Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fenprof will submit claims to the Government – Observer

The National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) Monday delivery to the government a petition and a vindictive letter to the 1st cycle, asking the teachers time reduction to 22 teaching hours and the extinction of the current model BCE.

“currently there are 25 hours, with the interval, which in practice gives 27.5 hours, a previous illegal exaction government,” said Lusa the Secretary-general Fenprof Mario Nogueira after the press conference that marked the start of the school year teachers.

the letter will be delivered during a meeting at the Ministry of Education with Secretary of State John Costa and it also calls for the reduction of class sizes to 19 students, or 12 in the case of children with Special educational Needs (SEN).

When the courses include several years of education, the goal of Fenprof is to have a maximum of 15 students.

Fenprof unions still want to terminate the current Curricular Enrichment Activities model (AEC), defending the leisure activities in post-school hours.

the letter also contains a proposal for the establishment of a stock replacement teachers for short-term absences.

As part of the school management, Fenprof suggests the creation of collegiate bodies, elected by teachers and other workers and representatives of parents. This proposal extends to secondary education, which include representatives of the students.

“It is time to move to the democratic management of schools,” said Mário Nogueira during a press conference in Lisbon.

the petition to demand respect for the 1st cycle has gathered more than 5,000 signatures, on vacation, said the union leader.

on the same day, the Fenprof intends to present issues with the regime contests the secretary of State Assistant and Education, Alexandra Leitão, according to today’s advanced information by the leader of Fenprof.

in an update of the numbers on the last contest, whose results were announced this week, the Fenprof estimated to be still placed in schools about 3,000 teachers to fill last minute needs, but by the end of the year between 18000-20000 teachers can not work.

for the school year about to start the Fenprof expects the pass government “of promising signs to fund policies”.

the union structure wants to see negotiated early retirement of teachers, without penalty, as well as measures to end mega-clusters of schools and with the decentralization process initiated by the PSD-CDS coalition government.


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