Monday, April 29, 2013

Video: Apple negotiating inclusion of Swype keyboard on the new iPhone - EN Official

swype keyboard 1 big

Swype keyboard can be one of the weapons from Apple to launch the new iPhone, scheduled for autumn 2013.

So says Aaron Sheedy, Manager of Nuance, the company that created the technology.

became famous Swype keyboard on Android devices for facilitating writing messages.


user pressing with fingers key key, this technology allows sms to be written by dragging your fingers across the screen, so browsing by lyrics needed no great effort and with a much higher speed (see demo below).

For now

Aaron does not guarantee that the partnership is closed. However, confirmed through the site Reddit, which Nuance is negotiating with Apple.

actually is not the first time that the two companies close deals. Remember that Nuance Communications was

responsible for the creation and inclusion of the Siri personal assistant on the iPhone 4S, the first to receive the news.

See below a video demonstration of the Swype keyboard:

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