Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thirteen arrested and fined 435 in operation "Guardian Angel" - News Journal

Use telemvel, lack of seat belt seguranae are the main reasons of the 435 registered in fines operation “Guardian Angel” GNR, during which 13 people were arrested.

operation “Guardian Angel” was held on Thursday 13 and resulted in 435 drivers arrested and fined for misuse of telemvel while driving, lack of seat belt harnesses seguranae for children.

In a statement, the National Republican Guard (GNR) informs

that were subject to inspection authority conductors 6156, of which 269 followed without seat belt, 33 used the chairs for the baby and led to 133 talk to telemvel.


das13 detenes were due to driving under the influence of alcohol and four letter for lack of driving.

For the operation, the GNR in 1198 mobilized military territorial commands and National Unity of TRANSIT, who worked in areas where infrastruc are more frequent. Altogether, there were 500 actions, carried out on national roads, regional and municipal authorities, within locations and access roads to beaches and lagoons.

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