Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Analysis TeK: Wow, a service that brings more choice option -

Optimus yesterday presented a new supply of telecommunications services that may include only fixed Internet or Internet and voice plan. WoW is a brand that, according to company officials want to scare the users the ease of installation and the speeds that can be achieved with the service.

The operator also wants to let the Portuguese open mouth in the field of prices when considering new proposals “competitive” with respect to packets of competitors and other proposals that Optimus presents itself.

Like TeK promised, today April 24 is the day to pick up the calculator and to discover whether or not WoW brings advantages for the remaining tariff 4G Optimus. In the next paragraphs will not be made any reference to the TMN and Vodafone not to create confusion, but when is that mobile broadband Optimus the same goes for broadband operators rivals of submitting proposals similar in price and speed.

Optimus Clix The offer, which also includes plans for Internet and voice, was not even considered in the analysis to represent a fixed connection without any mobility.

The first comparisons have into account the original price of equipment and services, and do not include promotional campaigns operator Sonaecom has in place.

Telephone and television? VOiP online and TV arrive thank
Optimus defined the target audience of WoW in 1.4 million Portuguese who have telecommunications services disaggregated pay television. Only having Internet is an option in the opinion of the national carrier will interest a good slice of Portuguese.

In this field there are other offers like mobile internet 4G and equipment that allow the same broadcast signal to 10 devices. About hire Wow just in the form of Internet will have the following costs:

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And who hire the service of mobile broadband 4G Optimus with Wi-Fi hotspot will have these costs:

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For the figures and looking at the only modality that is comparable between the two services Optimus, one that has theoretical 100Mbps Internet connection assured, there is a difference of 145 euros in favor of WoW. But taking into account that only the value of the equipment is a difference of one hundred euros, the real savings to end a year round home of 45 euros.

This value is not very high considering that the broadband allows access to 4G in many more locations than the three that allows WoW and has also ensured greater mobility.

But as not all users need and value the 100Mbps is to highlight the difference that exists between the plan cheaper and cheaper plan wow mobile broadband. In this case there is a monetary difference of 220 euros at the end of a contract year and the purchase of equipment – but discounting hundred euros more Hotspot that can be bought for 99 euros or even for free subject to certain contractual conditions – there is a real saving of 120 euros for a difference in speed of 30Mbps.

The question that follows is always debatable, but the

practice has shown over time that the advertised speeds are never achieved in practice by users. So who hire 40Mbps WOW and who hire the 50Mbps mobile broadband may be entitled to the same rate of speed.

What can make a difference, besides money, between these two offers is the amount traffic that is included in each package. In 4G mobile broadband there is a Fair Use Policy (PUR) that the order of 15GB of traffic reduces the connection speed to 128Kbps.

in wow, such as Internet service advertised fixed despite the assured mobility in three distinct geographic points, there is still no value “reasonable” set.

In the telephone support WOW there is uncertainty regarding the PUR: the TeK contacted two different wizards who gave opposite directions – one said that there is a limit of 15GB traffic, another said no.

In a note sent by the wording of Optimus TeK, was given the assurance that “the offer WoW is clearly fixed and therefore complies with other criteria “alluding to 15GB of traffic.

Completing this point of analysis, it is false that there are 15GB traffic limit in WoW, but it seems certain that there will be a service on PUR – whose value has not yet been defined by the telecom operator.

Still no TV but now with phone
For a few euros a month you can add the wow internet service plans three distinct voice: 2.99 euros for 21 hours of free calls at 9 pm on weekdays and all day on weekends; EUR 4.99 for free calls to all landline numbers in the country, 24 hours a day, and 6.99 euros for unlimited calls everyday at national and international – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, USA and Canada.

Accounts made and enjoying the layout of the table above, with the WOW Internet and by phone is:

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These figures lead to the conclusion that even with the included phone tariff of WoW are cheaper than mobile broadband 4G Optimus – but once again we must take into account the difference in debit network speeds.

But you also need to think a voice plan associated with plans 4G mobile broadband – be it the Optimus Home a mobile tariff pre or postpaid – increases the cost difference between the two offers.

And the winner is ..
The consumer. For much discussion that there may be around the advantages or disadvantages which provide one or more carriers, number of automatically option is synonymous with a very good for the customer.

In this particular case appears to be a substantial advantage in Wow acquisition for those seeking just a tariff or Internet + phone. Those who seek fast mobile Internet and should perhaps opt for the services of broadband 4G, but do not forget to first examine the flow velocity in the zone of residence and try to find a middle ground between the actual speed in Mbps and the value that will be paid for the service.

In the case of WoW, the TeK will test in the coming weeks, it is necessary to give extra warning. As the router works only in three geographical locations pre-defined, if only two of them have 3G coverage and the other has 4G coverage, you may opt for preferential tariff 20Mbps or 40Mbps instead of 100Mbps seduced by the more expensive tariff.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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