Paramount Pictures and AMC Entertainment announced Monday the launch of a “unlimited ticket” for the movie Interstellar , which allows the buyer to see as many movies as you want for a fixed price. The offer, however, is limited to the United States. AMC
It is the first time you use the system of unlimited ticket, said in a statement, quoted by Variety. Depending on the area, the ticket costs between $ 34.99 and 19.99 (between 16 and 28 euros).
According to the Wall Street Journal, blockbuster movies like Titanic and Avatar remained in theaters for months and joined the hundreds of millions of dollars in profits because of the people who went to see them repeatedly.
The director himself Christopher Nolan hinted that fans and movie critics would see it more than once , especially for those who criticized scientific aspects production of this great science fiction.
“There have been many tweets on impulse, made by people who only saw the movie once, but to even realize the science of the film will be accurate sentarem- with it for a while “, told The Daily Beast.
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