Mars is coming out of an ice age, after going through multiple stages of climate change, according to radar measurements in its polar ice sheets to a study published on Thursday in the journal Science.
The analysis of data indicates that the planet experienced an ice age which started out about 370,000 years.
Understanding the Martian atmosphere will help determine when the planet was habitable in the past and how it has changed this state, and serve for studies on climate change on Earth.
the models suggested that the dry and dusty red planet has gone through ice ages in the past, but the empirical data to confirm it were few.
in the study, the researcher Isaac Smith, of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder (USA) and his team used a radar to study the layers of ice in the polar caps of Mars, for which used the equipment space probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, launched in 2005 and aimed at increasing the knowledge of this planet.
as the ice melts, the wind can create a spiral channels and other identifiable traits, which is why track these brands within the ice layer can reveal changes in flow and ice accumulation in times past and therefore changes in climate.
While the ice in the south is “relatively small and is changed by the impact of meteorites, “the researchers were able to map the layers within the ice in the north.
Thus, found that the layers and ice migration paths increase, change direction abruptly or are completely buried
These and other data analyzed in the study confirm, according to the researchers, the end of an ice age on Mars
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