Monday, September 5, 2016

OpenOffice evaluates abandonment alternative project to Windows Office – SAPO Tek

For now no more than an academic hypothesis, but it seems that the difficulties that the Apache OpenOffice project is going through can not be easily resolved, ending at the close of the initiative intended to serve as an alternative to Microsoft’s productivity software package, Microsoft Office.

in a message to the developers, the vice president and one of the initiative volunteers, Dennis E. Hamilton, aligns the situation and explains how it can process the shutdown OpenOffice.

the first team of volunteers that develops and supports the OpenOffice software is currently limited to six people, which is insufficient for the project needs, and made it impossible to solve some security problems that arose. In the message the vice president recognizes that there is little chance of attracting new talent and that the closure is therefore a “serious possibility” that has to be considered.

The release of new versions and OpenOficce updates have It has been reduced, especially after the independence of the LibreOffice in 2011, a parallel initiative that was created to distance the Oracle project.

The OpenOffice has its roots in Sun Microsystems, which bought the Star Division in 1999, and with it a software package called Star Office. The aim at the time was to provide the client version for free, an alternative to Microsoft’s Office suite, and it was created to, which should continue the idea and the project after the code is published in open source model.

productivity software package was welcomed by many as a viable alternative to Microsoft’s software, but with the acquisition of Sun by Oracle in 2011 was delivered to the Apache software Foundation, and the output of many programmers to the LibreOffice eventually “empty” the initiative.

the latest version of OpenOffice available is 4.1.2, dated October 2015, and the message of lack of resources to address security issues and other bugs should leave all software users even more concerned.


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