Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A year of carbon dioxide in the NASA video – Daily News – Lisbon

NASA developed a model to better understand as the carbon dioxide produced in the world travels through the atmosphere . As a result, produced a High resolution animation that shows how the gas is moving and how the intensity of his concentration ranges for a year.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) it is a gas whose concentration is influence on climate whose rising emissions are in the center of the debate climate change. In the video released by NASA, created at Goddard Space Flight Center, you can see how the eddies of CO2 are scattered by the winds after being emitted and transported far from their original sources.

You can also see from the video – which shows changes in the level and movement of CO2 between January and December 2006 – the difference between emissions in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere, where they are very most significant.

That’s why when spring comes to the northern hemisphere, the concentration levels of carbon dioxide decreases significantly. During the spring and summer, the plants have a role too more important in the absorption of the gas than in winter, when they are less active.

The video was produced with a model called GEOS-5, which was developed by scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center from a simulator, the Nature Run . According to NASA, the Nature Run “eat real data about atmospheric conditions and emissions of greenhouse gasses and particles, both natural and man-made gases.” Then, the model simulates the natural behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere.


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