Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In the Twentieth Anniversary of the Web, CERN put online the ... - Público.pt

Five years ago, James Gillie, director of communications at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Switzerland, wrote on the BBC that the World Wide Web has several birthdays.

One is in March 1989, when the Briton Tim Berners-Lee, now Sir Berners-Lee, known as the inventor of the Web, delivered to his superior a proposal to information management that traced the foundations of what would become the Web: documents, connected by hypertext, which could be accessed via a computer network such as the Internet, which was then used primarily in academia. A second anniversary would be around Christmas 1990 when Berners-Lee finalized the proposal and concluded the first server, browser and web pages, using a NeXT computer, created by the company founded by Steve Jobs, who left Apple a few years ago.

“But perhaps the most important birthday of all is that of April 30, 1993,” wrote Gillie. Exactly 20 years ago, CERN released

for free use, the technology invented by Berners-Lee (another option would have been, for example, patent it and charge for use). In the following years – especially with the push of sites and companies that emerged from the other side of the Atlantic – the Web massified up and became a crucial mechanism in the expansion and adoption of the Internet.

To celebrate this twentieth anniversary, CERN put online , the original address, the first site of the world, in a 1993 version, the earliest he could find. The set of pages that explains what the Web, including historical notes, a page about the people involved (Berners-Lee worked with several other scientists, including the Belgian Robert Cailliau, the first tech enthusiast), technical details and a section to explain how they could help Web users to grow. There was also an email address to anyone who would communicate bugs found.

In late 1993, according to CERN, there were more than 500 servers and traffic Web pages represented 1% of all data circulating on the Internet. The institution also used the address to launch a unique site on the history of Web

Deadline for IRS without prolongation, although queues and overload ... - Público.pt

President of the Syndicate of Workers of Taxes ensured that the long lines recorded on Tuesday in the offices and site congestion of the Tax Authority does not motivate the extension of the deadline for submission of statements of the IRS.

Speaking to Lusa, Paul Ralha realized that today, the closing date for delivery of statements by IRS employees earners and pensioners, occurred “multiple constraints”.

“Today was a day when virtually the entire country was waiting lines very sharp,” he said, adding that this “is a reflection of the lack of staff and feels that, at critical moments, becomes very more serious, “why today were” services [that normally close at 16h] running up to 19h and 20h to

meet taxpayers. “

As for electronic statements, delivered through the website of the Tax and Customs Authority, union leader mentioned the existence of “overload”, which ranked as “normal at times when there is a large turnout and the system can not do data processing “which creates” waiting times in which one can not gain access to the portal to make the discharge of the statement. “

Despite these constraints, “there will be no extension of the deadline,” said Paul Ralha.

“Right now is not to be equated, nor is there any fact to justify the extension of the term, since everything went normally,” he noted.

According to the union, “there was no extraordinary fact, any impediment that has happened in recent days, including strikes or any type of situation that has terminated the services or prevented delivery of the statements.”

“It’s all within what is normal and there will be no extra time,” he reiterated.

Congratulations to the Internet, which completed 20 years today - Telemoveis.com

To celebrate, the first website ever made – courtesy of CERN – came back today to be available online, with the same look and the same address for 20 years.

Congratulations to Intertnet, who turned 20 years today

image browser NeXT, 1993

Who knew? was precisely 20 years ago that the Internet as we know

it today emerged . Courtesy of CERN, specifically scientist Tim Berners-Lee, was on 30 April 1993 WWW technology became open to the world and accessible via any internet browser. It was to celebrate this event which, by way of nostalgia, the first website ever blessed the Internet came back today to be online.

The website is part of a projtecto you want to remember the early days of the Web, and is therefore precisely the same appearance as when it was released – which means that we will not be faced with a sophisticated website or a appealing design. But maybe that’s the charm, it allows us to have a different perspective of the evolution that the Internet would suffer during the next two decades.

How long are users of the Internet? Feel that the impact had been significant in your life? Leave us your feedback!

Twitter may be preparing application for Google Glass - Digital Journal

Twitter may be preparing application for Google Glass

One of the first users of the Google Glass may have left a clue that Twitter is developing an application for smart glasses. Found a tweet, since deleted, which was published through an app called “Twitter for Glass.”

It was known previously that the microblogging network had expressed interest in

developing their own app for Glass, as revealed John Doerr, a member of the Glass Collective, a group of investors from the device.

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Unions gather ideas but separate parades 1. May - RTP


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Half a million potential consumers enrolled in the auction ... - Público.pt

Registration for the electricity auction organized by DECO end on Tuesday. The initiative to cut costs in light i had 518 504 subscribers on Monday. The association of consumer decided to launch the auction and use the “collective power” to negotiate with electricity suppliers improved market conditions.

this mode, consumers deal directly with the companies a lower price for all group members. The auction takes place on Thursday and operators are invited to make “an offer advantageous.” Earn the lowest fare.

On Monday the president of Galp, Ferreira de Oliveira, did not wish to respond to the will auction Deco. There is “no decision,” the manager told Lusa Galp, which has a market share of 5.4% of the liberalized electricity market.

EDP has the largest share, with 82.4% of the total of 1.4 million consumers who took to the liberalized market. In March, António Mexia, president of electrical, also declined to say if he was going to run for the auction. “Any auction looks positive, alert people, but if there is room or not, we’ll see,” he said during the presentation of disseminating results of EDP.

Given the high adherence to the initiative “together paid less,” the Deco is thinking about extending the model to other areas.

Monday, April 29, 2013

More Android Jelly Bean before the Key Lime Pie - Telemoveis.com

The next to be Android Jelly Bean will still be displayed, and not the long-awaited version 5.0 of the popular operating system from Google, known for Key Lime Pie.

Pie" width=" 565 ">

Anyone waiting for the Android Key Lime Pie is the next version of Google’s operating system will probably still have to continue to wait . According to the information put forward by TecMundo, Google still plans at least one more update to its popular Jelly Bean, which have been suggested by the code ‘JWR23B’, whose first letter corresponds to the name of the update, which should be submitted as early as May during the conference Google I / O 2013.

The development of Android 5.0 may have suffered a delay of about four months, which would explain the potential introduction of a new version of the current operating system.

Space: The End of 'pioneering observations "for lack of helium - Daily IOL

The European Space Agency (ESA) announced on Monday the depletion of liquid helium in the Herschel Space Observatory, which puts an end to three years’ pioneering observations “of the Universe.

In a statement, ESA reported that the liquid helium coolant was “essential to cool the instruments to near absolute zero” in this spacecraft, allowing observations ‘highly sensitive’ of the universe since its launch on May 14, 2009.

The reserve 2,300 liters of helium Herschel was slowly evaporating until exhausted, revealed during a daily session of communication between the ship and the base in Western Australia, to register a ‘clearly rising temperatures’ in all instruments of the observatory.

According to the statement of the Director of Science and Robotic Exploration ESA, Alvaro Gimenez Canete, Herschel “exceeded expectations, offering a wealth of amazing

information that will keep astronomers busy in the coming years” .

Since its launch, the spacecraft conducted nearly 35,000 observations and gathered more than 25,000 hours of scientific research, contributing to the enrichment of the data set for this agency.

Goran Pilbratt scientist of the project, announced that Herschel offered “a new view of the universe hidden, pointing to a previously unseen process of star birth and galaxy formation.”

Pibratt also explained that the observatory space allowed “to follow the water through the universe, from the molecular clouds newborn stars.”

The program responsible for the ESA, Thomas Passvogel stressed the “excellent work of the European institutions and universities in development, construction and operation of the observatory and its instruments. “

According to the ESA, Herschel allowed to capture images, including the ‘impressive networks of filaments of dust and gas” within the Milky Way and helped to “illustrate the history of star formation. “

Google plans to postpone Android Key Lime Pie to launch Jelly Bean ... - Source Code

Android 5.0 should not be released by Google yet

seems that users will have to wait for Android Key Lime Pie longer than expected: reports released on the web on Friday (26) ended up revealing that Google plans to release an update to Jelly Bean, not version 5.0 as expected.

Confirmation came with the code “JWR23B”, found in both server logs leaked: first first letter used in the

following refers to the product that is being worked on by Google, in this case the Jelly Bean. According to the site Android Police, the reports were found in IPs Giant employees that have been used to generate logs related to some past versions of the system.

Recent rumors pointed to the launch of new handsets Nexus and an upgraded version of Android, which until then had been known as Key Lime Pie. Rumors should be clarified in the next 15 days at the conference Google I / O.

Video: Apple negotiating inclusion of Swype keyboard on the new iPhone - EN Official

swype keyboard 1 big

Swype keyboard can be one of the weapons from Apple to launch the new iPhone, scheduled for autumn 2013.

So says Aaron Sheedy, Manager of Nuance, the company that created the technology.

became famous Swype keyboard on Android devices for facilitating writing messages.


user pressing with fingers key key, this technology allows sms to be written by dragging your fingers across the screen, so browsing by lyrics needed no great effort and with a much higher speed (see demo below).

For now

Aaron does not guarantee that the partnership is closed. However, confirmed through the site Reddit, which Nuance is negotiating with Apple.

actually is not the first time that the two companies close deals. Remember that Nuance Communications was

responsible for the creation and inclusion of the Siri personal assistant on the iPhone 4S, the first to receive the news.

See below a video demonstration of the Swype keyboard:

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iPhone: Apple patent registers to control the car remotely

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Apple sees profits fall more than 18 percent but calms investors

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v1.3 Download SocComments

Man shot in Maia - News Journal

27 Day

Estoril – Sp Braga (2-1)

FC Porto – V. Setbal (2-0)

V. Guimarães – P. Ferreira (2-2)

Gil Vicente – Olhanense (2-0)

Rio Ave – Beira Mar (2-1)

Sporting – Nacional (2-1)

Acadmica – Moreirense (1-0)

Martimo – Benfica (29/0420: 00)

id="ctl00_rcr_RightCol1_Servicos_Liga1_NewsGenContent1"> 28 Day

Moreirense – Sp Braga (03/0520: 00)

Nacional – FC Porto (04/0520: 30)

Olhanense – Rio Ave (05/0516: 00)

V. Setbal – Acadmica (05/0516: 00)

Beira Mar – Martimo (05/0516: 00)

V. Guimarães – Gil Vicente (05/0518: 00)

P. Ferreira – Sporting (05/0520: 15)

Benfica – Estoril (06/0520: 00)

Exams Police also cheat to get ahead in life - to the Minute News

Contest Admission to the Training Course for Heads of PSP, held last week, is ensobrada on suspicion of cheating. Is to be ascertained whether some police have had foreknowledge of the exercises written examinations to which the staff concerned are required, writes the Journal News.

Suspected cheating in examinations for admission to the training course for heads of PSP are being investigated by the jury. Several agents have met with colleagues who were in possession excerpts, handwritten exercise of proof.

be many candidates the tests was

divided, with the first starting at 8 am and the next at 10am. When the first officers finished the race and left the room realized that the second group would have part of the exam, knowing in advance what would be asked.

The National Directorate of PSP admitted, the Journal News, which had been forwarded to the Selection Board “that a candidate be in possession of a manuscript paper with excerpts from one of the exercises that make up the psychological evidence.” According to the newspaper, the jury will investigate the case and then decide what to do.

On the other hand, the source of the Independent Union of Police Officers argues that “the only way to resolve this issue will even cancel the race.”

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apple marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the revolution ... - TeK.sapo

iTunes Decade

Apple is celebrating iTunes tenth anniversary with a special website which can be recalled at a timeline of the major landmarks of the Apple music store.

Released in 2003 for the iPod and the Mac, buying songs 99 cents proved a success in the first week to have recorded the sale of one million tracks. When Steve Jobs said that iTunes would become the main market of music globally was

not doing futurology was being assertive.

Ten years later there are many stores that followed the model of Apple and sell songs “to play” or albums. The publishers and the music industry in general and that it can thank Apple in mid 2013, the revenues of the artists are bigger than ever, coinciding with the time when most illegal downloads are performed.

On the Web .itunes.com / decade relive ten years of success of a platform that has revolutionized the music industry in the digital age. But understand that you to access the site will have to have the software installed on the computer. Surprised? Do not be the decade of success had to build in some way.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

Intel is preparing to launch low cost Android notebook - Tecnologia.com.pt

intel Intel CEO Paul Otellini confirmed to CNET that the company is working on producing a notebook with Android system instead of Windows 8 with prices starting at 200 €.

The device should hit the market in a few months and will have a mobile Intel Atom processor . The company claims that the notebook is an excellent product taking into account the relationship between the quality /


Intel has dominated the market for a long time processors for PCs. Currently, with sales of computers falling due to user preference for tablets and notebooks, Intel wants to reverse the decline of production, with the launch of new products.

The company’s intentions seem to be rival competitor Qualcomm, since it dominates most of the mobile market, with LTE system used the devices from Apple, with the iPhone 5, and Samsung, the new Galaxy S4.

The company also notes that can launch notebooks of 399 € and 499 €, with more powerful processor integrating the LTE system. The news will be known in the coming months to ensure that Intel will also introduce new processors based on LTE technology.

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Glass Google: Eric Schmidt urges patience - Tech & Net

Google , who had announced the launch of Google Glass to the end of 2013, yesterday asked its customers to have a little more patience. Asked during a conference on the internet and freedom of expression which was held in Washington, the CEO of Google – Eric Schmidt – said: “You must assume that it will still take some time.”

Google has already started shipping the prototypes of Google Glass , glasses equipped with microphone, camera (camera) and able to connect to the internet via wifi or bluetooth. Some customers have been able to buy selected and are testing the beta version.

Sergey Brin, one of Google’s founders, had

announced in February that Google Glass should be launched in the market this year, at a price less than $ 1,500. However, Eric Schmidt said it was too early to confirm this date “Think of it as a Beta and Google makes numerous tests with Beta versions until they are perfect” .

augmented reality glasses from Google has been one of the prominent news in the tech world, the fact that its launch has been officially postponed not surprising and just confirmed the release date for 2014.

During the conference, the Executive Director, was also questioned about the project car without a driver and his words were: “Our expectation is estimated in years, not decades, but also not months. In this field, we are at the stage of research and development. “


Glass Official Website: http://www.google.com/glass/start/

iTunes Store, Apple's online store, turns 10 - veja.com


Launched in 2003, service has revolutionized the distribution of digital content

James Della Valle

10 years ago, Apple took an initiative that changed the music industry in the world, launched the iTunes Music Store. Presented on April 28, 2003 by Steve Jobs, Apple’s founder, the service has emerged as a complement to the iPod line of devices. The combination of the two products has opened new opportunities for the market and created a standard that is followed even today because of the company’s rivals.

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The idea was to offer a legal alternative to services pirated music sharing, which then flourished in the network. The iTunes Music Store, which later became known only as iTunes Store, offering the premiere phonograms 200,000, sold at $ 0.99 each.

At first, the business model does not enthused labels, since they failed to sell albums. But the success of the shop quickly changed the layout of these companies. Four months after the launch of the service, more than 10 million songs had been downloaded by users, which guaranteed investment in a version of iTunes for Windows platform (before it was only available for Macs), ensuring its expansion to a public greater good. The Apple logo also began investing in television shows, movies and books. But were the applications that came with the first iPhone models, which marked a new phase Store. Just three days after its launch in 2008, the area accounted for more than 10 million downloads.

Future in streaming – At the beginning of 2013, the company reported that 25 billion songs were sold by the iTunes Store since its launch. But ten years later to change the music market, Apple is considering a new twist, this time, to adapt to new habits, already exploited by rivals such as Netflix and Spotify: having your own video streaming service and music. The new service should not be long, helping to keep the iTunes Store that shows strength in the area of ??applications, which already has 40 billion downloaded programs since 2008, between paid and free.

Apple closes deal to streaming music with EMI and Warner Studios
resist service Apple TV streaming

successes of 2003 and 2013 on iTunes

1 5

1st place

2003 music Hey Ya! , the American group OutKast, topped the list of downloads in the iTunes Store. In the current ranking, first place gets Just Give a Reason , the American singer P! Nk.

1 5



2003 music Hey Ya! , the American group OutKast, topped the list of downloads in the iTunes Store. In the current ranking, first place gets Just Give a Reason , the American singer P! Nk.

2 5

2nd place

Fallen , the Canadian singer Sarah MacLachlan, took second in the ranking of the store in 2003. In 2013, the position was hit with Can not hold us , the American singer Macklemore.

3 5

3rd place

It is My Life , the American group No Doubt scored the soundtrack from iTunes users in 2003 and won third place in the ranking of the store. Already in 2013, the position was with American Justin Timberlake and his music Mirrors .

4 5

4th place

Fourth ranking in 2003 was with the music White Flag britânca the singer Dido. Ten years later, the position went to I Love It , the Swedish duo Icona Pop

5 5


2013 Clocks, British band Coldplay, was in fifth position. In 2013, the place was occupied by the American group Imagine Dragons and their music Radioactive .

Renault Twizy features inspired by Formula 1 - Autoviva Portugal

Renault has unveiled the prototype Twizy Renault Sport F1 adds System Kinetic Energy Recovery of an F1 car and a body inspired by the F1 electric Twizy. The system gives the car about five times the potency of the more potent Twizy and Renault standard states that accelerates as quickly as Renault Megane Sport to reach 100km / h in about six seconds. The most powerful standard Twizy has a maximum speed of 80 km / h. The car will make its world debut at the IAA in Barcelona on 27 and 28 April.

is immediately obvious that there is something special about this Twizy given the front baffle, side deflectors, rear spoiler and a diffuser that integrates the lighthouse rain-style F1. The car uses the same slick tires and wheels of a race car Formula Renault 2.0.

The prototype has, in fact, two electric motors. The standard unit of 17cv Twizy 80 remains in the car, beyond the 80cv system kers. When the kers is used, the prototype attains a maximum speed of 110 km / h.

KERS is composed of three main elements: an engine-electric generator directly connected to the transmission, specific batteries lithium ion battery and a control unit (KCU – Kers Control Unit). The

batteries provide enough momentum to the kers run for 14 seconds, and the system weighs 30 kilograms. The batteries also require cooling to maintain temperature.

“We always said we wanted to develop the F1 technologies that are relevant to the car lot! hope this car makes you smile while we spent a serious message. The project was directed by Renault Sport F1 and Renault Sport Technologies in closely with the Director of the Renault Electric Vehicles “revealed Jean-Michel Jalinier, President and CEO of Renault Sport F1.

Renault Sport had to remove the rear seat to integrate the KERS, which means that the prototype F1 Twizy is now a single seater. The unit Kers is visible inside a transparent compartment at the rear.

There is no way the Twizy produce enough energy under braking to recharge as KERS in F1 car. To provide additional recharge to the KERS, drains more energy than standard electric motor when power is needed. The driver can control whether the system is in recovery mode or recovery of energy through the wheel of a Formula Renault 3.5 car.

After being exhibited in Barcelona, ??the car can be seen on the slopes at promotional events all over the world.


Renault Renault Twizy Twizy

Portugal made five requests for removal of content to Google - TeK.sapo

Google released its seventh report on the transparency of content removal requests we made public and Portugal in the list with five requests for the removal of nine content.

Four applications relating to six contents relate to actions for defamation – three in Blogger platform and the results of the search engine – while the fifth request was for three content published on the service blogs Mountain View giant but whose reasons were not specified. All requests were made by courts.

In general, worldwide, the number of content removal requests increased from 1,811 in the first half to 2,285 complaints in six months of 2012. The Google data show that during the last year the number of applications has increased significantly in relation to the six previously analyzed.

“It is becoming clear that government attempts to censor content in Google increased”, writes the technology in a publication in the official

google transparência

For the remaining countries, Brazil was the one who had a greater increase in requests for blocking of content, an average of 3.5 applications per day and a total of 697 complaints. The justify the increase of almost 500 applications for first half results were municipal elections that led to a wave of slander on blogs.

Russia also increased exponentially the number of complaints – seven in the first six months 2012 to 114 between July and December – because of a new Russian law to eliminate sites and content that is considered offensive to children.

Google reveals that during the second half of last year received 20 requests for removal to the film Innocence of Muslims and that some of the requests submitted resulted in blocking the video in certain countries.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

Saturday, April 27, 2013

D. Pedro José Conti - On the back of the disciple - Correa Neto

Following an ancient tradition

St. Jerome, the famous saint who both worked for a better knowledge of the Bible, in his commentary on Letter to the Galatians, the Apostle John tells us that, as much old, had to take the back for a pupil to be able to participate in liturgical assemblies. Had no condition to do the homily and was limited to say the simple words:

– Little children, love one another.

One day, the brothers, tired of hearing the same words, they decided to ask him why he kept repeating them. John replied:

– Because this is the commandment of the Lord and was the only one to be fulfilled would be enough!

Also we hear in the gospel this Sunday, the well-known words of Jesus: “Love one another”. What seems repetitive, in fact, is always the biggest challenge for us Christians. I say this not only because of true love is not so simple, banal and spontaneous, as sometimes thought, but also because Jesus asks us to love as he loved us and thus, this brotherly love becomes the visible sign of being or not his disciples.

To understand the love of Jesus not just remember his death on the cross. He spoke and acted all his life with love and for love. The Gospels were written to help us understand and believe that Jesus was making us know the way to love God. A loving father has compassion on his children, welcomes them and forgives them. A Father points the way to the children and is the first to go this route. Jesus taught that not only has greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends, he loved everyone until the end, until the enemies whom he forgave on the cross. All gestures, signs, or “miracles” – if one prefers, Jesus manifested a man able to understand the sufferings of others, to stand

alongside those who suffer in life. With that he taught us that God is always with us and never abandons us, also respects our freedom to the point that it can be rejected and betrayed. Celebrating the Eucharist the early Christians not only obeyed the command of Jesus to repeat the gesture in his memory; knew well could continue to recognize, find and experience the unfailing love of God.

Consequently, the disciples of Jesus before forming something visible, more or less organized, a fraternal community should be able to continue to communicate what he taught, not by words or sweeping eloquent speeches, but with the experience what is being preached. It was the example of the first communities, the courage of the martyrs, the fidelity of the little that Jesus’ message spread and came to us.

We can not have no doubt that the commandment of love that Jesus left us will always be current and decisive for the growth of their communities. Every era creates new forms of selfishness. Beside the thirst for power and wealth of the powerful – that has always existed and that also infects the poor – today we recognize the pursuit of individual well-being, the indifference to social problems and the trap of consumption, some new situations that exalt defending its own privileges and thus lead to forgetfulness of the common good and the inability to find new ways of justice and peace.

our communities, our groups and movements should glow in brotherly love and the joyful reception of arrivals. In fact, each generation is proposed the message of faith, but this without the experience of love, is in danger of being reduced to a more or less understandable truths. Whenever we need someone we repeat, without fail, that we should love one another as Jesus loved us. Without it we would be unrecognizable, but if we practice only that we would be fulfilling our mission.

D. Peter Bishop Joseph Conti

Google creates extension that opens Word, Excel and ... - Digital Diary

Google creates extension that opens files Word, Excel and PowerPoint files directly on Chrome

already open PDF files directly in Chrome without Adobe Reader. But Google has just taken another step in that direction and now allows opening files in Word, Excel and PowerPoint without Microsoft Office – and without using Google Drive.

is simple: just install Chrome Beta and use the Extension Office Viewer, now released for Windows and Mac – before, only worked on Chromebooks.

You can search for text in documents using Ctrl + F, zoom and print them directly from Chrome. It is faster than viewing them on the Office package: not only the loading is fast, as it is more

practical – after all, the browser is always open. But you can not edit the files, and more demanding tasks, with many tabs, Chrome could not open.

As some Office files can hide malware, Chrome opens files in a sandbox, preventing access to personal information, or browser history.

The extension is still in beta and requires Chrome Beta (or dev or canary), so do not fret if it does not work as expected: the novelty is still in testing.

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Google Drive receives automatic synchronization feature - Digital Journal

Google Drive receives synchronization feature automática

Google announced significant changes to the Drive. Now the service of storing and editing files in the cloud enables automatic synchronization to also allow editing of documents when the user is disconnected.

the novelty will no longer have to remember to sync every time the user updates their documents in Drive. The tool does this automatically, which can be a resource ‘savior’ for who urgently need a file from Drive, but is without Internet.

new feature is coming gradually to users, but will only be enabled for those who have activated the offline editing feature files to the drive.

Who still does not have the ability to

edit offline can actuate it by clicking “More” in the left part of Google Drive interface and selecting “Offline” and follow the instructions on the page to install.

Another novelty is that now easier to communicate with people with whom you share a document, facilitating collaborative editing. Google has implemented internal chat tools on the drive and also shows the profile picture of the person on Google+ which is working on that file with you, instead of just the name, as it was formerly.

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