Saturday, August 31, 2013

Five counties with high level ozone - Saturday Magazine


Five counties with high level of ozone



class=”UHDate c14″ 1 of 42 in Society News

Several districts of mainland Portugal are with a high concentration of ozone can cause health problems.

For Morning Post

The counties of Albergaria-a-Velha, Estarreja Murtosa, Ovar, and some parishes of Aveiro are exposed to

a high concentration of ozone which can be harmful to saúde.Segundo the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development Center (CCDRC ), in the season of Teixugueira, county Estarreja, was the area where there was a higher concentration of ozone per cubic meter of ar.A CCDRC points out that the municipalities affected are those of Albergaria-a-Velha, Estarreja Murtosa and Ovar. In the municipality of Aveiro Parishes in Cacia, Eirol, Axis, Nose, Oliveirinha, Requeixo, San Jacinto, Vera Cruz and Our Lady of Fatima, also part of the list of lands with a high level of ozono.O agency warns that values ??recorded “can cause damage to human health”, especially in children, the elderly, asthmatics and allergic individuals with other respiratory or cardíacas.A CCDRC recommends that intense physical activity outdoors in these areas is minimized, which the act o f smoking and use of products with irritating solvents are avoided.

More than 300 firefighters fought seven major fires - Porto24

 forest fire

Photo: SXC

More than 300 firefighters backed by 100 vehicles and seven airborne combat the six major forest fires that burn Saturday afternoon in mainland Portugal, with a fire in Satão, Viseu, concentrating most media.

information updated by 14h30 on the website of the National Authority for Civil Protection indicates that some 133 firefighters and 39 vehicles that fight the fire with a front active Two Churches / Ferreira das Aves, Satão county, district Viseu.

beginning on Thursday, this fire has had four active fronts, was dominated by 17h00 on Friday and Saturday at 12h25


Passaginha / Eja, Penafiel, a fire with three fronts ranging from 12h49 is being tackled by three bombers French.

site are thus 64 operating 21 vehicles and three air assets that replaced the two aircraft operated by medium bombers amphibians 10:20, informs the site of Civil Protection.

bush fire, which started at 00h30 on Thursday, was mastered at 5:56 a.m. today, but reactivated by 7:00 a.m.

Three fronts

fire plow also in the municipality of Montalegre, an area covering the location of Fafião in the Peneda Geres.

Twelve vehicles and 53 operational combat this fire, which started early this morning.


saw the skeins, Lamego, Viseu district, 42 firefighters supported for ten cars trying to catch the flames which are divided into two fronts.

In the same district, but in the county of Bigorne, a fire started at 11:00 on a front bush that keeps active and involved 12 firefighters and three vehicles.

Abogalheira / Puff, municipality of Marco de Canaveses, 41 operating 12 vehicles and two aerial means fighting a fire with a front active.

GNR attentive to return from holiday with the 3500 military operation ... - EN Official

Author: João Miguel Ribeiro

class=”createdate”> Friday, August 30, 2013 15:50

GNR will redouble attention to traffic during the weekend. For the return of the holiday derives more safely, operation ‘Hermes’ will put more than 3,500 military patrol. Driving safely will be the focus

of attention of the guards.

tore today the fifth and final phase of the operation ‘Hermes: Traveling in safety’, sponsored by GNR to regulate the flow of traffic and to ensure the necessary support to citizens moving this time vacation. Until Sunday, more than 3,500 soldiers will be deployed to patrol the main roads of the country.

orders are clear, as summarized captain Marco Cruz, quoted by the Renaissance, “will pay particular attention to dangerous driving, speeding, driving without legal authorization, consumption of alcohol and drugs, use of seat belts and child restraint and improper use of mobile phones while driving. “

operation ‘Hermes’ began on June 28, having passed since four phases. Between now and Sunday, GNR will be with careful attention to ensure that the return of the holiday derives “safe.”

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Teachers ponder ahead with court action - Sun

The National Association of Teachers Engaged (ANPC) yesterday accused the Government of being impoverish the public school through the reduction of the number of teachers and to be announced analyze individual aces in court.

statements agency Lusa, the president of ANPC said he was concerned about the numbers released today by the Ministry of Education about teacher placement, assuming the expect contractors left out.

contest results revealed internal mobility were placed 10,826 teachers from 13,011 who applied.

According to data from the Ministry of Education, there is still 2,185 tenured teachers without clockwise and attributed more than 6,000 timetables to fill, taking into account the needs previously identified by schools .

According to the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), were also out all the 52,000 teachers hired who competed in the first competition of internal mobility.

In the opinion of Israel Paulo Csar, these numbers are indicators of policies that foster care has undertaken the “impoverishment of the public school.”

“And the impoverishment of public school it is above all by reducing the number of teachers”, accused the ruling.

Csar Paul warned Israel that the decrease of the number of teachers has been higher reduction of the number of students claiming one rcio reduction of 1% students for almost 7% of reduction of teachers.

“This idea that h more teachers relative to students at the truth because students tm diminudo, but teachers tm diminudo in number much higher


association leader warned that for the first time “in history”, noh one colocaoa 31 August teachers hired and that’s it “truly inhuman face of what teachers t m done in recent decades. “

Under the tutelage, at the September 16, when classes actually start, decorrero still tender procedures for filling timetables, but the leader of the ANPC said teachers “Esto cpticos much. “

revealed, however, that the association ac est. thinking about fighting for the coming weeks.

question, explained the union leader, a European directive of 1999 applied to the private sector requires that the fourth year of work, the clerk is integrated into the frame.

“This directive has never been applied to the public sector, even by the state, which should lead by example and therefore we will study with our members and with teachers engaged in general aces individual to bring in national court in order to be evaluated this breach of the Directive. “


added that since a few months ago the association does “mass mailing” of complaints calling for a European Commission investigation into the violation of this directive.

last year, were revealed at this time of the colocaes tenured teachers and 7,600 contrataes. There was less then 5,147 contrataes face 2011/2012 in the same period.

middle of this year held a contest to vinculao extraordinary about 600 years ago teachers in the system who are includos this contest today and the results were known, as well as teachers in Tables Zone Pedaggica (QZP).

zone pas deficitria more in terms of tenured teachers, the metropolitan area of ??Lisbon, according to data from the Ministry of Education.

Lusa / SUN

More than 1,400 operational combat the four major fires - Pú

More than 1,400 firefighters backed by 351 vehicles, combat the four major wildfires that plow afternoon in mainland Portugal, with the fire in the Caramulo mountains, in the district of Viseu, concentrating most media.

According to information provided by 16h30 on the website of the National Authority for Civil Protection, the fire in the Caramulo mountains in the municipality of Viseu, has two active fronts and is being

fought by 878 operational, supported for 215 vehicles.

The raging fire from the 11h5 Wednesday.
also in the district of Viseu, a fire in the town of Two Churches, county Satão, plowing with three active fronts, mobilizing 269 operational and 74 vehicles.

In the district of Porto’s record also two fires, one in the municipality of Paredes and another in Santo Tirso.
Fire Walls is mobilizing 201 operating supported by 48 vehicles, while the Santo Tirso is opposed by 55 men and 14 vehicles.

The Civil Protection only provides details on its website on fires larger and involve more resources in mainland Portugal .

Friday, August 30, 2013

10% plan to reduce the consumption of drugs in three years - Pú

entered this Friday in public discussion the National Plan for the Reduction of Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies. The strategy, which will expire between 2013 and 2020, addresses the additions with and without psychoactive substances, taking into account the various life cycles and sets quantitative targets: the prevalence of drug use in Portugal need to fall 10% in the next three years.

the evaluations to the National Plan Against Drugs and Drug Addiction 2005/2012 and the National Plan for Reducing Alcohol Problems Linked to the 2010/2012 resulting in the option to extend the coordination structure to addictive behaviors that no alcohol and illicit drugs.

delay in submission of the plan is attributed to the change in December 2011, extinguished the Institute for Drugs and Drug Addiction and created the Service and Intervention in Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies (SICAD), transferring to the regional health in response to the phenomenon.

According to the document, the portal accessible health, “the strategy followed and used models are the basis of a proper public policy,

which needs improvement and investment.” Is then outlined this new strategy, assuming that the budget will not shrink.

The text is a kind of treatise on dependencies. Is very focused on reducing supply and demand. And it should be complemented with action plans based on diagnosis.

strategy, now under discussion, proposes that intervention to make light of the social contexts and life cycle. These cycles include pregnancy, prenatal, children up to nine years, children and young people from 10 to 24, adults 25 to 64 and seniors aged 65. The aim is to reduce all the dependencies of all ages.

The prevalence of alcohol consumption and illicit drug use vary by gender, the type of substance and age. Boys tend to try first than girls and use more over a lifetime.
Available data show how consumption can become problematic very early. It is estimated that between 2006 and 2010 there have been 222 cases of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome per ten thousand births in 2011 alone, have been diagnosed 12 cases of cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis in children up to nine years.

The aim is to reduce the prevalence of any illicit drug by 2.3% to 1.8% by 2020. Reduction goals outlined for the harmful use of alcohol are no less ambitious: in three years, the prevalence of drunkenness situations must go from 5.1% to 4.6%.

There are serious problems in the package Funchal, says owner - TSF Mobile


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There are serious problems in the package Funchal, says owner - TSF Online

‘Totally false’, so that the company owns the bellhop Funchal reacts to the news that account for serious technical problems on the ship.

company Portuscale Cruises says it is totally false that the packet has Funchal life-saving devices that are not approved and is also totally false that his crew has inadequate knowledge about the safety measures.

In a statement sent to TSF, the Portuscale Cruises ensures that all crews are certified by the authorities and that all

life-saving equipment is properly certified and accredited.

then goes on to explain the incident, admitting that there were two faults that were reported to the Swedish authorities at the time of inspection in Gothenburg.

The company that owns the bellhop Funchal speaks of problems with electrical communication with two of the 15 watertight doors, detected before arrival at the Swedish port, and assures that were immediately taken to solve them.

the next two to three days the situation must be resolved, says Portuscale Cruises, which emphasizes that the inspections are normal and that after re-inspection is sure that the ship will move on.

Rita Costa

Paquete "Funchal" held in Sweden with "serious deficiencies" in ... - Journal News

The bellboy “Funchal” est, since tera Monday, unable to leave the port of Gothenburg, in Sweden, for you have been detected “srias deficiencies” to level of security, which led authorities to prevent porturias to continue the third part of its maiden voyage, which should be taking place in the fjords of Norway, after starting in Lisbon August 6.

photo Steven Government / Global Images

deficiencies were detected in a routine inspeo tera held Monday at the Port of Gothenburg, where the ship stopped est, after a 12-day trip in the Northern Cape. “Encontrmos srias deficiencies in the ship. Had so much

that we decided to cancel inspeo” he said, a Swedish newspaper, Mrten Dahl, chief inspector of the Agency of Transportation Martimo.

inspectors found “dozens of defects technicians on the ship,” which include problems with equipment lifeguards who are not approved, the watertight doors close properly, and problems with fire safety knowledge the inadequate by the crew.

inspeo was suspended until the problems were resolved, and of course new inspeo for the continuation of the journey is permitted. Aboard the liner would be about 400 passengers, about 150 teroj opted to leave the ship, since noh any indication of when the trip (first seven days) may be resumed and return to port had to occur Monday.

“They estoa try to repair the problem. possible they can recover everything today but then there needs to be new inspeoe it takes a little longer. On have no idea or information of how long it could take, “he said on Wednesday afternoon, Johan Helmer, a representative of the company in Gothenburg. But on Thursday the ship remained moored in the harbor.

passengers realized immediately what was happening and some few even came to spend the night on the ship. But many ended up deciding to abandon the trip and is being compensated value, which can range from 1020 euros for a “deck” inside and 2900 euros for a suite.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Skype is now 10 years (seems like yesterday) - Morning Post

00000021-0000-0000-0000-0000000000212e1e5f22-6dd7-4f44-afd7-1762adf7e8c4Skype now 10 years old (seems like yesterday)

number of users doubled in Portugal last year.

skype-has-already-10-years-seems-that-was-ontem00029-08-2013 15:38:000 TecnologiaBebiana

Cruz was born ten years ago that Skype a service of voice and video over the Internet. This free service has 300 million active users worldwide.

To access the Skype you need to download the free application from the Internet to your computer, tablet or smartphone. From here, any user can make a voice call and video to the other side of the world.

This service has already led to more than 1.4 trillion minutes of voice calls or video, the equivalent of 2.6 million years of talks, Microsoft released the. <, br />
In the second quarter of this year were reported 162 billion minutes of talk time, which represents a growth of 41% yoy.

, In Portugal, the number of users of this service has doubled in just one year to be a very useful tool in communicating with distant family members and also for business calls. Already more than one million unique users in our country.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, Skype offers its users 30 minutes free access to Skype WiFi from 1 September to to 30 days. This service allows users to connect to an access point Wi-Fi and pay only by using Skype credits rather than pay for the download volume.

Skype, technology, Skype now 10 years old (looks like it was yesterday)

number of users doubled in Portugal last year.

7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20O Skype has 300 million active users around the mundohttp :/ / $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5 -4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee imagem_noticias_centro $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / $ $ 738d42d9-134C -4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_canal_destaque $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / -4FEB-88DD-FECB0766BF67 $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_canal_flash $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / / 2013-08/2013-08-29171332_CA967162-B341-4FEB-88DD-FECB0766BF67 $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_noti cia2 $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_grande21 $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_pequena21 $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_carrouselTopHomepage $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpghttp :/ / 29171332_CA967162-08-B341-88DD-4FEB-FECB0766BF67 $ $ 738d42d9-134C-4fbe-a85a-da00e83fdc20 $ $ 7c4148ba-bbd5-4df5-aafe-c2ad7e99fcee img_destaque_outras_noticias_homepage $ $ $ $ $ $ en 1.jpg/noticias/ultima-horaÚltima Time


Skype is now 10 years (seems like yesterday)

number of users doubled in Portugal last year.

By: Bebiana Cruz

was born ten years ago that Skype, a service of voice and video over the Internet. This free service has 300 million active users worldwide.
To access the Skype you need to download the free application from the Internet to your computer, tablet or smartphone. From here, any user can make a voice call and video to the other side of the world.
This service has already led to more than 1.4 trillion minutes of voice calls or video the equivalent of 2.6 million years of talks, Microsoft released the.

In the second quarter of this year were reported 162 billion minutes of talk time, which represents a growth of 41% yoy .
In Portugal, the number of users of this service has doubled in just one year to be a very useful tool in communicating with distant family members and also for business calls. Already more than one million unique users in our country.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, Skype offers its users 30 minutes free access to Skype WiFi from September 1 up to 30 days. This service allows users to connect to an access point Wi-Fi and pay only by using Skype credits rather than pay for the download volume.

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Civil Protection: Nearly 1,200 firefighters fight fires ... 11 - Digital Diary

Nearly 1,200 firefighters were on the ground, at 11:00, to combat the 11 largest wildfires, most of which are in the districts of Porto and Braga, with the zone Caramulo to continue to mobilize more resources.

On the website of the National Authority for Civil Protection is recorded on two fronts active fire in Caramulo, county of Viseu (Viseu), whisked 499 operations, including 452 firefighters.

To the place were deployed 139 vehicles and five airborne.


district of Porto, to combat the flames that burn on Top of the Village / Viariz since the dawn of Wednesday, the county Baiao, were mobilized 101 men and 27 vehicles operational.

Civil Protection, in your page, stood still fires Serra das Flores / Covelo, municipality of Gondomar, with 38 firefighters in Lugarda Grotto (Marco de Canaveses), with 42 firefighters, and place Reguengo (Marco

canaveses), with 11 men on the ground. In the latter case, the fire was given as mastered at 11:06.

Braga, in the morning were recorded fire in the bush, plowing since the night of Wednesday in Hillock, in Vila Verde, another in Leiradela (Póvoa de Lanhoso), with the support of a through air and has dominated at 11:24, and a third in Cardal / Moure (Vila Verde).

exceed 320 device was operational fire fighting in Alvão Park in the district of Vila Real, where they were displaced four airborne and 90 vehicles. By 10:30, the fire, plowing since the early hours of Tuesday, had three fronts.

Guard District, 111 were firefighters, at 10:00, to extinguish flames in Almendra, with the support of 32 operational vehicles, and the Civil Protection reported that the operation was running “favorably”.

A total of 131 operations were in Samões, municipality of Vila Flor, district of Bragança, in fighting the flames, lit from dawn Tuesday, with the support of 35 vehicles and two aerial means.

Digital Diary with Lusa

Skype: Ten years ago began the adventure of video calls - EN Official

skype A service founded by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Froiis introduced a decade ago, an innovative concept: calls between computers stopped being just voice and could also be done with video. The Skype bought by Microsoft in 2011, is

now ten years.

Ten years ago, Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Froiis had a service that would revolutionize the conversations conducted via computer: Skype video gathered to voice. The program became the best known and unloaded to make video calls and has grown so much that caught the attention of the ‘big’: in 2011, the company owns Skype was bought by Microsoft.

“In just ten short years, Skype has changed human relations around the world, helping people to do things together whenever they’re apart,” said the company, through a spokesman.

In the first three months of existence, Skype served about 1.5 million users. Now has over 300 million active users per month, it is not unconnected with the fact that it is distributed in more than 27 languages.

figures revealed today show the success of the program. In ten years, video calls made took 1.4 trillion minutes. If they were only two users would have to talk to 2.6 million years.

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Sony NEX and Alpha strengthens family - PCGuia


one move, Sony attacked with a full deck which has two new mid-range cameras, and Alpha NEX one and three lenses fit “E”, aimed at both. Starting with the NEX-5T, this machine, which is similar to any other family model NEX-5, is the integration of major new technologies Wi-Fi and NFC for easy pairing between devices and share content among them and whenever you want, using a smartphone or tablet as a remote control. The other features are the customary, as the APS-C CMOS sensor with 16.1 megapixels, the ability to record video in Full HD 1080p at 50 frames per second and support for any lens fitting “E”.


remaining machine was presented the new Alpha 3000, the first Alpha to use a plug “E” for lenses, although you can use any lens Sony, Minolta, Carl Zeiss either using plug “A”, using an adapter. Body similar to any other Alpha, this new model is distinguished by ease of use, then use the menus on the screen three inches equal to the NEX machines, electronic viewfinder, and a simplified layout of buttons on the top and rear panel, virtually all controlled settings menus. Account internally with a CMOS sensor APS-C 20.1 megapixel capable of recording video in high definition, 1080p FullHD at 50i or 24p, and a kit lens 18-55mm.

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In the field of objective, the focus is, of course, for the new Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar T * E 16-70mm, with a fixed aperture of f / 4 throughout the range. As you would expect with any lens Carl Zeiss, Sony hopes that through this model able to exploit to the maximum the potential of APS-C sensors machines and Alpha NEX-level image quality and sharpness.


Together with Carl Zeiss, Sony has also developed a high-performance model, the G series, the first time to fit “E”. Using a focal range of 18 to 105mm, with a fixed aperture of f/4.0, this SELP 18105 is equipped with a silent engine electronic zoom which makes it particularly interesting for those who want to use it to capture video in high definition. Finally we have a new 50mm lens with f/1.8 aperture, which is also designed to fit “E”, which ensures excellent image quality, typical of any fixed focal length lens.

Available now from the month of September, you can find all these equipments in stores at the following prices:

  • Sony NEX-5T (16-50 kit) – 699 euros
  • Sony Alpha 3000 kit (18-55) – 399 euros
  • Sony SEL-P18105G – 599 euros
  • Sony SEL-1670Z (Carl Zeiss) – 999
  • Sony SEL-50F18 – 299 euros

Gustavo Dias

PCGuia Editor of the magazine, with over 10 years in the technology publications. Big fan of all that is technological, science fiction and four wheels.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Logitech G602, new gamer mouse wireless is even more ... -

Logitech launches new gamer mouse wireless, name G602 , the new gadget will have greater autonomy of the market this type of product. It takes two AA batteries for the accessory work up to 250 hours without needing to be charged on a “performance” for games, and up to 1400 hours in a less demanding mode of operation, the “endurance”.

G602; New Logitech mouse has bold layout (Reuters) G602; New Logitech mouse has bold layout (Reuters)

mouse has 2500 dpi sensor and works with 500Hz, beyond eleven programmable buttons, bold layout and a small switch on the front to switch between performance and endurance, ie, between games, and activities of the day day.

peripheral hits the market in September, but begins to be sold online, at Logitech’s website later this month for $ 79 (about £ 190). No details about the model’s launch outside the U.S..

Check out a video of the product below:

Via The Verge

read more
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    Company launches new mouse unusual that comes with integrated camera

  • Kirata Mouse is designed with an ergonomic design (Reuters)

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  • Cross Desk production company wins thanks to Kickstarter (Photo: Playback / Red Harbinger)

    Company creates table for gamers format ‘desktop PC giant’
  • Email confirms arrival of iOS 7-10 of September -

    The information is being conveyed by the press based upon the alleged e-mail message sent by Nuance, the company that developed the wizard navigation used in the iPhone. The message is signed by Owen Williams and respect “as you probably know, iOS GA 7 will be released on September 10.” Confirms a date that was already being advanced by other sources as day escolhiodo by Apple to launch new products in the mobile area.

    However, as always, and whenever you approach a new release from Apple no other information that points to the most likely dates for the renewal of the brand and products to various details regarding the content of the presentation.

    The dominant information indicates that the next Apple’s presentation will

    serve to introduce a new version operating system, but the new iPhone 5S and 5C. The first machine is a model for continuing the iPhone 5, the second a low-cost version of Apple’s smartphone, long awaited but never confirmed.

    News advanced in recent days also indicate that Apple is forward on several fronts to prepare the launch of these new iPhone. Other information, unconfirmed, indicates that the company has been training employees for a program exchange equipment that will be active soon after the launch of the new model.

    Remember that the iPhone 5, presented by the latest smartphone brand, was unveiled on 12 September 2012.

    iOS 7 was presented by Apple in an event held by the company in June. As usual the roadmap brand launches, the version has been being tested by developers in beta mode.

    Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

    Wind and difficult terrain make it difficult to combat flames - the Minute News

    wind and sloping terrain are hindering actions to fight the fire which broke out at 00:53 today at Almendra municipality of Vila Nova de Foz Coa, according to a source of fire.

    “There’s wind and slope [Land] runs the fire walking on the side of the river Coa,” Lusa said the commander of the Fire Department of Vila Nova de Foz Coa Ildefonso Costa.

    charge said that the fire started near the town of Almendra, but “two projections crossed the river Coa locations spaced approximately 500 meters.”

    By 17:40 the fire progressed in an area of ??scrub “on two different fronts, one toward the town of Tomadias and another toward Chãs” said

    Ildefonso Costa.

    mentioned that to Almendra area where the fire started, it was requested the intervention of a machine to its knees so that the fire can be “contained” and dominated.

    The other two fronts active, the commander stated that his fight is being hampered by the wind, which blows with some intensity, and the slope of the ground.

    added that the flames, though nearby, had not reached the area of ??the Archaeological Park of the Coa Valley.

    According to the website of the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC), the burning of Vila Nova de Foz Coa mobilizes 57 operational and 17 cars.

    district of Guarda triggers another fire, Sierra’s Marofa, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, which is being fought by 55 operational, five vehicles and a helicopter heavy bomber.

    Paving the Forte da Bela Vista in Setúbal - LOCAL.PT

    SETBAL – The conditions of movement and car access in Forte da Bela Vista in Setúbal, were improved by an intervention led by the City Council which endorsed the paving of several sections of streets that neighborhood.

    intervention, which embodies an investment of about 12 billion euros, performed by direct administration, ie, using human and technical resources of the Municipality itself, constitutes a direct response from Setúbal Municipality needs evidenced by residents .

    work, recently completed, aimed at this stage, the redevelopment of some areas of the neighborhood that had deteriorated over the floor, such as a stretch of about 120 meters, parallel to Avenida Belo Horizonte.

    this operation, whose actions were executed in just over a week, the Authority also undertook to pave two other streets

    Forte da Bela Vista, in the west, cross the Avenue Belo Horizonte.

    Besides the application of asphalt masses, which helped to improve the conditions of access and pedestrian and motor traffic to the neighborhood, was promoted to regularize covers networks of stormwater drainage and domestic share of the new deck.

    completed this intervention, Setúbal Municipality intends, under the plan of road maintenance in the county move forward with the repair of other roads do Forte da Bela Vista.


    72 fires recorded since midnight - Pú

    Flames still provide no respite throughout the country: from midnight on Wednesday were recorded 113 fires in Portugal, according to information from the National Authority for Civil Protection. Data compiled by the PUBLIC, a database with available research tool and related fires recorded in the last 12 years in the country, indicate that 27.3% of fires started overnight.


    National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC), 12 were still ongoing fires, and ten of which were considered major and mobilized more than 500 firefighters, backed by more than 140 vehicles. Of the ten fires, five are in the district of Porto, in the municipalities of Baiao, Amarante, Gondomar and two in Marco de Canaveses.

    A fire in Amarante, consuming an area of ??grass between Murgido and Candemil was what mobilized more resources across the country: 115 firefighters (of 141 operational) and 38 operational vehicles. By early morning the circulation was cut on national roads 101 and 321, between the municipalities of Baião and Amarante, due to the fire.

    Bragança, in the district of Vila Flor remained active even started a fire in the early hours of Tuesday. On site were about 100 firefighters and nearly 30 vehicles. In the Guard, in Vila Nova de Foz Coa, overnight started a fire that is being fought by 29 firefighters, who have the support of seven vehicles.

    In the district of Braga, Vila Verde, also continues to plow the fire that started on Tuesday and another in the municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso has begun at dawn. In Vila Real firefighters try to control a fire on four fronts county Mondim de Basto, in Alvão Park. 68 are already in place

    fire, a total of 82 and 20 operating vehicles.

    366 fires on Tuesday
    On Tuesday, the ANPC recorded 366 fires that were fought by 6270 operating with the aid of 1724 vehicles. That same day we learned that the firefighter Bernardo Figueiredo, 23, injured during the fire in the Sierra Caramulo on last Thursday, died. Bernardo Figueiredo was the same group of Rita Pereira, Alcabideche a firefighter who died in fire fighting.

    The commander of the Fire Department of Estoril, Carlos Coelho, told Lusa that Bernardo Figueiredo succumbed to his injuries. Belonged to the volunteer fire for about five years. The commander assured, however, that the fireman had a formation “well above average” in fighting forest fires.

    For this

    Wednesday nearly three dozen counties North and Centre mainland Portugal with maximum risk of fire, according to information provided by the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA), quoted by Lusa.

    According to IPMA, are most at risk of fire the municipalities of Headwaters Basto (Braga), Ribeira de Pena and Sabrosa (Vila Real), Gondomar, Valongo and Baião (Porto), Resende, Castro Daire, Vila Nova de Paiva, Tondela, Sernancelhe and Viseu (Viseu), Sambucus, lumbering Beira, ovens Algodre, Aguiar da Beira and Trancoso (Guard), Arganil, Gois, Sierra Pampilhosa (Coimbra), potters, and Serta Vila de Rei (Castelo Branco), and Figueiró Pedrogão Grande Wines (Leiria), Sardoal and Macau (Santarém).

    fire risk determined by IPMA comprises five levels ranging from reduced and maximum values. The calculation is done based on the values ??observed at 13.00 each day of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and precipitation amount occurring in the last 24 hours.

    Keep up with special PUBLIC Fire and forests and see the weather forecasts for the PUBLIC site.

    Funchal fires destroyed 800 hectares of forest - TSF Mobile


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    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    State spends nearly four times more than in the fight ... - Pú

    government plans to spend 74 million euros to fight fires and only 20 million in prevention. For specialists, greater investment in prevention would reduce spending and increase efficiency

    The state spends nearly four times more in fighting forest fires rather than prevention. The National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC) indicates that this year’s fire fighting device has an estimated cost of 74 million euros, while the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine estimates it will spend close to 20 million in structural prevention.

    Altogether, 94 million are allocated to forest fires, 79% of which will fight and only 21% to prevention.

    This proportion can come to tilt the device to further combat, since the warning ANPC, the value for this year “is always subject to some adjustments taking into account mainly the weight associated with the extraordinary expenses” .

    Last year, the situation was not much different, with the fighting device cost 75 million euros and 18 million structural prevention. This means that 81% of the money has been spent in fighting against 19% in prevention.

    annual report concerning the fires of 2012, a document of the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry and the ANPC, explains the parcels included in the 18 million euros. The largest share (10.6 million euros) was intended to partially fund the 278 teams of sappers forest (1390 elements) and Group Analysis and Use of Fire (GAUF).


    infrastructure defense against forest fires were spending close to € 3.8 million, including the improvement of water points, maintenance of forest roads and running tracks fuel management. For reimbursement of local forestry offices were allocated 3.19 million, having also been awarded 400,000 euros to raise awareness.

    Francisco Rego, former director general of forest resources, the discrepancy regrets spending and advocates a more balanced distribution of resources between prevention and combat. But, above all, a teacher at the Higher Institute of Agronomy emphasizes the need to link the two structures so that the measures become more effective. “There is communicating vessels between the system of prevention and combat. Structures are very separate,” he stresses. And an example: “The opening tracks fuel should be made taking into account the accesses allow performing combat. But that does not always happen.”

    professor recalls that GAUF had that

    goal, bringing more knowledge to combat the large fires, and regrets that the groups have been virtually dismantled. “What there are some teams assembled at the last minute just to say that there is just this,” says Francisco Rego.

    Since 2011 these groups underwent a radical operation, having reduced the number of teams and also changed its composition. These now have less forest technicians specializing in the analysis of fire behavior and its use to fight fires.

    Pedro Carrilho, forestry technician in Mafra Hunting Reserve, is not surprised by the discrepancy spending. “Forest management and prevention is a more difficult job that does not have much visibility,” he explains. He adds: “There are many people who want to work in the forest.’s Not paid, nor socially valued.” The engineer regrets, for example, starvation in the new Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry. “In the forest there is a technical services per district that has no one below him.”

    Francisco Rego does not challenge the merger between the Institute of Nature Conservation and National Forest Authority, but regrets that the fires have been menorizados the new structure. “Before there was a separate direction to address this area, it is now integrated with forest diseases,” he criticizes. The former director general of forest resources considers that this devaluation results ironically the success of measures taken after the tragic years of 2003 and 2005. “When there is a relative success, there has been disinvestment in trouble like he disappeared. Which is why it becomes cyclical,” he believes.

    Paulo Fernandes, Professor, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), argues that the proportion of spending is reversed: “I should be spending more on prevention. And the long-term this would allow spending less in combat. ” The university awarded the little forest investment invisibility of this work and says, so it is easier to bet on the fight. “The forest area is extensive. Interventions mean an immense effort.’s A job that never ends and that we must continually keep.”


    Francisco Rego, the teacher UTAD considers that there is a separation of structures for combating and prevention that makes no sense. “Often, the combat does not know how to take advantage of prevention, using, for example, areas with less fuel that were subject to actions prescribed burning,” he explains. Paulo Fernandes maintains that “firefighters confined the fire to wait on the road”, with much reluctance to intervene in forestry which makes many useless infrastructure defense against forest fires.

    Fire approaches the Tibães Monastery in Braga - TVI24

    fire that broke out early on Tuesday at Mount S. Philip, in Braga, close to the Monastery of Tibães have already been mobilized to fight a helicopter fire to the place.

    In addition to the aerial device, the fire, which broke out at around 11:30, he said Lusa source Firefighters Firefighters in Braga, is being tackled by 35 men supported by 10 vehicles.

    In place of that corporation are firefighters, fire department volunteers Taipas and Braga.

    Source firemen on site told Lusa that “can not say that the Tibães Monastery is at risk, but also can not say that there is because it is no longer possible to make predictions.”

    In the course of firefighting, a firefighter had to receive assistance from smoke inhalation but “okay” as the account Lusa.

    More than 800 firefighters, backed by 236 vehicles , fight the seven major fires that burn in Portugal, with the fire of Oliveira Friars, in the district of Viseu, concentrating most media.

    According to the website of the National Authority for Protection Civilian fire instead of Feitalinho, which had been given as dominated on the night of Monday, rekindled this morning at 14:00 and had two active fronts being fought by 374 Operating backed by 108 vehicles.


    raging fire from the 11:19 Sunday.

    In the neighboring district of Guarda in a fire zone from the bush till 12:16 in the town of Vilar de Amargo, county of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo and is being fought by 75 operations, supported by 18 vehicles.

    In Vila Real, in the municipality of Vila Nova de Foz Coa, 107 operations, supported by 28 vehicles, a fire fight with a raging active front.

    In the district of Braga, there is a fire in the municipality of Póvoa Lanhoso that mobilizes 35 and 12 operational combat vehicles.

    In the district of Bragança raging fire in Vila Flor being fought by 91 operational, supported by 22 combat vehicles.

    In the district of Porto are registered two fires, in the municipalities of Valongo and Amarante who are mobilizing 169 48 operational and combat vehicles.

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Fires dominated in Amarante and Village Viçosa - the Minute News

    Fires Fires dominated in Amarante and Aldeia Viçosa

    fire that raged since 13:00 Thursday in Aldeia Viçosa, in the district of Guarda, was today given as dominated by 8:50, refers to the National

    Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC) in your web page .

    to that fire fighting was at 9:10 today, 154 operations, supported by 45 vehicles.

    At 9:10, the page ANPC highlighted yet another fire in Hawthorn / Candemil in Amarante, Porto district, dominated given as 08:30.

    Discovering new species of mammal - Express

    The olinguito and is the first new carnivorous mammal to be discovered in more than three decades in America.

    Liliana Coelho

    10:27 Friday, August 16, 2013

    Keywords olinguitoLife & Style

    On First Page

    A firefighter died this afternoon in firefighting in Covilhã - the Minute News

    Covilha 15 ago – A firefighter, 40, died today in the early afternoon fire raging since the 12:52 in Warren, municipality of Covilhã, told Lusa the District Command Relief Operations (CDOS ) Castelo Branco.

    Covilha 15 ago – A firefighter, 40, died today in the early afternoon the fire raging since the 12:52 in Warren, municipality of Covilhã, told Lusa the District Command Relief Operations (CDOS ) Castelo Branco.

    The same source confirmed only that the firefighter belongs to the Corporation of Covilha, refusing, “for now and until the data are properly collected,” go further information on the situation.

    Contacted by Lusa, the president of the Humanitarian Association of Firefighters of Covilha,

    Joaquim Matias, also confirmed the death of the firefighter and explained that it happened at the location of the weight.

    “was accompanied by three firefighters and tried to prevent the flames from reaching the homes that were at risk,” said this charge.

    Joaquim Matias also said that “for now” know the circumstances of what happened, which leaves the corporation Covilhã mourning.

    “The firefighters who accompanied him are being targeted psychological support and while I can not say what happened for sure because I myself still unaware of the details,” he argued.

    raging fire since 12:35 pm and according to the information page of the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC) at 16:12 remained active on two fronts.

    was being fought by 365 operating, 100 vehicles and nine airborne.

    CYC / / SB

    News By Minute / Lusa

    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    LG G Pad, an Android tablet 8 polegas with high resolution screen -

    The LG G Pad can be an 8-inch tablet equipped with a high resolution screen. Expected to more news from LG at IFA 2013 Berlin in September

    Rumors that LG may be considering a return to the segment of the tablets are no longer now, but information regarding their potential device only recently become known. known online for LG G Pad, this mysterious tablet device would be equipped with a 8.3 inch screen with a very high resolution (1920 x 2000), being compared by some organs to Google Nexus 7.
    class="c17"> Other specs include 2GB of RAM and an almost probable presence of a quad-core processor. This tablet will also be ultra-thin and ultra-light.

    are expected more news on the return of LG to the world of tablets in September during the IFA Berlin 2013.

    LG G Pad, an Android tablet with 8-inch high-resolution screen

    Genetic mutations of the 30 most common cancers were discovered - Tech & Net

    GenomeWeb News , a large international team led by researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute could create a catalog changes Genome signatures.

    According to the reports mentioned today in the journal Nature, the researchers gathered data from over 7000 genomes of cancer , with the aim of uncovering which profiles characteristic of genetic mutations in 30 most common types of cancer .

    This research has resulted

    at least 20 signatures mutational , which tend to be found in different combinations in tumors that depend on several factors such as the person’s age, type of cancer, exposure agents mutants have in their own DNA and so forth.


    more research is needed to understand the various DNA replication failures, problems, repair and mutagenic changes can produce this mutational signature set and thus prevent the onset of various types of cancer.

    According to author Michael Stratton, an investigator of the project said in a statement “This compendium of signatures of mutation and consequent results on the processes that underlie them, has profound implications for understanding the development of cancer “and added, with potential applications in the prevention and treatment of disease.

    Applying a method similar to the computational data exome sequence (efficient strategy to selectively sequence the coding regions of the genome as a cheaper alternative even more effective for whole genome sequencing) to 6,535 cancer cases as well as genomes 507 , Michael Stratton and his colleagues have identified nearly 5 million somatic

    substitutions, small insertions and small deletions in tumors representative of 30 most common types of cancer .

    Based on these findings to date, the investigators suspected that at least two subscription types are mutational play on most types of cancer. Nevertheless, they noted that some of the signatures appear to be specific to a narrow range of cancers, while others are much more common. For example it is known that chemicals from tobacco smoke or ultraviolet radiation respectively damage the DNA of cells in the lungs and skin and later develop cancer.

    Some of mutational

    signatures which are documented in the study could be explained at least partly by processes proposed in the past. One of many examples is that the genomes existing pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian they all had a type of mutational pattern occurring in the presence of alterations in BRCA1 or BRCA2.

    With this discovery researchers hope that the treatment and prevention of cancer are getting better. With regard to all those who suffer from this disease, this finding is seen as a new hope that a cure is near.


    About the Author

    Susana Dias Susana Dias

    Susana Dias is a student of the Master in Computer Engineering at the University of Coimbra and its areas of interest and Programming Web Technologies Follow her on Google +

    Wednesday, August 14, 2013

    Microsoft releases security patches for Windows and IE - Techworld

    vulnerabilities allow remote code execution and elevation of privilege. Three corrections were classified as “critical”.

    Microsoft released on Tuesday (13) eight security bulletins to fix bugs in various versions of its Windows operating system and Internet Explorer browser, and Windows Exchange Server.

    corrections are part of the monthly security company, known as Patch Tuesday, which happens every second Tuesday of each month.

    security bulletins include vulnerabilities in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows RT, Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010 and 2013 Internet Explorer that runs on Windows XP machines.

    Three of the bulletins were released were rated “critical” – the highest severity and impact of the vulnerability provided by Microsoft.

    The first bulletins, the MS13-059 fixes 11 vulnerabilities found in Internet Explorer –

    this is the only correct forward-browser.

    According to the company report, flaws allow remote code execution if a user machine to access a site specially designed for attack using the browser company. If you can successfully exploit the flaw, the attacker can control over the PC according to user settings – ie, if the user-victim has administrator rights, then the attacker will also have.

    “Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those with administrative rights,” says the report.

    The other five patches affect Windows and were classified as “important.” Two of them allow elevation of privilege and the other two allow denial of service (DDoS).

    addition of patches, Microsoft also said it will hold a webcast to dispel doubts of consumers. The event takes place on Thursday (15), 15:30 (GMT). To participate, simply visit the link / CUI / EventDetail.aspx? EventID = 1032540920 & culture = en-US.

    For more information on security bulletins, visit

    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    North Korea says it has made a smartphone - Pú

    phone Arigang, developed from the Android system, was shown to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un during a visit to a factory. Jong-Un was accompanied by the head of the Workers Party and the North Korean Central News chief North Korean (KCNA), suggesting the possibility of smartphone come to be used for propagation government information.

    The country has a network of telecommunications since 2008, after a partnership with the Egyptian company Orascom, but its activity is tightly controlled and monitored. The Asian nation had claimed last year that it had developed a tablet , although some sites have opened and

    examined the device have found evidence that was produced in China.

    smartphone Arigan, whose name derives from a popular song of North Korea, will not have been produced by the country, the BBC defended the expert Martyn Williams, who maintains the site Tech and North Korea already dismounted tablet and found evidence of Chinese manufacturing. “The device was developed probably by a Chinese producer and then sent to a North Korean factory where it was inspected before leaving the sale,” says Williams.

    North Korean citizens who have subscribed the only telecommunications service available in the country can make phone calls to each other, but calls abroad are prohibited. Internet access is even more limited, and it is estimated that only about a thousand people be able to connect to the Internet in North Korea, in a population of 25 million.

    Of the 100,000 who want to go to Mars only 32 speak Portuguese - Tech & Net

    Mars Mission One already has 100,000 volunteers to be astronauts with one-way ticket. But among all those who want to be part of the first crew to walk the red planet only speak Portuguese 32 and the vast majority comes from Brazil.

    Mars One mission confirmed that the number of candidates to participate in the first manned flight to Mars has reached 100,000 while the inscriptions have finished only at the end of August. But the project going to die to the red planet seems to have excited so than speakers of Portuguese.

    Indeed, the hundred thousand applicants, only 32 speak Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking Brazil is the country that most aspiring astrounautas have. are 27 Brazilians who want to be selected for the crew to depart for a one-way trip in the summer of 2022. Portugal ranks second with four candidates and Angola and Mozambique have one candidate each.

    parent project is the Dutch scientist Bas Lansdorp. Conference by Twitter on the 9th, Lansdorp confirmed the number of subscribers and stressed

    that there is still a lot of people working in their curricula and decide whether to pay the price of registration, which varies in different countries.

    Mars One project aims to place the first group of humans to live on Mars, with the launch of the first manned spacecraft planned for summer 2022 and arriving after 210 days of travel.

    Know Brazilian candidates

    Know candidates Portuguese

    Meet the candidate


    Meet the candidate


    parallel, produced a documentary about the journey based on the applications of the candidates. The film is 54 minutes and can be purchased on site OneWayAstronaut, but can see the trailer now. Called Astronaut Just Ida and explains the project ..


    About the Author

    Jorge Montez

    Jorge Montez is a founder of TecheNet along with Alfredo Beauty. Freelance journalist collaborated with multimedia content for some of the major Portuguese media. Was editor, reporter and editor of national newspapers Portuguese. He has a degree in Communication Sciences.