The Lisbon Chamber announced the introduction of new fees being charged to tourists in 2015 and 2016, but the port does not want to have to commit themselves to a similar extent. At its meeting on Monday night the city council, the deputy of the Left Bloc, José Castro, spoke out in favor of introducing a tourist tax in the city, but the mayor, Rui Moreira, argued that the issue deserves ” an infinite prudence. “
Charging a fee to tourists landing at Port or who stay in the city “is not a taboo” for Rui Moreira, but it’s not something that the mayor wants to have to defend. The bloquista José Castro argued that a tourist tax “could improve” the finances of the municipality, without causing great influence on the influx of visitors. “No tourist will come to the Port if you have to pay another 50 euro cents or in the hotel,” said
An opinion contradicted by Congressman André Noronha. – One elected by lists Rui Moreira centrist – with the argument that “only those who do not know how tour operators negotiate prices is that the euro might think so.”
Already Rui Moreira ensured that any decision on the matter will only be taken with caution. “We have to be careful not to kill the goose that lays golden eggs. You need to see how the market behaves and how it can induce distrust in small private operators, “he said. Arguing that it is necessary “fiscal stability” and remembering the serious consequences for the restoration of the VAT increase, the mayor fired: “The move to such a thing, we have to make a macroeconomic study and talk with operators. It takes an infinite prudence. “
On Monday, the Mayor of Lisbon, Antonio Costa, announced that back in 2015, one euro will be charged every tourist who comes to the city by sea or air. In 2016, travelers will also have to pay a euro for every last night in a hotel in the capital, a common practice in many European cities.
Although there are still doubts about how this fee will be applied, especially at airports, the Mayor of Cascais already went public to criticize the measure. “It is inconceivable how a mayor decides to intervene in neighboring chambers. This is something that only existed in the medieval period,” said Carlos Careers (PSD) Lusa.
“My daughter who lives abroad when you come home, you have to leave a euro in Lisbon. It does not fit in anyone’s head, “said the Mayor of Cascais municipality that records major tourist activity. Careers Carlos Antonio Costa also accused of being the “hide behind the vice president Fernando Medina” and recommended that the executive capital, “If your goal in life.” “They that make the management of their home and not meddle in the management of other counties,” he added.
On the other hand, the mayors of Oeiras and Sintra still do not want to comment on the measure announced by Lisboa. In the House of Oeiras, chaired by Paul Views (elected by the movement Isaltino Oeiras More Ahead), the matter is still being considered by the Tourism department. Basilio Horta (PS) in Sintra, says talks only after known more details on the application rate.
In the Algarve, where the creation of a similar rate came to be adopted, municipalities dropped this hypothesis. On Tuesday, the president of the Intermunicipal Community of Algarve (MMA) said that for now, the issue is not on the table.
“During the past year no camera Algarve expressed any intention to implement a tourist tax in formal meetings within the AMAL, “Lusa said Jorge Botelho (PS), adding that no censorship António Costa, since the collection of tourist taxes” is not a new thing “and exist” in almost every capital Europe. “
In 2009, the Mayor of Portimão admitted the possibility of creating a tax on tourists, and in 2012, the mayor of Vila Real de Santo António also proposed a tourist tax but the measure never advanced in any of the municipalities.
Speaking to Lusa, the Algarve’s PSD Deputy Christopher North denied the charge, calling it “feudal” and challenged the PS to clarify whether same will apply to the entire territory if António Costa, PS candidate for the forthcoming parliamentary elections, to be prime minister.
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