You heard a company called Creative? You can not, as the company Singapore is rarely recognized, with the main highlight audio products and the Zen line of media players. This unknown company wants to take almost all US circulation of Android smartphones.
Exactly. The company appealed the ITC (International Trade Commission of the US, its acronym in English) and registered a complaint alleging that basically all Android smartphones in the country are violating its patents related to Zen products while playing music. More specifically, the complaint is because the devices use a hierarchical menu system to display songs and album lists. Therefore, everyone should be banned.
In the indictment, the company tries to prohibit the sale of Samsung’s smartphones, Motorola, Lenovo, LG, Sony, HTC, Lenovo, BlackBerry and to ZTE. In theory, all major players in the market should be prohibited if the claim is accepted.
However, in practice it is another story. In such cases, it is very unlikely that the company really wants to ban the products of others; a much more plausible goal is to try to take money from other companies, preferably with compensation and royalties on the sale of mobile phones.
If the claim is upheld, it will be very difficult for companies accused create a way to circumvent Creative’s patent, to be very generic. That is the purpose of a process like this: force companies to pay for the license to use something very simple and basic, but that can not be avoided
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