Friday, April 26, 2013

Ubuntu wins new version -

In Unity interface highlight a number of improvements to make the user experience nicer interface and faster, redesigned with lots of icons and functions that provide access to magazines or rearranged.

associated memory consumption has been improved, such as window management system or file management. The interface software update was also renovated and improved.

Other news in Unity are adding 13 new options for
customizing the desktop and improved integration with social networks.

13:04 Ubuntu also includes renewed versions of Firefox (20) LibreOffice (4.0.2) and Thunderbird email client (17.0.5).

In the version of the server platform, which has also been updated, the main novelties of the new Ubuntu are supported for capacity development for Big Data and integrates the OpenStack functionality as standard.

The download of the new Ubuntu can be done from the official site Canonical.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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