Monday, April 29, 2013

More Android Jelly Bean before the Key Lime Pie -

The next to be Android Jelly Bean will still be displayed, and not the long-awaited version 5.0 of the popular operating system from Google, known for Key Lime Pie.

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Anyone waiting for the Android Key Lime Pie is the next version of Google’s operating system will probably still have to continue to wait . According to the information put forward by TecMundo, Google still plans at least one more update to its popular Jelly Bean, which have been suggested by the code ‘JWR23B’, whose first letter corresponds to the name of the update, which should be submitted as early as May during the conference Google I / O 2013.

The development of Android 5.0 may have suffered a delay of about four months, which would explain the potential introduction of a new version of the current operating system.

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