Friday, May 20, 2016

Want to ride a roller coaster and jump into a volcano? So go to Rock in Rio – Activa

roller coaster riding at Rock in Rio? Well, the giant wheel is already a major symbol of the music festival every two years visiting Lisbon, but we do not see any roller coaster when you enter the grounds of the Bela Vista. So … Well, this journalist did it and it was one of the experiences more adrenaline of your life. At where? In Stand Samsung, for then!

The Samsung Portugal, official sponsor of Rock in Rio Lisboa 2016 chose this festival to worldwide present a series of virtual experiments able to steal the breath away. And what then is the stand of the brand? The “Gear VR Roller Coasters”: a rollercoaster in Virtual Reality, where visitors need only to sit on the chairs with the Gear VR glasses from Samsung and deixarem- be transported to the “journey of their lives.” The scenery you see is the amusement park. The seats move in parallel with the contents, simulating the most immersive way possible, the thrill of being in a real roller coaster.

But we still have, jumping into a volcano fire? Peanuts, for Samsung. This virtual reality experience was dubbed “Gear VR Volcano Bungee” and allows visitors to simulate a jump of bungee-jumping directly to a crater volcanic activity. With virtual reality glasses to see – guarantee – the limits of a volcano about to erupt. Stuck for a harness, we are sustained in the air, as it is seen to fall towards the lava, simulating the jump bungee jumping most radical in the world.

Finally, for those who always dreamed of being super- heroes for a day, the Samsung Galaxy brought his “Gear 360 Sky Diving Dome” that uses the camera technology Samsung Gear 360. in this attraction, participants will be able to wear the iconic events of “superheroes” and take a picture. The photo will be captured in 360 by placing the participants as the fly, just like in the comic-book stories.

What are you waiting to visit the space Samsung Galaxy?

on each day of concerts, Samsung will also offer viewers the Rock in Rio Lisboa, a Samsung Galaxy S7, the latest smartphone Samsung, headphones Samsung Level and smartwatch Samsung Gear S2. To participate in the contest and try to win these prizes, just the visitors of Rock in Rio are directed to the Samsung brand store located in Rock Street and verify that the Samsung bracelet number that has been distributed them during the festival is one of the contemplated with these offers. The distribution of the bracelets will be on the stand of the Samsung Galaxy is that just part of the brand activities in space to receive a bracelet.

In addition, after the success of the partnership between Samsung and recognized Portuguese photographer Frederico Martins, Samsung Galaxy now leads the studio “S7 Owns the Night” to the VIP tent of Rock in Rio, where Frederico Martins will get to know the features of the new camera phone Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, allowing each guest a photo shoot exclusive and unique.

All photos will be captured in an intimate setting, low light in a dark studio, which will serve to reveal the whole image quality of the new camera of the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, even in low light.

the photos will be shared on instagram page “S7ownsthenight”.


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