Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Video: Smartphone ignites with a teenage girl to sleep … – PT Journal

readability=”47.664775207333″> Teen Ariel Tolfree fell asleep with the phone under the pillow. And he received a message overnight: A burning smell that saved his life. Ariel, 13, was saved by the nose. Your Samsung Galaxy S4 should go to waste without the right to claim any guarantees, because the young have changed the battery, placing one that is not original.


A tremendous shock to an American family, a story that began with a teen at risk and ended with a happy ending (and a phone in the trash).


Tolfree Ariel is the best representation of the dependence of some people by the device. It was so attached to your S4 that slept with it under her pillow.


But it was outside the smartphone from Samsung that saved his life communication:. strong burning smell, accompanied by some smoke, according to Fox 4 News useless

  Was the warning sign for what happened under the pillow: your phone caught fire and Ariel Tolfree could realize the risks they ran to sleep with the unit on its head.

For Ariel, Sleeping with the smartphone placed under the pillow was a habit. Fell asleep in touch with friends through social networks and beyond, and only sleep a separated link to the world.


However, if the connection is lost when the world sleeps, the same is not true of the physical union with your Samsung Galaxy.


And why the appliance caught fire? Supposedly, according to parents assume, because it had an original battery. With repeated use of Ariel, was necessary to replace the battery.

  It turns out that the brand recommends that the device is not covered precisely in the body during sleep.

Otherwise, the phone battery can catch fire.


This family learned many lessons from this accident that could have caused serious injury to Ariel Tolfree.


Ariel’s father, Thomas Tolfree, leaves a message. See the video:


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