statements agency Lusa, the president of ANPC said he was concerned about the numbers released today by the Ministry of Education about teacher placement, assuming the expect contractors left out.
contest results revealed internal mobility were placed 10,826 teachers from 13,011 who applied.
According to data from the Ministry of Education, there is still 2,185 tenured teachers without clockwise and attributed more than 6,000 timetables to fill, taking into account the needs previously identified by schools .
According to the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), were also out all the 52,000 teachers hired who competed in the first competition of internal mobility.
In the opinion of Israel Paulo Csar, these numbers are indicators of policies that foster care has undertaken the “impoverishment of the public school.”
“And the impoverishment of public school it is above all by reducing the number of teachers”, accused the ruling.
Csar Paul warned Israel that the decrease of the number of teachers has been higher reduction of the number of students claiming one rcio reduction of 1% students for almost 7% of reduction of teachers.
“This idea that h more teachers relative to students at the truth because students tm diminudo, but teachers tm diminudo in number much higher “contended.
association leader warned that for the first time “in history”, noh one colocaoa 31 August teachers hired and that’s it “truly inhuman face of what teachers t m done in recent decades. “
Under the tutelage, at the September 16, when classes actually start, decorrero still tender procedures for filling timetables, but the leader of the ANPC said teachers “Esto cpticos much. “
revealed, however, that the association ac est. thinking about fighting for the coming weeks.
question, explained the union leader, a European directive of 1999 applied to the private sector requires that the fourth year of work, the clerk is integrated into the frame.
“This directive has never been applied to the public sector, even by the state, which should lead by example and therefore we will study with our members and with teachers engaged in general aces individual to bring in national court in order to be evaluated this breach of the Directive. “
added that since a few months ago the association does “mass mailing” of complaints calling for a European Commission investigation into the violation of this directive.
last year, were revealed at this time of the colocaes tenured teachers and 7,600 contrataes. There was less then 5,147 contrataes face 2011/2012 in the same period.
middle of this year held a contest to vinculao extraordinary about 600 years ago teachers in the system who are includos this contest today and the results were known, as well as teachers in Tables Zone Pedaggica (QZP).
zone pas deficitria more in terms of tenured teachers, the metropolitan area of ??Lisbon, according to data from the Ministry of Education.
Lusa / SUN
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