The phenomenon of Portuguese emigration has no parallel in Europe. According to data from the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations was 1.99956 million Portuguese abroad in 2013, of which about 1.5 million are in OECD countries.
However, these figures do not include Portuguese descendants. Portuguese and Luso-descendants to the third generation around the world and are more than 30 million. Many of these numbers are collected and estimated by the entities involved. Only last year the Portuguese government moved to have migrated about 120 thousand Portuguese, which reveals the gravity of the situation.
In 2013 approximately EUR 2.2 million were issued to immigrants over 64 years with proven economic and social deprivation, reports the Daily News yesterday. Last year increased the number of immigrants, with more than 64 years, receiving Social Support for the Elderly Disadvantaged Portuguese Communities. The support is intended to migrants in situations of proven economic and social hardship not covered by existing mechanisms in host countries.
In the past tense year 2 246 014 euros were given to support this, the 2013 Emigrants Emigration report these situations are especially in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Maputo, Valencia, Venezuela and the grant aims to help them with the vast majority aimed at immigrants in São Paulo, Brazil, indicates eat and pay the rent house.
It should be recalled that last year the state cut the supports the poorest elderly emigrants, who are experiencing a severe shortage and who have no pension of the countries where they live. The number of beneficiaries of Social Aid to Needy Seniors dropped 75% since 2010, from 3700 to less than a thousand in just three years. Currently receive this support about a thousand people, spread over several countries, particularly in Latin America and Africa, where social security systems do not provide the minimum protection, according to a source from the office of the Secretary of State for Communities.
“are often people who arrived in the 50s and 60s, with little education, who worked hard but did not follow the changing times and after a lifetime of work are undergoing difficulties,” explains Fernando Ramalho, president of the Office of the Portuguese Community of São Paulo, in Brazil, a country with more beneficiaries. Clearly the number of needy emigrants may well be exponentially higher if we take into account that these figures are only those who resort to consulates, or they become aware.
By Emigrate need now is more than an adventure: it is a risk that should be seriously pondered by those who do, trying to act so as to try to avoid that after some decades of work have that bail-support from someone to survive if they can. These emigrants certainly have greater difficulty, not only by age but also by a lack of language skills, the shame of exposing the situation or other even more punitive.
Countries receiving Portuguese immigrants have an obligation to provide them identical conditions, such as how the natural, but the truth is that too often do not fulfill their obligations. It would be good that the Portuguese government was not limited to grant support, which is good, but to strive for better agreements with international bodies towards the Portuguese emigrant social protection.
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