Researchers create prototype smartphone that can be loaded with ambient sound
Scientists at Queen Mary University, London, and Nokia researchers have built a device that can be loaded by ambient sound, as applause in a show or talk in a cafe. The prototype works transfromando routine howling sound into electricity for the battery. But take it easy, it is not yet time to abandon the traditional charger.
“Load the sound and vibrations can help improve the usability of electronic devices and allow them to work for longer, without worrying to connect it to a charger, “Briscoe said in an interview with Mashable . “It would also help the environment and would reduce the use of energy produced from fossil fuels.”
The general concept of raising vibrational energy using piezoelectric materials is about 20 years, said Briscoe, but the prototype design came from the work of his team in nanorods of zinc oxide.
The energy harvesting, or nanogenerator, works by using the piezoelectric property of the zinc oxide. When the zinc oxide nanorods are rolled, stretched or bent, they produce tension. The nanogenerator is designed to allow this voltage is used to power a device. – In this case a smartphone
“I believe in charging smartphones this way in the future, but there probably is not enough energy in the sound to remove the need for conventional full loads, “said Briscoe. “This could help lessen the frequency that we need to charge our phones, however.”
There is no estimate of when the function can be available for smartphones, if that will happen. However, those who become desperate when the battery is depleted, will be able to express your anger shouting with braces and … tcharam, it will load.
Via Mashable .
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