Monday, August 11, 2014

Court detects irregularities in the accounts of … – Renaissance

The nationalization of BPN cost the State € 2.2 billion by the end of last year. The conclusion of the Court of Auditors (TC) that in analyzing the budget execution Central Administration in 2013, detected accounting errors, computer errors and omissions, among other irregularities.

The TC believes that revenues are not being performed and recorded as required by law and that the control systems did not pass the test.

This is what happens with the contributions for road service, which end up in the coffers of Roads of Portugal, without being first recorded in the budget execution. Or contributions to audiovisual, going directly to the Radio and Television of Portugal without going through the budget execution.

In the analysis of budget implementation in 2013, the same report states that the balance between revenue and expenditure related to LBW, last year was a loss of almost € 500 million.

differences are also reported in the consolidation between organisms, which reveals inaccuracies in accounting for transfers.

This audit the accounts of the central administration, computer also reveals weaknesses that jeopardize the entire accountancy data on the incomes of integrated services.

There are entities that did not report any information about their accounts throughout the year. In other cases, the state budget only includes part of the budget, is what happens to the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, whose accounts only go until August.

It also criticized the mismanagement of funds that are out of the treasury of the state, because the recurring delays in closing the accounts and the differences between revenues and expenditures compromise the reliability of budget execution.


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