throughout the region north of the country.

According to official sources the Metropolitan Command PSP Port, the operation seeks an organized group of individuals who in recent months have been dedicated to the theft of copper

This group, composed of about two dozen individuals, suspected of stealing hundreds of skilled in the north and center of the country, particularly in the districts of Porto, Viana do Castelo, Braga, Bragana, Vila Real, Viseu, Aveiro, Guarda,

Leiria and Coimbra, adiantaram the same sources of PSP Port.

Such thefts were directed essentially infrastructure telecommunications and distribution of electrical energy, as well as crimes receptao the stolen material, referred to the Sun of police security the Pblica.

police operation, which is still ongoing, consists of several search domicilirias eno domicilirias, having already made 18 detenes and learned various objects related to the crimes investigation, said the commander of the operation, subintendente Rui Mendes.

were at the moment seized about 12 tons of copper, in the vast majority of thefts from the network of PT and EDP, four guns, six vehicles and about 900 doses of product suspected to be narcotic evrias tools used in the practice of shoplifting, according the first informaes avanadas by PSP / Port.

operation has the collaboration of entities prprias injured, the Authority Tributria, Posting GNR Penafiel and Brigade Proteco Environmental PSP Port.

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