Monday, June 30, 2014

Coimbra develops project to prevent school failure – Science Today

Originally developed at the University of Mons-Belgium by Jean-Pierre Pourtois teachers and Huguete Desmet, entitled “Eduquons Polo ensemble avec le Lapin,” the projetco was adapted for the Portuguese population by a team of researchers from the Faculties of Psychology and Educational Sciences Education (FPCE) and Science and Technology (FCT), University of Coimbra (UC).

pilot study, which will extend until the end of the first cycle of basic education, involving 18 children, 3 and 4 years old, the Garden for children of Brasfemes and their parents and educators, plus a control group -. unattended (28 children in the Garden-of Eiras childhood)

 The study involved 18 children of 3 and 4 years old , Garden for children of Brasfemes

The study comprised 18 children, 3 and 4 year-old Garden for children of Brasfemes

The activities undertaken so far have guided for ten issues (one per month) containing proposals for tasks to

do at school and at home, under the guidance of teachers and parents. Were also held monthly meetings with parents and educators for discussion and reflection around the needs of children and educational practices.

The central figure of the project is Bunny Polo circulated between home and school, ‘leading and receiving messages and tasks that explore various skills of children and foster relations between the school and the family in order to optimize the learning (in the garden for children) and, more specifically, the acquisition of language skills » explains the project coordinator, Graciete Franco Borges.

The first results of action research will be presented at the International Congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies, held in Barcelona, ​​23-25 ​​July.

The Bunny Polo 'born' in Belgium

Polo Bunny ‘born’ in Belgium

Advances also a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Education at UC, ‘the balance of this 1st year pilot was very positive, and counted with the active involvement of parents, educators and children. This program, which uses innovative methodologies have been applied in other European countries and showed good results on the development of literacy and cooperation school-family-community. “

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