Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apple marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the revolution ... -

iTunes Decade

Apple is celebrating iTunes tenth anniversary with a special website which can be recalled at a timeline of the major landmarks of the Apple music store.

Released in 2003 for the iPod and the Mac, buying songs 99 cents proved a success in the first week to have recorded the sale of one million tracks. When Steve Jobs said that iTunes would become the main market of music globally was

not doing futurology was being assertive.

Ten years later there are many stores that followed the model of Apple and sell songs “to play” or albums. The publishers and the music industry in general and that it can thank Apple in mid 2013, the revenues of the artists are bigger than ever, coinciding with the time when most illegal downloads are performed.

On the Web / decade relive ten years of success of a platform that has revolutionized the music industry in the digital age. But understand that you to access the site will have to have the software installed on the computer. Surprised? Do not be the decade of success had to build in some way.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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