The bellboy “Funchal” est, since tera Monday, unable to leave the port of Gothenburg, in Sweden, for you have been detected “srias deficiencies” to level of security, which led authorities to prevent porturias to continue the third part of its maiden voyage, which should be taking place in the fjords of Norway, after starting in Lisbon August 6.
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deficiencies were detected in a routine inspeo tera held Monday at the Port of Gothenburg, where the ship stopped est, after a 12-day trip in the Northern Cape. “Encontrmos srias deficiencies in the ship. Had so much
inspectors found “dozens of defects technicians on the ship,” which include problems with equipment lifeguards who are not approved, the watertight doors close properly, and problems with fire safety knowledge the inadequate by the crew.
inspeo was suspended until the problems were resolved, and of course new inspeo for the continuation of the journey is permitted. Aboard the liner would be about 400 passengers, about 150 teroj opted to leave the ship, since noh any indication of when the trip (first seven days) may be resumed and return to port had to occur Monday.
“They estoa try to repair the problem. possible they can recover everything today but then there needs to be new inspeoe it takes a little longer. On have no idea or information of how long it could take, “he said on Wednesday afternoon, Johan Helmer, a representative of the company in Gothenburg. But on Thursday the ship remained moored in the harbor.
passengers realized immediately what was happening and some few even came to spend the night on the ship. But many ended up deciding to abandon the trip and is being compensated value, which can range from 1020 euros for a “deck” inside and 2900 euros for a suite.
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