Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chaos in Citius: Members of PJ deny boycott and ensure that … – PT Journal

The suspicions that befall the two agents of the Judicial Police (PJ), the alleged boycott Citius platform, were contested by themselves. Hugo Tavares and Paulo Queiroz, who worked in collaboration with the Institute for Financial Management and Equipment of Justice (IGFEJ) deny having concealed information and stand in a statement sent to Lusa, who made “just what was asked.”

In a statement sent to Lusa, the two elements of PJ on those under suspicion of concealment of information concerning Citius platform, deny any allegations and ensure that only carried out orders.

Hugo Tavares and Paulo Queiroz, who worked in collaboration with the the Institute for Financial Management and Equipment of Justice, are the subject of an inquiry, which attempts to determine whether there was some kind of concealment of information that has been the source of problems the computing platform.

In addition to denying any negligent practice, the two elements of the Judicial Police stress that this issue has caused “collateral damage” in regards to “health, personal life, and careers professionals. “

They state that wish to see the matter cleared up as soon as possible and ensure that all information relating to this issue are held by the Ministry of Justice.

And you expect” the means of delivery of justice now under way can not be used as instruments of less political, more than hitherto’ve been. “

It will be recalled that the Citius IT platform, which underpins the system of justice , was inaccessible after the reform of the judicial map.

The Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz came to apologize for the problems arising from this reform, but however clarified that there are suspicions boycotting practices.

Paula Teixeira da Cruz did not provide further details about the ongoing investigation, since the matter is under judicial secrecy.


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