Thursday, July 31, 2014

Guard: Fire in Pinhel dominated – Reuters

 The fire that broke out this afternoon in Pinhel county, district of Guarda, was mastered at 20:00, according to the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC).

The bush fire which started at 13:21 at the site of Cerros, near the city of Pinhel involved in its fight 130 men, 36 vehicles and four operational aircraft, said the ANPC in your website.

Rui Ventura, Mayor Pinhel, told Lusa, about 19:00, the fire destroyed beehives, vineyards and olive groves.

The mayor said that was triggered the Municipal Civil Protection Plan to “start the aftermath with the use of

backhoes and track machines.”

During the fight the flames, two firefighters from the corporation needed Pinhel to be assisted, according to the source Guard District Command Operations (CDOS).

The source told Lusa that about 16.50 one of the men suffered a poisoning by smoke inhalation and the other had a physical ailments.

The two men “came out of the theater” and received assistance in place, having been required to transport them to the hospital, he said.

Also in the district of Guarda the fire which broke out at 16:12 in Figueiró da Serra, Gouveia, was dominated by firefighters at around 18:04, according to the same source CDOS.

Digital Diary with Lusa

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‘The Last of Us: Remastered’ now available for PS4 – Reuters

readability=”22″> ‘The Last of Us’, one of the games last year, is now available for the PS4, namely ‘The Last of Us: Remastered’.

‘Fully in Portuguese, “The Last of Us: Remastered” now arrives at 1080p/60fps with PS4 and new features such as Picture Mode, which allows players to take control of the camera to change visual settings such as focus and filters, and able to save the most beautiful screenshots of the

videogame world. Moreover, the masterpiece of Naughty Dog received other improvements that take full advantage of all that the PS4 has to offer, “reveals a statement, adding that besides the graphics and audio remastering,” “The Last of Us: Remastered “also brings new downloadable content as” The Last of Us: Left Behind “, the” making of “Grounded and other DLC. For those passionate about multiplayer mode, The Last Of Us features a new set of content – the Killer Bundle -. Also available from today »

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There is a smart lock that opens the smartphone, with the … – PT Journal

What if you could control the locks of your home wherever he was? The Genius Smart Lock allows it to him. This smart lock prevents it from getting on the street (what happens when you forget the key), check that the door was closed, control access to house a child – all remotely. Can throw the keys to the trash, but the kit also provides pre-sale use of traditional braces. In this clipping, especially the man who lost his face and was transplanted already a case in magazines


market presents different products that carry the inspection of our home for our smartphone, through home automation solutions, for example.


Genie Smart Lock – which works with IOS or Android 4.0 with Bluetooth systems – it’s a remote control, which focuses on the doorstep, which enables various functions by using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth


The doors can be locked and unlocked via smartphone, making keys inúteis.No However, this also works with the traditional key.


But there are more advantages with this tool. First, the Genie Smart Lock makes the impossible scenario that is closed on the outside of the house, waiting for someone carrying an alternate key.


On the other hand, through an application that is installed

on your smartphone, you can check if there forgot to lock the door without having to go to the home.


remote control system applies in all its splendor without security problems, since a code without which you can not use the Smart Lock Genie is necessary.


The range of this equipment does not end here. Are you afraid of giving a house key to your child? You can control access to the house through this system, opening the door to allow him passage to the inside (even if not with this lock).


users turn up their noses at these less traditional methods. On the one hand, may be less secure, secondly, there is the possibility, for example, running out of battery on your phone.


Does the system becomes inaccessible? No. Just have another device connected to the internet and gets all the necessary information.

  And if you lose your smartphone? It’s the same as losing a house key? It is not. It has an option to delete the function to open the door, which makes it useless for those who do use the Bad Genie Smart Lock. And there are other ways to open the door, even if you lose your smartphone.

Genie Smart Lock is on pre-sale and cost $ 249 (€ 200). Receives two traditional keys, two other Bluetooth a FOB Bluetooth (for connection without phone or switch) and the device that is installed in the door.


is the innovation for day to day. E. .. Innovation for Health? In this clipping also include the story of the man who lost his face after an accidental shooting. Richard underwent a transplant, and two years later, is now the cover of a fashion magazine … Read more.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Government and unions at loggerheads over reviewing supplements … – Port Channel

Government and unions at loggerheads over reviewing supplements in the civil service

meetings between the Government and the civil service unions ended today without consensus, with union structures to require explanations to guardianship on the application of single supplements table (LUT).

“We do not understand what is being discussed here, as this process will be done. know that the leaders of the services will start make the review of supplements and inform the member of responsible government, although unaware of the time to do the review or how this will be done, “said the president of the Union of Technical Staff of the State (STE), Maria Helena Rodrigues.

leader of STE also noted that the bill “still brings the danger of the Government in the nearest time do a review of careers until they are revised supplements.”

The STE requested clarification from the Secretary of State for Public Administration, Leite Martins, but this has not yet presented a single table of supplements that has been under discussion today, pledging to present it in September.

The Trade Union Federation Public Administration (Fesap) lamented the fact that there has been no clarification from the guardianship in this matter.

Speaking to Lusa, the representative of Fesap, Joseph Abram, said that the union structure today asked the

Government to be introduced into the law a clause that guarantees the annual review of supplements for civil servants.

“We ask the Secretary of State that there is an annual review of supplements according to productivity and economic developments for supplements that are associated with the base salary have a review of 20% in 2015, “said Joseph Abraham.

Also the Common Front of Trade Unions of Public Administration, which was received this afternoon by Leite Martins, condemned the lack of flexibility of the government and the lack of clarification of guardianship on the review of supplements.

“While it is not defined in terms of the function that the worker receives, while not admitting the creation of supplements to certain situations that exist in reality, there can be no discussion, “stressed Alcides Teles, the Common Front.

Government and Public Administration unions today concluded the discussion on the proposal for a single table supplements, which requires subsidies start to match a fixed monetary amount and are paid only 12 months.

The proposed ordinance, sent in late June to three union structures, establishing the deadlines and rules for the reasoning of assignment and salary supplements for the transition to these single table of supplements and states that, under this review process, some of the grants may be extinct and others can no longer be earned.

The supplements in force shall be reviewed within 60 days after the entry into force of the new law and can be maintained wholly or partly based on the new rules, or be integrated, fully or partially, in salary.

The salary supplements are paid within 12 months of the year, not being added to the remuneration of 13. º and 14. third month.

Smart Lock-controlled via smartphone makes keys … – PT Journal

‘s called Genius Smart Lock and presents itself as an intelligent lock, allowing you to control the door remotely from home. Among the advantages of this innovative system is the fact that avoid getting locked out of the house. And from here, the sky is the limit.


Genie Smart Lock – which works with IOS or Android 4.0 with Bluetooth systems – is a system for remote control of your doorstep, allowing various functions by using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth


The doors can be locked and unlocked via smartphone, making useless keys.


However, this also works with the traditional key.


The advantages are numerous. First, the Genie Smart Lock makes the impossible scenario that is closed on the outside of the house, waiting for an alternate key.


On the other hand, through an application, you can check if there forgot to lock the door without having to go to the home.


remote control system applies in all its splendor without security problems, since a code without which you can not use the Smart Lock Genie is necessary.


But there are more advantages. Have doubts about the safety of giving a house key to your child? You can control access to the house through the system, opening the door to allow him passage to the interior.


Other questions that arise on users is the possibility, for example, running out of battery on your phone. The system becomes inaccessible? No. Just have another device connected to the internet and gets all the necessary information.

  If you lose your smartphone, does not mean he lost his house key, because it has an option to delete the function to open the door, which makes it useless for those who do use the Bad Genie Smart Lock.

Genie Smart Lock is on pre-sale and cost $ 249 (€ 200). Receives two traditional keys, two other Bluetooth a FOB Bluetooth (for connection without phone or switch) and the device that is installed in the door.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Three year old falls from height of 10 meters – TVI24

A child of three years was, on Tuesday,

seriously injured after falling from a building window, a height of about 10 meters high, in Viana do Castelo.

Source of Firefighters Municipal Viana told that the boy fell over a sidewalk parallel and was transported to the Hospital Santa Luzia in Viana do Castelo, in serious condition.

The same source said the accident happened at 19:31.

On site were an ambulance, one VMER and PSP.

ANACOM fixed termination rates down to 0068 cents –

The price that telecom operators will charge for receiving a call on landline numbers will drop 39% to 0.068 cents. The draft National Communications Authority will still be subject to public consultation and must be subsequently notified to the European Commission.

The reduction was announced today, July 28, by the governor in 2013 after having already operated a reduction in the same segment, but a higher percentage: the time fixed termination rates have decreased by 80% to just over 0.10 cents.

The new cut
tariffs “is a price driven for the costs of an efficient operator and results from the adoption of a new cost model defined by ANACOM, as provided in the Commission Recommendation on Terminations, which aims to reduce terminations in member countries, “said in a statement to ANACOM.

The new rates fixed termination will be public consultation until 26 August, after being notified to the European Commission. If the direction of decision remains, the new values ​​will take effect 10 days after being adopted final decisions.

The 0.068 cents proposed by ANACOM respect to the amount that is paid by a user to the destination number whenever you make a call between landline or a mobile phone to a landline carrier.

Note Writer : the information was corrected on the new value for fixed termination

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Video: Smartphone ignites with a teenage girl to sleep … – PT Journal

readability=”47.664775207333″> Teen Ariel Tolfree fell asleep with the phone under the pillow. And he received a message overnight: A burning smell that saved his life. Ariel, 13, was saved by the nose. Your Samsung Galaxy S4 should go to waste without the right to claim any guarantees, because the young have changed the battery, placing one that is not original.


A tremendous shock to an American family, a story that began with a teen at risk and ended with a happy ending (and a phone in the trash).


Tolfree Ariel is the best representation of the dependence of some people by the device. It was so attached to your S4 that slept with it under her pillow.


But it was outside the smartphone from Samsung that saved his life communication:. strong burning smell, accompanied by some smoke, according to Fox 4 News useless

  Was the warning sign for what happened under the pillow: your phone caught fire and Ariel Tolfree could realize the risks they ran to sleep with the unit on its head.

For Ariel, Sleeping with the smartphone placed under the pillow was a habit. Fell asleep in touch with friends through social

networks and beyond, and only sleep a separated link to the world.


However, if the connection is lost when the world sleeps, the same is not true of the physical union with your Samsung Galaxy.


And why the appliance caught fire? Supposedly, according to parents assume, because it had an original battery. With repeated use of Ariel, was necessary to replace the battery.

  It turns out that the brand recommends that the device is not covered precisely in the body during sleep.

Otherwise, the phone battery can catch fire.


This family learned many lessons from this accident that could have caused serious injury to Ariel Tolfree.


Ariel’s father, Thomas Tolfree, leaves a message. See the video:


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Monday, July 28, 2014

Canteen return to open in the summer to support needy students and … – The Associated Press





The summer holidays are no longer a period when the school canteens close their doors, and many worry that the cameras kept open to allow the neediest children at least one meal per day. But not only. In many cases, the aim is also to provide meals to children who participate in activities on vacation.


                     The Council of Lisbon, for example, except August, remains in operation 89 school cafeterias, which are ongoing activities of the Components of Family Support (CAF), with more than five thousand children. The measure aims to address not only the needy students, but to all who wish to use the service. However, the town still bears the burden of meals for students with socio-economic deprivation.

In Maynooth, the municipality has opened 19 school cafeterias to serve children in Free Time Activities (ATL) and Activities Animation and Family Support while in Loures are four schools that will remain open in the summer canteens

In the municipality of Mafra, dining areas are open to all children and young people – all enrolled in programs of leisure activities can enjoy the service. Families are entitled to a full or partial reimbursement of the registration fee has been proved to socioeconomic deprivation.

at Torres Vedras, the Board, the parish councils and associations organize some activities for children and youth . In some there is a price reduction for needy students, for example, the program Time Vacations, which has had a membership of over 200 children and young people per week. Thus, they have access to a meal and the
playful-educational activities.

Also in Swindon, under Holiday Fun programs, is available to the neediest families a package of activities including meals at relatively low prices and that, from the next interruption, will be free for those facing economic hardship.

A canteen Minho
In the district of Setúbal, in vacation work, in the county of Barry, four dining rooms, which provide a total of 40 meals. Montijo are working 12 cafeterias in elementary schools and one of an integrated school. The Board is prepared to provide meals in July 4500. Already in Palmela three dining halls are open during this month where 28 children lunch referenced by groups.

In the case of Sesimbra, the 22 schools in the county will keep the cafeterias open during the month of July, providing meals about 250 students. In August, the dining halls close their doors for the rest of the staff, but the council will deliver 300 baskets with food and other goods to some 150 families more carenciadas.No Santarém district, the municipality will ensure Almeirim lunch students more disadvantaged by 29 August. Meals are served in the school cafeterias of Ponds of Cortiçóis and Almeirim.

Further north, in the district of Porto, there are cameras that have opted to just quit during the month of August. In the municipality of Porto school canteens close doors on July 31 and reopen on September 1. For lunches under social support, families must enroll their children, but only a relatively small universe uses this aid.

In Matosinhos are running until July 31, and then from 1 September to the beginning of classes, 20 canteens, with 230 students enrolled (more than last year, they were 150). . The needy students eat lunch for free or pay what corresponds to the level of income

This Month in Maia are open 21 canteens within the family support component, benefiting 400 students; and Santo Tirso 26 canteens, serving 1200 students. As in previous years, the Board of Gaia continues to support students with meals during the holidays. This year will total 77 canteens running throughout the month of July. Within the district, only Amarante is a service of meals for 93 needy children. Minho only in Braga will run a school canteen, the school Maximimos in order to meet food needs, covering about 50 children.

In the district of Vila Real, Little Village Chamber of Aguiar holds the canteens of the two open school centers. The initiative is aimed at supporting families with difficulties and at the same time developing camps and temporary jobs for about 600 children and young people.


Soon the batteries of smartphones can last up to three times … –

batteries on smartphones and tablets have improved, but also other specifications have evolved a great pace, which always ends up conditioning the lifetime of the devices. Larger screens and more powerful processors suck all the extra space that manufacturers can impose on the batteries.

A group of researchers at Stanford University in the U.S. found a way to deal with this problem. What scholars have created is a new type of lithium battery that promises to last between two to three times more than current lithium ion manning phones and other devices.

How to explain publication, currently the batteries are composed of three components: an electrolyte that provides the electrons flowing between the anode, which discharges the electrons, and the cathode, which receives electrons.

So far there is only
lithium in the electrolyte, but the step taken will allow it to be possible in the future to create a pure lithium anode – which will ensure a great leap in the quality of the batteries.

Thanks to developments in the field of nanotechnology, researchers at Stanford have managed to create a way to maintain stable lithium at the anode, which is considered as the “Holy Grail” of batteries, explained one of the coordinators of research Yi Cui.

Not only loads of mobile phones will last longer, as the batteries can be smaller and lighter without compromising their autonomy.

But it is not only in the smartphones and tablets that the new discovery will have an impact. Gadgets in dressing, known as wearable, this will be an important step for their maturation. The new lithium batteries can also contribute to the development of electric cars, by creating vehicles with greater energy autonomy.

With the first steps towards the ideal batteries, will be a matter of time before the concept “go to practice.” However more tests and developments to be assessed the stability of the new technology will be needed.

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ANACOM reduces wholesale prices of the fixed call termination – The Associated Press




Anacom will again reduce wholesale prices which telecoms operators charge competitors for terminating calls on their fixed networks. The reduction in tariffs of 39% will be revealed on Monday the regulator of the communications sector.


                     According to the determination of ANACOM, which is under public consultation until 26 August, the rates will be fixed at 0.068 cents per minute after, in 2013, have

already been reduced by approximately 80%.

As the mobile operators, the fixed wholesale prices have been falling in line with the guidelines of Brussels. The decline in wholesale prices of terminations is always a source of contestation by telecommunications companies because in the background represents a decrease of revenue they get whenever a customer of a competing network terminates a call in your network. In contrast, the costs incurred by the company whenever forwards traffic to a competing network also decrease.

With this decision “the conditions will be created for operators to reverberate this tariff reduction in the prices they charge to end users, “said the regulator in a press release.

The new termination price of 0.068 cents per minute” is a guided price for the costs of an efficient operator and results from the adoption of a new cost model defined by ANACOM “, in line with the 2009 recommendation of the European Commission, which aims to reduce terminations in the community space.

Anacom explains that last year termination rates were fixed due to an average of the rates in force in several European countries have applied a model similar to what was developed by ANACOM characteristics.

The new termination rates and the cost model will be available for public consultation until August 26. Thereafter shall be notified to the European Commission and, keeping the draft decision will enter into force 10 days after final decisions are taken.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Google buys Twitch by 1,000 million dollars –

 The rumor that Google pointed the interest of the company was not new and apparently even had some truth. A source close to the Mountain View company, heard by VentureBeat, announced the acquisition and revealed who will be paid billion (equivalent to 742 million euros) for the platform.

The Twitch was created in 2011 and today has more than 50 million customers daily consume 106 minutes of video, making it responsible for about 1.35% of Internet traffic
worldwide. The company enjoyed success since its introduction, gaining 3.2 million customers in the first month of life. Allows players to transmit in direct challenges that are playing as if it were an event.

With the deal Google will integrate the company’s 152 employees in San Francisco. It also integrates, a platform for online content delivery video, created years before by the same parents and in the meantime had been integrated into the platform.

For the Google business is an opportunity to increase the hours of use of YouTube, but also a way to deepen the connection with consumers of content in the living room, where Google has also tried to make place Chromecast through.

Note Writer : Article updated to clarify the source of confirmation

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Cofisa invests 1.2 million in the production of sausage tuna – Reuters

product hit the market a little over a month after undergoing a process “slow and difficult” to gain the desired consistency without compromising the taste of tuna, said the president of Cofisa, José Freitas, told Lusa .

The project cost, only equipment and installation around one million euros, which further compounded further 200 thousand euros in the development phase and product tests conducted in a pilot plant over two years.

In 2013, exports of canned fish reached about 50 thousand tons (16.3% getting above the amount sold in the previous

year) and increased 15.7% in value, totaling 206 million euros, “one of the highest growth rates of recent years,” explained Castro e Melo, the National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fish (ANICP).

Canned sardines represent about a third of this volume, having been exported about 18 tons in 2013 (9.8% more than the previous) with the value increasing to 84 million euros (18.3% more than in 2012), according to official statistics Datapesca.

Here are the tuna, with 10 thousand tons in 2013, valued at 56 million euros, and then canned mackerel and mackerel, which were exported just over 8000 tonnes (EUR 37 million). />

Digital Money with Lusa

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Aveiro: Lone Detainee who stole elderly / JIC confirmed jail … – News from Aveiro

individual suspected of snatching robberies in Aveiro Aveiro zone and caught by GNR saw him be ordered to remand pending the trial.

anticipated yesterday at Bonsucesso , Vera Cruz, the alleged perpetrator of the robberies, homeless 30-year-old drug addict, had targeted “mostly elderly women,” the guard who gathered evidence that suggest at least four robberies.

The Center of Criminal Investigation (NIC) of Aveiro was on the trail of lonely since July 13, after “the occurrence of certain crimes of pickpocketing” in Aveiro, Aveiro district, in this case the
mother President of Aveiro city council.

The last case has occurred in Oiveirinha, which surprised a septuagenarian who opened the door and yanked them gold rings from the ears. You need to receive hospital care.

“After the necessary arrangements for the collection of evidence, the suspect was arrested,” having been present this morning to judicial interrogation had as an outcome measure of the application of coercion more serious by the courts for criminal prosecution.

were not collected any objects stolen.

GNR also reports that identified three men (from 19 to 25 years), suspected of the authorship of theft the interior of a property in Praia da Barra, Gafanha of Nazareth.

The trio was in possession of a stainless steel used in the burglary of the cafe door, the backpack transportation of stolen food items (ice cream several brands) with the estimated value of 1,000 euros.

(updated at 18:13)

Sardine is the queen of exports of canned – Pú





Exports of canned grew almost 17% between 2012 and 2013 totaled almost EUR 206 million in foreign sales, in which the protagonist is sardines.


                     For the general secretary of the National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fish (ANICP), Castro e Melo, the data is not a surprise because the industry has always been facing the export, which enabled him to mitigate the effects of the crisis. “Probably not suffered the effects that other sectors have suffered because it is an industry that has always been very devoted to exports. The industry retains Portuguese always lived, and still lives, in international markets. Exports to over 70 countries, long ago, “he said.

In 2013, exports of canned fish reached about 50 thousand tons (16.3% getting above the amount sold in previous) year and increased 15.7% in value, totaling 206 million euros, “one of the largest growths in recent years”, according to the head of ANICP.

Canned sardines represent about one third of this volume, having been exported about 18 tons in 2013 (9.8% more than the previous) with the value increasing to 84 million euros (18.3% more than in 2012), according with official statistics Datapescas.

Here are the tuna, with ten thousand tons in 2013, valued at 56 million euros, and then canned mackerel and mackerel, some of which were exported More than eight thousand tons (37 million euros).

Contrary to what happens in international

trade in the internal market “80% or more of consumption” corresponds to canned tuna.

Castro Melo moves forward with an explanation: “Here in Portugal, the consumer usually has access to fresh sardines” and probably prefers fish prepared this way, because “a fish is easily accessible, which does not happen in other countries. “

The canning supplies are primarily sardines captured by national siege fleet, under normal conditions, but will get it to other countries where our species when it is scarce in Portuguese waters what has happened in recent years, said the secretary-general of ANICP.

Tuna is captured and imported “in various places”, with a “small part” from the Azores.

However, companies insist on looking for new markets. “Exports have increased for some Portuguese speaking countries, for example, that Angola, in 2012, was the first export market for canned outside the European Union,” said Castro e Melo. Now, “Brazil is a complicated market because it has many technical barriers.”

The head of ANICP said the Portuguese canning enter “very easily” in the Brazilian market “if everything ran normally”, but there are many obstacles to overcome. “As they are also producers of canned create many difficulties for the export of ours,” he said, listing charges, taxes and specifications that make it “too complicated”.

In the European Union, France, England and Italy are the main customers of Portuguese preserved.

“There is an aspect that has contributed to the growth that is called the ‘present health’,” said Castro e Melo, remembering that sardines, tuna and mackerel integrate groups so-called ‘blue fish’ (fish containing fats to be healthy).

In addition, the industry knew “modernize” and appeal to the tastes gourmet of new consumers with the help of chefs who also began to see preserved in the possibility of creating more elaborate dishes.

The turnover of the 21 industrial units in operation in mainland Portugal and the Azores, which employ between 3500 and 4000, currently amounts to around € 320 million.

Sausage tuna
Cofisa (Canned Fish Figueira da Foz) invested 1.2 million euros the development of a sausage tuna designed to attract younger consumers who value healthy eating. The product came to market just over one month after crossing a “slow and difficult” process to gain the desired consistency without compromising the taste of tuna, said the president of Cofisa, José Freitas.


Smartwatch Moto 360 will light sensor – MediaJuss

Device Motorola presents more of a novelty when

we are nearer the launch date.

There’s more news about the first smartwatch Motorola soon to be released.

The Moto 360 will be the first smart watch to bring a light sensor.

With this feature, already present in smartphones, the brand aims to save the most of the device’s battery. Depending on the light level, the Moto 360 will adjust the screen brightness to different environments.

SmartWatch will be released between August and September but there have been tech sites like TechCrunch who might try it.

View the video below to get to know what may be the best device to run the Android operating system Wear.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

A bold announcement Futre that can only be seen on the Internet – EN Journal

After the censorship of television, which did not show the ad Paulo Futre to Libidium Fast, sexual stimulant Natura Bliss, left for the company to disclose the bold video on YouTube. And so it was possible to see the old player to dominate the ball, with the technical features and the power that is lost with time. See the video.

 An ad

Natura Bliss – which features a male sexual stimulant -. Futre starring with Paul, was censored by television, according to the company


The former Portuguese international player comes back in the picture, with its unmistakable sweater 10, dominating the ball. Do not do it with the head. The picture shows it. Will be on the left foot, or right? Or both, alternately


The answer is left to the reader’s imagination. The background music, aggressively, suggests strength Paulo Futre. Suggests force.


It is certain

that this advert … exciting just to stay out of television, according to the company’s own account.

  ”With Libidium Fast, Paulo Futre shows his technique and talent in the video that the TV did not pass.

The results are there, “the company writes in the video description.


And the idea that Paul Futre will be the protagonist of a video that will become viral on the Internet is again.


In two days, more than 140,000 people saw the bold and courageous proclamation of Natura Bliss.


See the video:


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Paulo Futre ad censored by television | Biggest Tv – Biggest Tv

<- Pubcorpo ->

Paulo Futre shows his technique and talent in a video advertising that televisions would not spend

Paulo Futre carries an ad that was banned from TV. The video, released on

YouTube however, has been widely shared on social networks. In the images, which accepted no TV broadcast, the former football player promotes male sexual stimulant, Libidium Fast.

Libidium Fast is a male sexual stimulant with natural products that increase male sexual potency, marketed as a dietary supplement that contains a complex plant.

Food supplements are foodstuffs that are intended to complement and / or supplement the normal diet and should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

They are concentrated in certain nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

The results are plain to see.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Fellows want to know how they will be distributed billion for … – BBC News

“If these billion euro may come, in this case, set aside the assessment [of research centers, which is ongoing] that is undermined credibility and do something as it should be, it seems a good measure,” said André Janeco speaking to Lusa.

The Minister of Education and Science, Nuno Crato, announced Thursday, in parliament, that the Portuguese State has agreed with the European Commission with funding from the Structural Funds thousand million by 2020 for


With the partnership agreement 2014/2020, reached between Portugal and the European Commission after “intensive negotiations and sometimes very difficult”, the Government intends to ensure funding for basic science, but also the “international competitiveness and scientific excellence” of research and development units and the “transfer of knowledge” for companies.

André Janeco also stressed the importance of knowing as the availability of funds will be announced, adding that sometimes, if there was talk “of numbers many millions” and then, at the time of tendering, what comes to effectively units and researchers “are trifles,” accused.

The Portuguese research units are to be subjected to an evaluation process that is taking place, and which has already deleted, the 2. third phase, almost half of the centers involved.

See the listing Futre that televisions banned – Reuters

YESTERDAY at 16:53 updated at 20:21

Video With


 The former footballer Paul Futre starred in an ad for a male sexual stimulant that was ‘censored’ by television.

advertisement Libidium Fast, Natura Bliss presents Futre his back to give a ball touches, however, later you realize that the touches are given with a body part … less common.

The video, which will not be delivered on television, is in the YouTube company page.

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In this ad, Futre dominates the ball with power and great technique (see … – PT Journal

Friday July 25, 2014 08:49 | António Henriques

Televisions censored this ad Paulo Futre to Libidium Fast, sexual stimulant Natura Bliss. But on YouTube the rules are less tight and it was possible to see that the former player continues to show … force. See the video.


The idea for the ad Natura Bliss – which features a male sexual stimulant – is bold, but loads of humor. And with Paulo Futre sole protagonist.


The former Portuguese international player comes back in the picture, with its unmistakable sweater 10, dominating the ball. His head is not. The picture shows it. Will be on the left foot or right? Or both alternately


The answer is left to the reader’s imagination. The background music, aggressively, suggests strength Paulo Futre. Suggests force.


It is certain that this advert … exciting just to stay out of television, according to the company’s own account.

  ”With Libidium Fast, Paulo Futre shows his technique and talent in the video that the TV did not pass. The results are there, “the company writes in the video description.

And the idea that Paul Futre will be the protagonist of a video that will become viral on the Internet is again.


In less than a day, more than 85 thousand people saw the ad Natura Bliss.


See the video:


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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lisbon Metropolitan Area with more spaces immigration … – The Associated Press



Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) differs, in socioeconomic terms, the Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) by the existence of areas of immigration, while the North has more space with less urbanization, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE).


                     In socio-economic typology of metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, 2011, released on Thursday by the INE, the territory can be divided into the categories of qualified new consolidated unqualified “urban (sub) urban, (sub) urban spaces integrated lower density, lower density self-centered spaces and spaces of immigration. “

The differentiating the two areas is the greater presence of spaces immigration in Lisbon (12% vs. 02%) and less self-centered spaces density in Porto.

Spaces immigration concentrated foreign population and different religions, and usually tend to have a more aged buildings with overcrowded and rented accommodation.

According to INE, self-centered spaces of lower density have less population and buildings with seven or more households, there is a lower incidence of population belonging to more qualified socio-economic groups and with more schooling.

Between the years 2001 and 2011, the INE noted the

expansion of (sub) urbanization qualified and the retreat of the (sub) urban unskilled in both territories, with the resident in (sub) urban population more than qualified to double and the other end to “decrease by more half. “

In AML, the extension of qualified suburbanization mainly covered the municipalities of Sintra, Cascais, Oeiras, Lisboa and also Seixal and Almada.

” In the city of Lisbon, we highlight the process of revitalization and urban renewal in the eastern area of ​​the city “, while the AMP this phenomenon focused on Matosinhos, Maia and Vila Nova de Gaia.

The heterogeneity is more pronounced in AML, given the “fairer territorial and population distribution between the various socio-economic classes in metropolitan Lisbon.”

The fragmentation of the territory in the Lisbon area shall be recorded, according to the document, the municipalities city ​​limits, to extend on the north bank of the Tagus, along roads and railways, as in lines of Sintra, Cascais and Azambuja.

On the south bank of the Tagus river, the INE highlighted the area between Almada and Montijo and the city of Setúbal.

Have the AMP, fragmentation is evident between the center-periphery opposition, “emphasizing the centrality of the city of Porto and a crown circumferential suburban sprawl that encompasses the . municipalities Matosinhos, Maia, Valongo, Gondomar and Vila Nova de Gaia “

In both spaces, the consolidated city-wide, the characterizations are similar: aged over territories, either in population or in buildings, being the most common Lonely elderly residents. There are even “bigger words” rented houses.

these traditional urban centers represents 17% of the population of AML, while the AMP that percentage is lower (10%).

” The municipalities of Lisbon and Setúbal, in AML, and the municipalities of Porto, Espinho and São João da Madeira, in AMP, exceeded its metropolitan average in terms of population relative importance of urban consolidation, “it reads.


Revenues from Facebook in the 2nd quarter grows 61% – Reuters Brazil

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Facebook’s revenue grew 61 percent in the second
quarter, with the Internet company benefiting from strong demand for its mobile advertising business.

Facebook said on Wednesday that generated revenue of 2.91 billion dollars in the three months ended June 30, up from 1.81 billion dollars a year earlier.

(By Alexei Oreskovic)

© Thomson Reuters 2014 All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 the gadget that lets you know if your drink has drugs – Tech & Net

 is a new small gadget that allows the user to instantly know if drugs were introduced in your drink, such as drug violations.

This device analyzes a small sample of the drink and through two lights (red and green) indicates to the user if the drink is safe or not . Through its mobile application will get even more information, such as the type of beverage that is and if you find any illegal substance indicates that the substance is in the drink.

The application can also be used to update the database of the device, thus remaining always updated with new types of drugs that may be discovered.

“Despite being extremely advanced

technologically, the is very easy to use. Simply immersed the device in seconds and the LED light will indicate if your drink has been changed or not. The was created with proven technology used by the DEA and the United States, “the company that developed the gadget.

Statistics claim that in North America, 1 in 4 women will experience sexual abuse during their lifetime and 25% of these incidents are facilitated by alcohol or drugs known as “rape drugs”.

The founder of the company that developed the David Wilson, a cancer survivor for more than 14 years after being diagnosed changed the course of his career, ranging from technology to nuclear medicine and has developed a new technology for tracking cancer.


Facebook creates function which stores content for future reference – TSF Mobile

Facebook creates title role guarding content for future reference – TSF Mobile <-.! Billboard -> <- Title -> <- Title -> <- TextBlock -> <- TextBlock -> <- Title -> <- TextBlock ->

Posted on 21/07/2014

<- Title -> <- TextBlock ->


Photo <- Billboard -> <- - TextBlock>: Rights Reserved

<- Title -> <- TextBlock -> The social network Facebook announced a new feature that will allow scoring articles, websites or other content that each user can trigger to refer to later

. <- TextBlock ->

class="uqqljrn" readability="23">

“Every day, people find all sorts of interesting things on Facebook that do not have time to explore. From now on we will be able to indicate and put what we find on Facebook to consult later when we have time, “explains Daniel Giambalvo, engineer social network, in a message posted on the company page.

You will be the one to know the content of what they decided to mark, unless you want to share that same information.

Facebook specifies that the function should be available “in the coming days” to “all people ‘who has a page on the social network and uses a classic browser or a mobile device.

Users browsing Facebook becoming the social network via mobile phones and remain therefore longer than if they were to access the page from a computer

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Device promises to detect the presence of drugs in drinks – Terra Brazil

<- / / Content: picture without Burst - start / / ->


<- Date & Time ->

July 22, 2014 • 17h04 • updated at 17h06

<- Subtitulo -> <- - Title> <- / / Updated at: 13/06/2014 / / -> <- /! / BBC TESTING TO INCLUDE AUTHOR / / -> <- / / IS NOT BBC - INI / / -> <- / / Author start / / -> <- / / Author order / / -> <- / / IS NOT BBC - END / / ->

<- / / Content: picture without Burst - end / / ->

The device is battery powered and the launch is scheduled for next April

copyrightHolder " class=" copyright "> Photo: Getty Images

A new portable device, the size of a USB key, dubbed” “can be used to detect the presence of drugs in drinks. Information is the site of Cosmopolitan magazine.

Earth Style Follow on Twitter

According to the creator of”, “David Wilson, many women who are victims of the problem sought to tell their stories and eventually serving as inspiration for the creation of the product. Currently, Wilson is raising funds for the production of the device

In a video, he states that 25% of sexual assaults involving the adulteration of beverages -. Unconfirmed given by publication. And the device, battery powered, could help reduce cases of sexual abuse to detect the presence of drugs in drinks.

To use the detector, just dip it in the drink quickly to obtain a sample. From a series of tests, the device shows the drink has been tampered with. Wilson and his team hope to launch the “” through April 2015

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What does “review” in the dictionary FCT – The Associated Press




Imagine that a teacher has a class of 20 students and everyone in improbable coincidence, are the level of Einstein. The teacher does not even know this genius but you know at the outset, before any test, which can only “spend” ten of their gifted students – rule that their students are unaware of and, indeed, until they were told they did not exist. That’s what made the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to commission an international assessment of Portuguese research centers, establishing from the outset, in the contract for this task, half of the centers would not pass to the next stage of evaluation. And so, even those who had good chumbariam.


                     FCT commissioned this work to a foreign organization, the European Science Foundation (ESF), for about 300 million euros. The previous review the research units of the country, in 2007, organized by the FCT itself cost 1.6 million euros.

Not being open to criticism, the 2007 assessment was serious. Evaluators visited the centers, scientists heard, seen and science that did a review of these cost money. The 2014 review was comparatively very cheap and gets to be easy to see why. Started from the assumption that half of the centers “chumbaria” in the first phase, as was determined in the contract between the FCT and ESF released on Friday (“the first phase of the review will result in a ‘shortlist’ half of the units . research that will be selected to proceed to Phase 2, “reads the document, which specifies a number of” approvals “: 163). Why then visit the
centers in the first phase of the evaluation, and spend money on it, if half would have to be eliminated?

Both the ESF and the FCT (and even now the Ministry of Education and Science that guardianship) out rather badly in this “picture”. The FHS says in his site that is committed to the science in Europe is of high quality and among the services it provides are reviews (scientific projects and counterpart agencies in other countries FCT). How does an organization that says strive for scientific quality and want to continue to make assessments (through its successor), can be credible by accepting the outset to “order” the number of pre-decided by the FCT leads?

reviews tend to serve it yourself, evaluate. Before them, the “teacher” does not know the performance of their students. If the FTC wants to know the state of science in the country, to realize the true trend since the last review of 2007 would look at the results that were presented to him after the hearing on the ground. But not placed an order in which pre-defined results that this review should have.

This shows us that the FCT wanted to have a “scientific study” that found on the ground which meant it to be found . Thus, it could legitimize a policy you want to assign the bulk of the money for operation of research centers to a smaller group for, he says, reward “excellent” and “exceptional”. Instead of taking these cuts, we agree with them or not, could take refuge in this “review” for more of a “foreign” entity.

Between the mid centers left behind in the first phase of the evaluation (154 among 322 evaluated), the majority (83) had a rating of Good and have a reduced funding for recurrent expenditure. The other 71 ranked with Low Average or will not have any money. Ie having Good is no longer good, as was realized with the release of the results of the first phase of the evaluation at the end of June.

FCT has been toasting us with a new dictionary. Regulation in this review, we still know that the centers that reached the second round – 168 and are therefore above Good – can now be classified as Low, Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Outstanding. A center that ensured at least one Very Good, to proceed to the second phase of the review, can now come to be Insufficient. Ie have Very Good Poor. ? Confused

With the revelation of the content of the contract between the FCT and ESF, we learned that the dictionary FCT now has another new word:. Assessment no longer means assessment


Facebook now allows you to save information to see later –

 The feature allows links and contents saved are sent to a specific folder, where will all the information that the user is selecting while navigating to view later.

The separate content for later reference is only available to the user and will only be visible to third parties if it decides to share it with friends, assures Facebook.

can be saved for later viewing links, locations, music, books, films, media folders, events, among others. Besides being available in the Saved folder, these links are also displayed with search results whenever the user search related information.

The new feature began arriving to clients’ accounts yesterday. In Portugal is now available. In the options for managing each Wall post (accessible from the top right corner of the publication) now also include the possibility to save the connection.

When there are links saved is added to the menu summary information about messages and events to Saved folder. Inside the user finds the information “groomed” by sections.

Written under Orthographic new agreement

Monday, July 21, 2014

New device identifies when a drink is drugged – Terra Brazil


<- Date & Time ->

July 21, 2014 • 17h54 • updated at 17.55

<- Title -> <- Subtitulo -> <- / / Updated at: 13/06/2014 / / -> <- / / BBC TESTING TO INCLUDE AUTHOR / / -> <- / / NOT It BBC - INI / / -> <- / / Author start / / -> <- / / Author order / / -> <- / / IS NOT BBC - END / / ->

Accident Truck collides with train loaded in Viana – to the Minute News

A truck loaded with a special shovel loads of a wind tower crashed this morning in Viana do Castelo with a moving train, an accident without injuries, told Lusa source of GNR.


source of the territorial command of the GNR of Viana do Castelo, the accident occurred at about 5:15 on Avenida 25 de Abril, near the Carmo Church, in the city center, when the truck carrying the Enercon wind component factory in North beach, sea port city.

According to the same source, the clash with the train that had just left the station Viana Castle to Porto, happened “when the truck described a curve, it seems due to a calculation error in the trajectory due to the length of the equipment.”

“In this part of town has the truck that circulate in the opposite direction in order to describe the curve. At that time a part of the rotor blade of a wind tower invaded the railway line and just then circled the train from 5:11 am to Porto, who clashed with that wind component “maintained the source.

At the time of the crash, according to the GNR, the train

carrying the driver and another employee of the CP,” but no one was injured. “

” There is only property damage and record on the train and shovel, which had to be cut to be unhooked from the train, “said the GNR.

The traffic in that part of town has been cut in both directions for about 45 minutes to a crane that could replace the rotor blade back in the truck to be sent to the factory for repair.

The train ended up being on the move so that “all the conditions were ensured security”.

multinational Enercon subconcessionados land occupied since 2005 by the Naval Shipyards in Viana do Castelo (ENVC) where installed one of two industrial poles holding in Viana do Castelo for the production of wind turbines and other components, employing over 1,400 people in five factories.

The German group has no means of lifting themselves, a situation which the company admits hinder “export logistics” of wind components produced in five plants the German group settled in Viana do Castelo .

There is much that the group has been demanding the use of a crane located in Viana yards, inoperative for several years, but without result.

In the absence of lifts, the multinational company is required to make road transport from inside the urban area to the south bank, where the commercial port is installed, of all cargo destined for export transactions arising during the night or early morning, accompanied by the GNR to ensure safety road.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Infarmed alert for increased trade in ‘illegal soaps’ – Reuters

Infarmed warned of the increased trade in ‘illegal soaps’ that can be mistaken for food, the manufacture and sale are prohibited under risk of suffocation or poisoning.

a statement today available on the institute’s website, this body realizes’ an increase in the illegal trade in soaps (mostly handmade), by its shape and color, can be mistaken for food » .

Infarmed recalls that ‘the European and national legislation prohibiting the manufacture, import, export or sale of products that may endanger the health and safety of consumers due to confusion with foodstuffs, in particular by

appearance, shape, color, odor, packaging, labeling, volume or size. “

With this ban, the authorities intend to ‘prevent accidents in children, such as suffocation or poisoning.”

entities that manufacture or distribute these products’ must take the necessary measures to eliminate the danger of such products and place on the market only products that comply with applicable law. “

Regarding entities that hold this type of product, they can not sell.

Consumers who have bought such products similar to food, these “must not use them and should keep them out of reach of children ‘ recommends Infarmed that still appeals to not purchase these cosmetics

Digital Daily / Lusa

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Coral reefs in the Caribbean have halved in the last … – The Ball

Coral reefs in the Caribbean decreased by nearly half in the last 50 years. Storms, algal growth and the impact of human activity are among the causes for the reduction

The conclusion is a group of researchers from several countries, who prepared the study ‘Coral Reefs of the Caribbean. 1970-2012 ‘.

The study warns that if

action is not taken within twenty years there will remain not many reefs in the area.

The Caribbean reefs generate more than three billion dollars ( EUR 2.2 billion) in the fishing and tourism activities.

According to Jorge Cortés, researcher at the Centre for Research in Marine Sciences of the University of Costa Rica, quoted by EFE , catching fish that eat algae threatens the survival of corals.

The factor that join the ‘sediments, due to deforestation, changes to the coast for the construction and contamination’ reasons which ‘the corals die. “

Experts argue, therefore, measures for the protection of fish, such as the prohibition or limitation of certain types of fishing gear.

Researchers campaign for the defense of science – Express

<- St_tag_p begin ->

Association Research Grant for Scientific Research (ABIC) launched this Thursday at City University of Lisbon, a campaign to appeal to the development of science in Portugal, ” hostage strategies for financial strangulation researchers and R & D “institutions

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According to André Janeco, doctoral fellow of the Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon University and president of ABIC, the campaign, which will run until October with a series of actions, kicks off with an open letter signed by 50 persons , to deliver “the guardianship of Science in Government”

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In the letter, the scientific community refers not to accept that universities are “not only cut the ability to contribute to the scientific development, but is limited to preparing them critical thinking.”

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The document further notes that the R & D institutions “should not be held hostage to an orientation that favors the widespread cutting of funding, led from the scientific paradigm of mass production “

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According to the ABIC, the campaign seeks to raise the serious consequences for the country’s politics and government strategy, express widespread disagreement in the scientific community and give clues to an alternative course

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“We want this initiative to be a vehicle for public discussion on a strategy for funding research in Portugal, joining the growing number of voices who criticize the criteria of Foundation for Science and Technology and denounce the precariousness and lack of recognition of the work of most researchers, “added André Janeco

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Scholarship unhappy with cuts and delays

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Those responsible for ABIC recall that in 2013 the FCT funded just a “small” number of projects . research, 231, while the previous year had been 647 “And for the tender Investigator FCT were approved less than 15% of applications, only 209 of a total 1480″ refer

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The drastic reduction in the number of scholarships – 853 assigned a set of 5,794 candidates – is another major concern of the ABIC. The fellows are shown appalled at the “serious delays” in payment of grants, “in some cases happen only from the second half of 2014″

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Among the subscribers of the open letter are Filomena Parada, Vice President of the European Council of Doctol Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC), Federico Gama oak, researcher and vice president of Executive Council of the World Federation of Scientific Workers (FMTC) and Carlos Fiolhais, professor of the department of Physics, University of Coimbra, one of the most critical policies and funding criteria for applying the FCT voices

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Armenian Carlos, secretary general of the CGTP is the other subscribers of the letter in defense of science

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Court compels the Wage Guarantee Fund to pay debt … – The Associated Press





Administrative and Fiscal Court (TAF) Almada gave reason to a worker Novopca declared insolvent company and initiated a recovery plan, forcing the Wage Guarantee Fund (SGF) to pay him labor missing credits . In the ruling, the first of several cases brought to court, the court believes that it is important to “insolvency be recognized by the courts, either involving or recovery.”


                      The sentence comes at a time that unions have condemned the management of FGS refuses to pay wages and other credits to employees of companies that have recovery plans to run in the courts – is under insolvency proceedings or Special Process Revitalization (PER), created in 2012 as an alternative to bankruptcy court. The insolvency practitioners, which accompany these processes, fear that these refusals lead workers to vote against recovery of businesses and increase bankruptcies.

In the sentence to which the public had access, court goes further and warn that the interpretation of services makes “potentially useless” the objective of the fund created to pay off debts to employees when companies are in financial trouble or encase doors. The arguments TAF Almada were not disputed by the Financial Management Institute of Social Security, responsible for managing the fund, which chose not to appeal the decision.

At issue is an employee of the construction company Novopca declared insolvent in May 2011 and was subsequently the subject of a recovery plan approved in January 2012. Worker presented in July 2011, an application to the FGS to receive unpaid wages and severance pay. The answer came in December
of that year:. Request was rejected because “the credits required to FGS will be dissolved by the approval of the recovery plan for the company”

TAF Almada remember that protection of claims workers in the event of insolvency is a state obligation via a European directive 2008. alert and that the use of FGS “can not be held hostage to the decisions of creditors of insolvent companies.”

And alert that, in this case, the company has not paid workers and that even if it had, the FGS would have limited the forward part of the credits, becoming a creditor of the company. If the understanding of the fund manager, the Financial Management Institute of Social Security, was adopted, adds “workers could be irreparably penalized and disadvantaged” because the FGS “moved away before the mere promise to pay, embodied in any plan insolvency, would render useless the system introduced. “

The financial situation of Novopca came to confirm, moreover, that the fact that a plan approved payments does not mean that the situation of workers be safeguarded. The plan was not fulfilled and lenders required a PER for the company, the court recently decided not to approve.

TAF believes that after a court declared the insolvency of a company, the FGS “should decide 30 days after the request of the employee, whether at a later time come to be any insolvency plan approved. ” This decision gives some encouragement to the other ten employees of the company also filed claims against the fund and will eventually help clarify the understanding that the services and the Ministry of Employment itself have these situations.

Jorge estimated , lawyer who has some of the cases at hand, remember that the FGS “never distinguished between the processes with the insolvency plan and those declaring bankruptcy,” adding that the processes mediated by Iapmei, the FGS also pays credit to workers. It is a paradox, since these latter processes is also agreed a payment plan with creditors, although for such procedures.

Pottery Valadares, declared insolvent in 2012, is another case that is divide workers and FGS. The delay in the fund to 318 requests responses was the subject of a formal inquiry sent by the Ministry of Employment PCP in April 2014.’s Answer came in early July. The Chief Cabinet Minister Pedro Mota Soares undertook to require more speed services. However, justified the delays with a very similar argument to that used for the background Novopca. As approved under the insolvency plan “perspective is” the payment of all claims, such “determine the rejection of applications.” So reads the letter, “it was understood not prioritize the consideration of the appeal.”


Maximum temperatures will fall between four and six degrees – Pú




Maximum temperatures will gradually come down in the coming days, four to six degrees Celsius is expected for Friday and Saturday some precipitation in the northern and central regions, the weatherman said Ricardo Tavares.


                      “For today and tomorrow [Thursday] stipulates bit cloudy or clear sky and 18 and 19 (Friday and Saturday) there tends to be some rainfall in the northern and central regions,” said Lusa meteorologist at the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA), noting that there will be a change in the weather compared to what have been the last few days.

According to Ricardo Tavares, for this Wednesday is still expected a small rise in the maximum temperature and is expected highs of 34 degrees at Lisbon on the west coast between 25 and 30 and inside above 35 degrees. “For tomorrow [Thursday], we anticipate a decrease of the maximum temperature. Yet we have temperatures that may be above 35 degrees inside the Alentejo because the temperatures have been very high,” he said. Ricardo Tavares also stressed that as of Thursday, temperatures will drop to the generality of the country.

IPMA provides for today on the continent generally clear sky, presenting temporarily cloudy with fog or fog on the coast north of Cabo Raso to mid-morning and from late afternoon and may persist in some places the coastline throughout the day. It is also planned wind generally weak predominating west quadrant and a small rise in the maximum

As for temperatures, Lisbon and provide the Guard is 33 degrees Celsius in Évora and Beja 39 in Castle Branco and Portalegre 37, 36 Bragança, Vila Real 35, Viana do Castelo, Porto and Angra do Heroismo 24, 30 and Coimbra Faro, Funchal and Santa Cruz das Flores Ponta Delgada 25 and 23.

For Thursday Friday, the forecast points to generally clear skies, presenting temporarily cloudy with mist or fog on the coast north of Cabo Raso to mid-morning and from late afternoon, the wind generally weak and small temperature rise maximum. On Friday, they are subject to periods of cloudy weather, presenting cloudy in the northern and central regions, periods of light rain in the Minho and Douro Litoral from the late afternoon, the wind generally weak, morning mist or fog in coastal regions north of Cape Carvoeiro and drop in temperature, especially in the interior regions.

Yellow Warning due to heat

With the rise temperature on Wednesday, there are still eight districts of the continent under yellow warning, the most serious third in a four-point scale, due to the forecast of hot weather. According to IPMA, the districts of Vila Real, Bragança, Guarda, Castelo Branco, Portalegre, Évora, Beja and Setúbal will be under yellow warning until 22.00 due to higher persistence of high values ​​of maximum temperatures. The yellow warning implies a risk for certain activities dependent on the weather situation.

There are 14 municipalities in the districts of Santarem, Coimbra, Castelo Branco, Guarda and Viseu with maximum risk of fire. According to IPMA, the municipalities of Macau (Santarém), Pampilhosa da Serra and Arganil (Coimbra), potters (Castelo Branco), Sambucus Guard Gouveia, Celorico Beira, ovens Algodres, Aguiar da Beira, Trancoso (Guard ), Tarouca Tondela and Sernancelhe (Viseu) are at highest risk of fire, encompasses a scale of five levels, ranging from reduced and maximum.

IPMA also placed several municipalities of the districts of Faro, Évora, Beja, Portalegre, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Guarda, Viseu, Vila Real and Bragança at very high risk of fire. The calculation is done based on the values ​​observed at 13.00 every day in relation to air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and amount of rainfall in the last 24 hours. The National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) posted on Tuesday 68 fires that were fought by firefighters in 1133, with the support of 301 vehicles.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Beta Destiny corrre not 1080p on the Xbox One –

beta of Destiny does not run at 1080p on Xbox One

The information emerged during a live broadcast at IGN, in which the community manager, David “Deej” Dague, explained that although the beta does not meet the expected

1080p, the same is not valid for the final version of the game will be launched on September 9.

Concerning the version for the PlayStation 4, this will be the only one during the beta ( which starts today) runs at 1080p. The beta can also be played on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but as this hardware is limited, the resolution is 720p, the standard for the consoles of the previous generation.

Everything you need to know about Beta Destiny

Sotheby’s teams up with eBay to attract new buyers to … – Reuters

NoVs York

Sotheby’s allies together to eBay to attract new buyers market of art

Purpose of the partnership is to create an online


The Centennial Sotheby’s joined specialist auctions ‘online’ Bay to attract new buyers and lead to the great public works of art, antiques and other objects of prestige.

The goal of this partnership announced Tuesday is the creation of an online platform in eBay, which will be transmitted some of the auctions held at the headquarters of Sotheby’s in New York, users can bid in real time from anywhere in the world.

the long term, the agreement may be extended to other branches of Sotheby’s, which was founded in London in 1744, and eBay can extend your portal to other websites in foreign languages.

Nokia Lumia: Find out about the availability of Windows … –

Nokia Lumia 625 in free version of operator, the Nokia Lumia 625 on Vodafone and Nokia Lumia version also Vodafone 925 are for now the only equipment of Microsoft in Portugal that can install the Windows Phone version 8.1.

All the remaining 22 models of smartphones that are available in the domestic market and that will receive the update are currently in the testing phase, as stated on the official Nokia.

‘s tip, shared with the TeK by a reader, is valuable for users are not constantly check the manual updates
smartphone. So please look at the page and if it is already available, proceed to the update.

This is because the updates are promised for the coming weeks – a period that ends up being vague.

As Nokia Portugal had said yesterday, July 15, the day began to be Windows Phone 8.1 now available worldwide, “the completion of the delivery process for all equipment covered will take a few weeks and depend on testing and approvals of operators “.

Today Portugal debut in the Nokia Lumia 930, one of the first devices to bring home the Windows Phone 8.1.

Interface renovated and expanded as the inclusion of a center for the fast action some of the new features are guaranteed by the operating system. Most of all, the personal assistant Cortana, is only available to U.S. users.

  Written under the new Orthographic Agreement


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Polytechnics concerned with “insufficient” number of candidates … – The Associated Press





President of the Coordinating Council of Polytechnic Institutes (CCISP), Joaquim Mourato, expressed his “very concerned” about the “insufficient” number of applicants to higher education students, which has been declining since 2011.


                      The purpose of the disclosure by the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) of the number of vacancies available for the 1st stage of the national competition for access to higher education and that realizes a reduction in the number of candidate students, Joaquim Mourato defended on Wednesday an urgent problem resolution.

Universities and public polytechnics will provide 50,820 jobs for applicants to higher education in 1. third phase of the national contest 641 seats less than 51,461 tendered in the academic year 2013-2014. Also the number of applicants to higher education students has been declining since 2010, existing in 2012 less than 6739 competitors that

year, according to data compiled at the end of the third stage.

“What worries us and a lot is that the number of candidates remains insufficient. Not only for the institutions and for the country’s needs, “he said noting that Portugal has agreed with the European Union set a target for 40% of the population aged between 30 and 34 years, have degree in 2020.

“We are far from this goal. We are approaching 30%.’s a long way to go. therefore, we must seek to attract these as well as attracting a young adult population who are in employment and requires that classification, “he explained.

Joaquim Mourato reminded that access to higher education less than half of the students who complete secondary education or equivalent university degree . Next school year, pluck polytechnic institutes in the new higher technical professionals, higher post-secondary training, but do not award academic degrees, and for which access will be done at the institutional level courses.

“In the next academic year, we will open some courses pilot basis and in 2015 will be more comprehensively. Would training with short cycles and more profession-oriented, very technical and practical that can respond to the needs both of our businesses either a public that follows a route at the secondary level in vocational courses, “he said.

On the number of places available in universities and polytechnics, the president of CCISP said the fall seen holding up with the guidance and tutelage of the initiative of the institutions themselves. “On the one hand has to do with directions given by the Chief Executive. With the order of the Secretary of State for Higher Education [José Ferreira Gomes] which established that institutions can not increase the number of vacancies. Consequently, the limit would have a number of vacancies equal to the previous year, “he said.

On the other hand, explained Joaquim Mourato institutions in general, especially polytechnics, decided on their own to reduce vacancies by 2.5%, the which corresponds roughly 500 jobs. “Since the academic year 2013/14 97.8% of seats filled, was here a margin to adjust supply to demand and we have done that,” he concluded.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

We are getting closer to buying great masters of … – The Associated Press




‘re not quite there yet, but it will not be long, say the Sotheby’s and eBay, the world’s largest specialist online auctions. The two giants announced on Monday a new partnership through which arriving customers of each other repositioning themselves in the global market for buying and selling art and antiques online .


                     For now, from the autumn, the bet will focus on segments such as jewelery, watchmaking, engraving, photography, wine and the design of the twentieth century. Only later the new platform Sotheby’s still under construction within eBay will eventually allow forward and bid in auctions to lots reserved “ blue chip “, the most valuable, like those dedicated to large masters of ancient, modern and contemporary painting.

“The growth of the art market, the new generation and our joint forces make this technology is right for this exciting new opportunity now,” said Bruno Vinciguerra, Sotheby’s, quoted by Wall Street Journal . “Come join us with eBay to make our sales more accessible to the widest possible global audience,” he concluded.

is not the first time that Sotheby’s and eBay

trying to embark on this adventure together. During 2002 there was a similar attempt. Frustrated by the poor market response. Exactly like the attempt three years earlier, in 1999 when Sotheby’s tried to join with Amazon, which however, in the past year alone created your Amazon Art “It was too early,” Vinciguerra also said, “people were not prepared.”

oped Decade and a half, the growth of online transactions sector has become exponential. And not just as far in vintage products or luxury fashion: according to a March report from the European Fine Art Foundation, Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 2013 sales online represented only 5% of the nearly 66 billion (EUR 47 700 million) of the total global market for art and antiques; However, the same experts anticipate a growth of 25% annually in the near future – to say that in 2020 sales of art and antiques online could account for nearly 13 billion dollars (about 10 billion) <. / p> Reinforcing this perspective, New York Times also points out that between 2012 and 2013 the number of lots auctioned online by clients of Sotheby’s grew 36%, representing In the last year, about 17% of the total bids. It turns out that Sotheby’s will have about 100 thousand customers -. EBay has 145 million users, most of whom have never entered an auction or in an art gallery

Sotheby’s and eBay did not reveal details of the agreement reached. However, the Wall Street Journal states that this partnership appears to reverse the decision of the Sotheby’s 2006 auction indicated that would focus on its top market, the market blue chip . The newspaper also notes that more than half of the lots sold last year at Sotheby’s had values ​​between five thousand and $ 100,000 (ie, between 3.6 and 73 500 euros) – the mid-market, which You can be the customer find through eBay. Have the NYT points out that, recently, both Sotheby’s and its rival, Christie’s, made great sales online : in May, Christie’s sold a drawing Ricard Serra for $ 905,000 (665,000 euros ) while in the previous month Sotheby’s had made a record sale of 3.5 million (EUR 2.5 million) for a set of watercolors naturalist John James Audubon.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Collision between three vehicles near Sines makes four injured – The Associated Press




A collision between three

cars on the 120 national highway, wounding four people, one of which had to be removed by helicopter INEM, said source GNR.


                     Speaking to Lusa, source the National Republican Guard (GNR) said the road accident happened around 14h, the national road 120, at kilometer 12, near Breezy Point Couple, Sines.

The same source said to have been treated in a collision between three cars, which caused injuries to four people and forced the cutting of roads.

Although you can not specify the injury to each victim, the source GNR said that one of them had to be taken off site by helicopter INEM.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Government puts reducing wage inequality in the hands of … – Economic

Cristina Oliveira da Silva

 Government puts reducing wage inequality in the hands of companies

Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Equal expects companies are doing what it takes to solve the problems of wage inequality between men and women.

Teresa Morais speaking on the sidelines of social concertation meeting that discussed, in the first paragraph, the report on wage differences by sector.

The ruling highlighted how positive note that some associations “have recognized that there was some surprise in these numbers,” since would not, “until now, the notion that the business sector has to represent that wage gap between men and women.” In this sense, they can now identify what should be done in their sectors.

“What we hope is that you do not have to be the government to do everything, do not even have to be on the government to do what is more important, since it is an initiative of the enterprises themselves, it is not subject to mandatory government intervention, and therefore are the very companies that have taken this task at hand, “he said.

“I must say, and here it was recognized by the social partners, that this is an area that is in your hands do what needs to be done on these differences,” since “each sector and each social partner “have” here the possibility to analyze specifically what are the wage differences that still practice their sector, “said Teresa Morais.

” So, here is necessarily a proactive and a need to boost and initiative by the associations

themselves, including business associations, who have truly hands to solve this problem, “he continued. Asked if the employer partners were available to take this forward, the official said. “It seemed to me that were available to make this approach”

The government has already identified, however, some changes may be made. Teresa Mitchell recalled a measure which is already included in a resolution of the Council of Ministers of March and that “determines that firms that have higher levels of wage equality will have a positive rating in accessing EU funds for cohesion policy”. “This means that from the new framework, the candidates for EU funds companies see their situation positively valued if they have higher levels of wage equality, which means that will be an advantage over the other,” he explained.

addition, the Government is to “change the rules of the Equality is Quality Award”, awarded to two companies in two years. With the scenario identified in the report, “can not continue to distinguish companies that do not result from its practice respect for the principle of equal pay, in addition to being also contemplated this change the need to have women on their boards of directors” , advanced to the secretary of state

According to Teresa Society, the study will now be distributed to experts from academia to which it might “result in recommendations to the partners on practices” to promote.

Increase the minimum wage should have no significant effect on the wage gap between men and women

The minimum wage increase is not part of today’s meeting agenda, still ongoing. However, journalists wondered if the rise in the minimum guaranteed return could have some effect in reducing the wage gap between men and women. In response, Teresa Morais said that, “surprisingly”, the wage gap was recorded in higher wages “is precisely the lower wage levels they are more egalitarian, the difference increases as one moves up the scale of remuneration and therefore I do not think the effect was very significant there, “forward.

The social partners are currently making the current situation of the Wage Guarantee Fund and the active employment measures. The meeting only with the presence of various secretaries of state.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New project will distribute tablets per thousand students from ten groups – LUSA

Students and teachers will have their classrooms transformed into “laboratories of education using

new technologies: the EduLabs”, today announced the consortium E-xample, representing 26 national companies in the areas of learning and educational technologies after the signing of a protocol with the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC).

In the next school year, schools in São João da Madeira, Aveiro, Coimbra, Lousã, Lisbon and Oeiras have installed the Edulabs which will allow students to work in classrooms with interactive whiteboards, tablets or digital books.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Tab S on sale from July 11 – iOnline

two new ultra-thin Samsung tablets go on sale in Portugal earlier this month

Samsung yesterday introduced the Portuguese market the new Galaxy Tab S , in the sizes 8.4 and 10.5 inches, and with only 6.6 mm thick.

Both day 11 go on sale and will be available in two variants, with their associated prices:

• S Galaxy Tab 8.4 (16GB, Wi -Fi) – EUR 399.90

• S Galaxy Tab 8.4 (16GB, Wi-Fi + 4G) – EUR 499.90

• S Galaxy Tab 10, 5 (16 GB, Wi-Fi) – EUR 499.90

• S Galaxy Tab 10.5 (16GB, Wi-Fi + 4G) – EUR 599.90

These prices are for the free versions of operator. Versions of 32 GB should add 59 euros to the value of the known tablets. The three operators (Meo, IN, Vodafone) will also make these devices, but the prices were not disclosed.

Bet reinforced in content

The new tablets the company are clearly targeted at content consumption: besides the Super AMOLED screens of very high resolution (2560 x 1600) and energy consumption lower than LCD screens, Samsung has further enhanced its digital content offering through partnerships with various agencies of national and international media, including names such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Wired GW.

The content available will be free only for three months, after fitting the user to opt for continuity. Also to get the most out of your high definition displays, Samsung will also include these their new devices the movie Gravity, Alfonso Cuarón, winner of 7 Oscars.

Technical Specifications:

• Super AMOLED (2560 x 1600)

• Support for LTE (4G)

• Processor 1.9 GHz quad-core 1.3 GHz + (LTE version also includes an additional Intel XMM7160 beyond the Exynos 5 Octa)

• Android 4.4 KitKat

• 8 MP + 2.1 MP (front)

• 3 GB RAM

• 16/32 GB of storage space

• 4,900 mAh (Galaxy Tab S 8.4) or 7,900 mAh (Galaxy Tab 10.5 S)

• Support for microSD cards
