Sunday, June 29, 2014

Porchat: “The most successful sketch the Back Door in Portugal … – Reuters

One of the creators of the gate Funds Brazilian group that maintains the largest comedy channel on Youtube Brazil, Fábio Porchat awaits with expectation the festival with the group name that Lisbon will host between 2 and 5 July. Opportunity to see one of the phenomena of Brazilian mood in recent years, in an event that will, among others, Ricardo Araújo Pereira.

Porchat admits that collective Back Door never imagined get where he is. The success is so great that a few days ago signed with FOX, where his sketches will be transmitted, in addition to creating soon a series for television chain. And the movie is also in the plans of the group. Evidently, Portugal was not indifferent to this viral phenomenon that has arisen precisely because of the internet. Fortunately, now it’s time to physically see the humor in Campo Pequeno and the Cinema São Jorge.

explain your success in Portugal? The humor is really universal?
The language obviously comes easier because all Portuguese-speaking countries. So much that we are now also viral in Angola, for example. But humor is universal, no doubt. In our numbers, we do not speak much of any particular issue, where larger issues speak. When we make a political satire did not talk about a Brazilian politician particular, we talk about the general. Ie, people not only in Brazil, eventually understand. Or maybe not. For example, in Brazil itself, which is a continental country, a kind of joke is understood in the South and not North or Northeast. But our kind of humor is humor that encompasses a whole.

that would highlight the festival’s Back Door program?
I believe that the meeting of the Doors of the Funds with the public is the most important, something we wanted from the start. The door dialogues directly through the internet, which is what most approximates author and audience, perhaps the medium that most of us approach the public, after the theater. Therefore, it is important to achieve dialogue, even across the Atlantic. What we emphasize is the conversation that we have with the Portuguese.

Due to the crisis, many will have to choose a day of the festival. Which would you choose?
Can you go all, the secret is to save right now … (laughs). We believe that the festival will please everyone because we’re talking about series, sketches, we have a show with Ricardo Araújo Pereira … It is very comprehensive.

Q  ual was your initial expectation at the launch of the Back Door?

We thought that would work but not how it happened in such a short time. Became a phenomenon, not only national, but also global, so will we be next week in Portugal, overjoyed. Our expectation was that the thing grew and went well, but it never crossed our minds be in Portugal at the moment, for example.

The idea was always to use Youtube?
Yes, since the beginning. And take seriously the use of the internet, do it our way. We did not want to make the internet a springboard for television. Rather, all of us, members, came from television to the internet. Perhaps our secret has been thinking about the internet, the public Internet as it should be. We did not do a type of video that could go anywhere. We conducted a type of video to the internet, edited for internet, created for the internet, with performances to the internet. Youtube was our first idea.

What specifically intended when they started?
Making a type of humor that we could not do on television. The national TV saying that our kind of humor was not popular, and it was a niche that no one would understand. We sat and talked, “Well, we like this kind of humor and want to do this kind of humor. We will then make our way ‘.

What is your creation routine?
We are four writers, I, Fábio Porchat more Gregorio Duvivier, Antonio Peter Tabet and Gabriel Esteves. We all write sketches at home, individually. After we conducted a weekly meeting and each one reads your text. Immediately approve or throw away texts. Or each give an opinion and mexemos what we believe is failing. The goal is to leave the text in the most funny way, at least in our opinion. We ask itself:. ‘?’re Funny’ If you are, we produce it

there any video that is remembered with some fondness for all
about this? two years is hard to pick one. Everyone likes a particular way. Maybe the video is a summary of the entire team is the ‘Cut Expenses’, where we show how to make a video to the internet.

What video had more audience?
The ‘In the Can’. The video has had more impact in Portugal may have been the ‘Table Top’.

Your mood politically incorrect does not justify your presence on national television channels in Brazil? />

What is the best field for humor:. Politics, religion, Personality?
Everything generates joke, everything. Anything generates joke. The best field for humor is the total freedom

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